Rheumatoid Arthritis Flashcards
What are the normal functions of the synovium?
- Maintenance of intact tissue surface
- Lubrication of cartilage
- Control of synovial fluid volume and composition (lubricin)
- Nutrition of chondrocytes within joints
What is RA?
Autoimmune condition causing chronic inflammation of the synovial lining (synovitis)
Is RA inflammatory or mechanical?
Is RA symmetrical or assymetrical?
Symmetrical polyarthritis- Symmetrical and multiple joints
Is RA more common in men or women?
3 times more common in women
What is the pathology of RA?
- Thickened synovial lining which spreads across joint surface
- More production of synovial fluid
- Thinning of cartilage
- Erosion into corner of bone via activated osteoclasts
- Inflamed tendon sheath
What is Rheumatoid Factor?
RF is an autoantibody that detects the Fc portion of the IgG antibody
What are anti-CCP antibodies?
Autoantibodies that are more specific to RA than RF.
Often predate the development of RA
What are the features of RA?
Pain worse on rest and better on movement
Morning stiffness >30 minutes
Soft, boggy swelling
What are the systemic symptoms of RA?
Weight loss
Flu like illness
Muscle aches and weakness
What joints are commonly affected?
PIP joints
MCP joints
MTP joints
Cervical spine
What joints are never affected in RA?
DIP joints
- These are affected by OA (Heberden’s nodes)
What are the hand signs of RA?
Z shaped deformity in thumb
Swan neck deformity
Boutonnieres deformity
Ulnar deviation of fingers at MCP joints
What is swan neck deformity?
Hyperextended PIP with flexed DIP
What is Boutonnieres deformity?
Hyperextended DIP with flexed PIP
Due to a tear in the central slip of the extensor components of the fingers