Revisin Flashcards
Outline three themes of Catholic Social Teaching
Catholics are told to help the poor e.g. give to charity/CAFOD.
Catholics Social Teaching promotes Human Rights e.g. don’t discriminate
CST encourages Catholics to protect the environment by being ‘good stewards’
of the earth.
Outline three ways how Catholics can individually evangelise
Share God’s message through conversation
Take them to Mass
Set up a prayer group
Outline three roles of the Magisterium
Tell us how to respond to modern-day ethical issues e.g. abortion
Helps us to understand which parts of the Bible should be read symbolically and
Teach us religious truths e.g. the Pope can make infallible statements when
speaking ‘ex cathedra’ (on matters relating to the church)
Outline three documents of the Second Vatican Council
Gaudium et Spes- the Church should be in conversation with other faiths
Lumen Gentium- focuses on the importance of the laity.
Sacrosanctum Concilium – Mass should be said in the vernacular
3.6- Outline three Marks of the Church
One-the Church is united
Holy- based on Jesus’ teachings and the saints inspire us.
Catholic- universal- open to all; anyone can join.
3.5- Outline three reasons why the Church is called the Body of Christ
St Paul writes that the Church is united as ‘one body’
We form a Church community and all have different roles, just as a body is
made up of different parts.
The Pope represents Christ as the head of the Church on earth.