lens opening (the aperture) Flashcards
traces its roots back to the Bank of Italy, believe it or not, which was a San Francisco bank founded in 1904 to service working-class Italian Americans.
Today’s Bank of America
Bank of Italy evolved into Bank of America through a series of mergers.
He received a total 1876 electoral votes for president a likely unbreakable record
His dedication for his memoir spare reads for Meg and archie and lili and of course my mother
Prince Harry
Back in 64 apple currant wqs in the original flavor lineup for these toaster pastries
Pop tarts
The First Ladies hall was one of its original galleries when it opened to the public on Jan 23 64
Museum of America history at Smithsonian
Andrew Jackson won the electoral college 99-84-41-37 but having no majority there lost the election in thr house to this man
Quincy adams
Electoral college
He won 304-227
He lost 306-232
Italian for cooked cream this eggless custard can be garnished with raspberries
Pan uh cot uh
Made with egg whites and coconut but needing not flour these cookies are traditional during the Jewish Passover
Mac uh roons
Anne-Sophie mooter is an acclaimed player of this
French inventor and engineer Louie blare e O wqs a pioneer in this field
The seeds of this tropical Tree yield a yellowish red dye that is used as food coloring especially for cheese and margarine
Uh not O
64 novel by Louise fitzhugh introduced readers to the title girl sleuth who made observations in her notebook
Harriet the spy
Members of Osage nation mollie burkhart and her family are at the center of this bestseller
Killers of thr flower moon
Brief history of time author
A Short history of nearly everything else author
Bill Bryson - else
Published in 62 it’s Barbara Tuchman acclaimed book detailing the first month of ww1
The guns of August
Capital of the Bahamas :.
Nassau is the capital of the Bahamas, and used to be called Charles Town. Located on the island of New Providence, the original settlement was burnt to the ground by the Spanish in 1684. It was rebuilt and named Nassau in honor of King William III of England (“William of Orange”), a Dutchman from the House of Orange-Nassau. Nassau is a favored location for the James Bond series of movies. The city and surroundings feature in “Thunderball”, “Never Say Never Again”, “Casino Royale” and “For Your Eyes Only”. Bond portrayer Sean Connery lived for many years at Lyford Cay, which is just a 30-min drive from the center of Nassau
English actor Ben Kingsley won his Best Actor Oscar for
playing the title role in the 1982 epic biographical film “Gandhi”. Kingsley was knighted in 2002, so if you meet him you should address him as “Sir Ben” …
Sneakers” is an entertaining 1992 movie that might be described as a lighthearted heist film. It has a great cast that includes Robert Redford, Dan Akroyd, Ben Kingsley, River Phoenix and Sidney Poitier.
Forest fronds :
Ferns are unlike mosses in that they have xylem and phloem, making them vascular plants. They also have stems, leaves and roots, but they do not have seeds and flowers, and reproduce using spores. Spores differ from seeds in that they have very little stored food.
Rockaria!” rock gp. :
If you listen carefully to the song “Rockaria” on the 1976 ELO album “A New World Record”, you’ll hear an “oops”. The introduction to the track features an opera singer who starts the vocals too early in the first take. The band decided to use that first take anyway, complete with the singer saying “oops”.