Revolution: 1905 Revolution Flashcards
1905 Revolution
Society impact
• loss of faith in the Tsar after the embarecing Russo-Japanese war and Bloody Sunday 9th Jan 1905
Bloody sunday was a peaceful protest of 150K ppl led by Farther Gapon to show loyalty to the Tsar and ask for reform wanting
– a Representitive assembly, 1 rouble / day, food, ok working conditions
– trust of “little farther” broken when 1200 Crossaks kill 40 ppl by Narva Gates outside winter Palace
and 150 Dead at Troitskie Square
• October Manifesto 17th Oct 1905:
civic freedom and personal rights and freedom of conscience, speech, assembly and union
• Not realy any improvment on Ed, Conditions, hours or pay
only rights and political freedoms ect.
1905 Revolution
8th May 1905- Union of Unions est
– Fed of L-wing/ Lib unions
– Want full cival/political rights and universal suffrage
– Nationwide elections to assembly
– Full Legislative power for dramatic Pol Change
• 9th May - Peasnts Union, Want Nationalised Land
• 16th Dec – Mass dissmisal of All Politicaly Unreliable Local Gov employees
• 14th June Mutiny on battleship potemkin in black sea over moldy meat rations, 70 officers killed, ship flys rev flag, bodys dropped at harbor to pay respect but soldiers fire at them kill 2k, 3k wounded
• 24th July bulganin publishers plan for constitutional reform
– Sept 12-15th Zemstvo conference rejects draft demands universal suffrage Duma
• 13th October St Petersburg Soviet established the Direct the strikes
– 3rd of December HQ of St p Soviet surrounded 250 leaders Exile to Siberia including trotsky
– decreasing the revolutionary movement in the capital
– soldiers + artillery was sent to deal w/ Street warfare Moscow
1905 Revolution
• June 1905 Gen Strike in Odessa Ukraine
– Ppl of all classes strike together to support rev
• poland strikes: 400K 1905 Industiral strikes in heart of industry
• 300 killed in Polish Strike
• Poles, finns, Latvians and other national Minoritys demand Independence as see Tsar Grip On them is Waining
• December 1905 there was Jewish pograms
– gangs around the peasants for cross nationalities as they caused trouble for the next 2 years
1905 Revolution
• Gen srike Autumn 1905 2.5 Mill on srike
– 900k in 04 and 17k in 1894
• June 1904 = Putilov works strike (Becomes the Gen Strike)
– jan 1905 400k on strike
• 6th Oct = Railway strikes
10th = Moscow rails stop = gen strike in city
7th Dec Moscow Gen strikes
• 12th oct St P Gen Strike
Spet 29th Printers strike in Moscow
1905 Revolution
turning point?
• the creation of the Duma even if it’s powers were reduced symbolizes of political ideas in Russia especially among workers which leads to more radical workers performing and the growth of the parties
• peasant uprisings that were occurring because of the Revolution led to stolypin’s reforms which strengthened their support for tsar
• Soviet as well as the granting of the rights of Union, Tsar critically hasn’t avoided mass striking being repeated which becomes an issue in 1917
• the most important consequences Revolution was how the workers had more access to widespread political information due to the formation of the represented to do it with parties which eventually would lead the 1917 Revolution from being over conditions food and war, to a political rev
• however despite the reduction of the power of the dooma to deal being representative of political views it was not a Turning Point for the regime as Nicholas maintained control of the army
and the Revolution was not led or United under one soul goal meaning that it was much harder to gathered enough support to create a successful Revolution such as one in February 1917
1905 Revolution
What happened bloody sunday
After the Failure of the Russo Japanese war 1904-5
As well as countryside disturbances in the early 1900s and general dissatisfaction with the government’s inability to find success in its battles against Japan which it was promised there would be many
• the people of Russia began to demand action in the form of strikes trying to get more of their issues sorted out to redeem the government
• this led to the third of January 1905 where the putilov iron works and St Petersburg strike to over 150k workers this is because the workers wanted at least one ruble a day as well as good conditions a represented Assembly and Peace
• on the 9th of January 1905 father gapon LED a peaceful march of the people to ask of these things singing hins and holding icons and pictures of b
tsar to show their support and they march to the Winter Palace in St Petersburg
• gapon wanted to give Nicholas a petition stating the work as loyalty to them but still want reform that was asked for in the earlier iron strikes
• despite warning it still wins ahead however Nicholas was actually away on a holiday sumer home
– 12k troops broke up demonstrations and 40 died hundreds wounded with gapon at the winter palaces narva Gates they were shot by mounted crossaks
elsewhere in troitskie square firing made 150 dead with more wounded
this was known as Bloody Sunday and sparked rebellion throughout the Empire this led to the events of the 1905 Revolution
1905 Revolution
October Manifesto 1905 (politics)
• Oct Manifesto 1905:
– Change GOV Hierarchy (Tsar, Clergy + nobility, Upper house (Senate), Lower House (Nat Duma)
• Grant Civic freedom comma personal rights, freedom of conscious, speech, Assembly and Union
– Nat Duma, Rep for all classes, Indirect voting (Like in Pres Elec) for elected assembly to approve laws
– Duma = Partys from across spectrum: Rev: SRs (Split Bol Men), SDs, Libs, Other: Kadets, Octoberists
– Partys have voice= spread of ideas (likley oppose tsar, Fundemental laws decrease Dumas power but still have a voice of change to the people)
– Variety of Political ideas Discussed in DumaStarted By Union of Unions = Workers become Workers with Political Ideas
Fundemental Laws 1906
reinstate Tsar is incharge and Duma laws must be aproved by him b4 pass
– limiting their Power of change but not their voices
1905 rev
Stopping it and Makimg manifesto
• chairman of council of ministers witte said the Revolution was almost a point that would sweep away A Thousand Years of history suggesting reform
• trepov wanted moderat reform
• tsar’s uncle grand Duke Nikolay Nikolayevich Romanov threatened to shoot himself if there weren’t any reforms
• so 17th October signs decree promising constitutional reforms which terms into the October manifesto
• 18th October demonstrators argue for and against the manifesto
• povenostev was dismissed
– mutiny’s continued
– Durnovo replaces bulganin as the minister of internal affairs
• Trepov makes all workers go Home and call of strike (Even of Radicals dont want that)
– he says he will “fire no blanks and spare no bullets”