New Haven called “the Elm City”. Flashcards
making her the oldest artist ever to top the Hot 100 at age 78, later breaking the record once again one week later at the age of 79. The song also set the record for the longest period of time between an original release and its topping the Hot 100 (65 years), as well as the longest time between number-one singles by an artist: 63 years, one month and two weeks.
Brenda Lee
Rockin around the Christmas tree
MVP of the 1969 Super Bowl :
Legendary quarterback Joe Namath played most of his professional football games with the New York Jets. He was dubbed “Broadway Joe” in 1965 by offensive tackle Sherman Plunkett, a reference to Namath’s appearance on the cover of “Sports Illustrated”. Namath had played college football with the University of Alabama but left school without finishing his degree, to play professionally. Many years later he enrolled in Alabama’s External Degree program, and graduated with a BA in December 2007, at 64 years of age. Well done, Joe!
Voulez-Vous” singers :
“Voulez-Vous” is a 1979 song by ABBA that served as the title track for an album released that same year.
Voulez-Vous” singers :
“Voulez-Vous” is a 1979 song by ABBA that served as the title track for an album released that same year.
Castle stronghold :
In a medieval castle, a fortified tower at the center of a castle complex is known as a keep. It served as a final refuge in the event of an attack by an adversary.
was a boy band from Orlando, Florida that was formed in 1995. The name of the group came from a comment by the mother of band member, But, it’s also true that the letters of the name are the last letters of the given names of the five band members:
Justin Timberlake mom -who said the boys’ voices sounded “in sync”.
Justin Timberlake
Chris Kirkpatrick
Joey Fatone
Lance “Lansten” Bass
JC Chasez
The largest organ by mass is
the liver.
Skin by surface area
” is Greek for “want of feeling, lack of sensation”.
And that’s how we get our English term “anesthesia”.
Away from keyboard
In the presidential election of 56 he carried 41 states and opponent this many
Stevenson 7
Measures wind speed
An ebulliometer measures this in liquids
E boul e ometer
Boiling point
The Stanford Binet test and wechsler scale measures
Wex ler
A pluviometer measures the amount of this over a specific period of time
Plew v
Protractor measures
Degrees of an angle
It can
Mean to shorten by cutting off a part such as by dropping digits after the decimal point
Not exactly a science it’s a needless repetition of an idea using different words like frozen ice or close proximity
Classical music compositions in this Stanley Kubrick film include the blue Danube and this spoke Zarathustra
2001 a space odyssey
11 letter synonym for earthly
There are no clean getaways was a tagline for this 11 Ryan gosling film
Utah blue John canyon where hiker Aron ralston lost an arm
Was used as a location for this movie w out Aron
127 hours
In this 18 film he and his family are forced to use sign language to avoid being heard by blind creatures that hunt sound
A quiet place
John krasinski
is perhaps best known for playing Dr. Mark “McSteamy” Sloan on TV’s “Grey’s Anatomy”.
Also on euphoria
Actor Eric Dane
Euphoria” is an HBO teen drama show that is loosely based on a miniseries of the same name from Israel. Lead actress in the show is Zendaya, who plays a recovering teenage drug addict.
, literally “high dressmaking” in French, is a name given to the creation of exclusive fashions.
Haute couture
A couturier is someone who creates or sells such fashions.
This line of kitchen utensils and housewares is designed to be ergonomically superior to the average household tools. The intended user of the products is someone who doesn’t have the normal range of motion or strength in the hands e.g. someone suffering from arthritis.
The U.K.’s Auntie Beeb :
The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) is also known as “the Beeb”, a name given to the network by the great Peter Sellers on the classic British radio comedy called “The Goon Show”. Another nickname is “Auntie”, perhaps a reference to an old idiom “Auntie knows best”. As a result, the moniker “Auntie Beeb” has also become popular!. The BBC was founded in 1922, and was the world’s first national broadcasting organization.
Grin-and-bear-it philosophy :
Zeno of Citium was a Greek philosopher famous for teaching at the Stoa Poikile, the “Painted Porch”, located on the north side of the Ancient Agora of Athens. Because of the location of his classes, his philosophy became known as stoicism (from “stoa”, the word for “porch”). We get our adjective “stoic”, meaning “indifferent to pleasure or pain”, from the same root.
is a mixture of ground spices that is particularly associated with Indian cuisine. A typical composition includes:
black and white peppercorns
black and white cumin seeds
black, brown, and green cardamom pods
All of the ingredients are toasted, and then ground together.
Garam masala
are much smaller than CO2 bubbles. As a result, the beers are said to have a smoother mouthfeel than carbonated beers.
Nitrogen bubbles
Nitro beers
4 lobes of brain
The occipital lobe is one of the four main lobes of the brain, the others being the frontal lobe, parietal lobe and the temporal lobe. The occipital lobe is at the posterior of the brain and is named for the occipital bone, which covers it. The term “occipital” comes from the Latin “ob” meaning behind, and “caput” meaning head. The occipital lobe’s main role is the processing of visual information.
The limbic lobe, often referred to as the “emotional brain,” is a network of structures located deep within the brain. It plays a crucial role in processing and regulating our emotions, memories, and motivations. The area is responsible for generating feelings like happiness, sadness, fear, and anger, as well as influencing behaviors such as eating, mating, and social interaction.