Rheumatology Flashcards
Human leukocyte serotype-B27 is risk for…
- Ankylosing spondylitis
- Psoriatic arthritis
Ankylosing spondylitis heart complication
Aortic regurgitation
Ankylosing spondylitis - signs
- Arthritis (sacroiliitis)
- Reduced spine mobility and chest expansion
- Enthesitis
- Dactylitis
- Uveitis
Granulomatosis with polyangiitis
Small-vessel vasculitis
Upper airway: nasal septal necrosis, destructive sinusitis
Lower airway: diffuse alveolar hemorrhage
Renal: microscopic hematuria with crescentic glomerulonephritis
RA cervical myelopathy (atlantoaxial joint instability) - signs
- Slowly progressive spastic quadriparesis
- Painless sensory deficits in hands or feet
- UMN signs
- Hoffman sign - flicking middle fingernail elicits flexion and adduction of thumb
Cord compression can occur from neck extension during intubation
Sarcoidosis - neurologic manifestations due to granulomatous infiltration
- Facial nerve palsy
- Neuroendocrine (central diabetes insipidus)
- Generalized seizures
Sarcoidosis - extrapulmonary
- Bilateral parotid gland swelling
- Hypercalcemia (1-alpha hydroxylase by macrophages in lung granulomas
- Constitutional (e.g. fevers)
Scleroderma renal crisis - treatment
Captopril - short-acting ACE inhibitor that can be rapidly uptitrated
Can be used even if creatinine is elevated
What medication should be avoided in systemic sclerosis?
Glucocorticoids - lead to salt and water retention, potentially causing scleroderma renal crisis
Initial treatment of dermatitis herpetiformis
Rapid onset psoriasis is associated with…
- Strep pharyngitis (guttate psoriasis)
- Medications (systemic glucocorticoid withdrawal, antimalarial, lithium, beta blocker)
Pemphigus vulgaris vs bullous pemphigoid
PV: Age 40-60, anti-desmosome, flaccid bullae, mucosal involvement
Nail pitting is specific for…
Psoriatic arthritis
Where are Behcet syndrome ulcers?
Scrotum, vulva - red open sores
Pathergy test - insert 20-gauge needle obliquely and assess for >=2mm papule 24-48h later
What does negatively birefringent mean?
Yellow when parallel to polarizing light
Gout: negatively birefringent, needle-shaped
Giant cell arteritis - feared complications
- Sudden, irreversible, painless vision loss - due to anterior ischemic optic neuropathy
- Aortic aneurysm
Causes of amyloidosis types, effects
- AL - clonal plasma cells
- AA - secondary to chronic inflammation
- ATTR - age-related or hereditary
- AB2-m - dialysis-related
Nephrotic syndrome (AL & AA)
Hepatomegaly w/wo splenomegaly (AL & AA)
Restrictive cardiomyopathy (AL & ATTR)
Carpel tunnel syndrome, scapulohumeral periarthritis (AB2-m)
Peripheral/autonomic neuropathy
Periorbital purpura, waxy skin, macroglossia
Amyloid transthyretin leads to what clinical presentation?
Restrictive cardiomyopathy
Amyloid light chain leads to what presentation?
Nephrotic syndrome
Hepatomegaly w/wo splenomegaly
Restrictive cardiomyopathy
AA amyloidosis leads to what presentation?
Nephrotic syndrome
Hepatomegaly w/wo splenomegaly
What is a risk of SLE, particularly with long-term glucocorticoids?
Avascular necrosis - use MRI since X-ray in early months is insensitive
Violaceous, sometimes scaly lesions of elbows, knees, and MCP and PCP joints
Gottron sign/papule, pathognomonic for dermatomyositis
Behcet syndrome - symptoms
Recurrent, painful oral and genital ulcers
Erythema nodosum
Vasculitis and thrombosis
Erythema nodosum - workup
Antistreptolysin-O Ab
TB skin testing
Chest x-ray (evaluate for sarcoidosis)