It is a discipline of managing things in the best possible manner. It is the art or skill of getting the work done through and with others
it is a quality of influencing people so that the objectives are attained willingly and enthusiastically.
formulation objectives, programs, policies, procedures, rules and regulations in order to achieve the goals of the business
it refers to grouping together of people, establishing relationship among them and defining authority and responsibility that the personnel have.
managers must have technical knowlegde of the job to be performed and the feel for the human element of how people will fit in their work environments
it is a process of finding different ways to keep personnel productivity and motivated to achieved the goals of the pharmacy
it involves keeping personnel and other resources focused on the goals of the pharmacy and ensuring that they are used in a manner consistent with the policies established by the owner
it is the process of measuring and correcting the activities of subordinates and the company itself to assure conformity to plans.
the most overlooked management process
this role includes hiring, training, motivating and disciplining employees
a. figure head
b. spoke person
c. monitor
d. disseminator
e. leadership
resource allocator
a. interpersonal
b. informational
c. decisional
a. interpersonal
b. informational
c. decisional
liaison’s role
a. interpersonal
b. informational
c. decisional
figure head
a. interpersonal
b. informational
c. decisional
a. interpersonal
b. informational
c. decisional
creator and innovator
a. liaison’s role
b. entrepreneurship
c. negotiator
d. disturbance handler
e. reource allocator
bargaining and negotiations with outsiders and insiders for what benefit his own department
a. liaison’s role
b. entrepreneurship
c. negotiator
d. disturbance handler
e. reource allocator
takes corrective actions to problems
a. liaison’s role
b. entrepreneurship
c. negotiator
d. disturbance handler
e. reource allocator
disturbance handler
has an open-door policy
a. liaison’s role
b. entrepreneurship
c. negotiator
d. disturbance handler
e. resource allocator
resource allocator
passes information
a. figure head
b. spoke person
c. monitor
d. disseminator
e. leadership
speak on behalf of organization
a. figure head
b. spoke person
c. monitor
d. disseminator
e. leadership
spoke person
role model
a. figure head
b. spoke person
c. monitor
d. disseminator
e. leadership
figure head
a. figure head
b. spoke person
c. monitor
d. disseminator
e. leadership
controlling is the manager’s fail-safe mechnism it identifis problems and opportunities in their early stages
true or false
leadership is the art or skill of getting the work done in the best possible manner
true or false
directing is a challenging task often separately component from less skilled managers
true or false
delegating is the sum of the rights and power assigned to a position
true or false
when employees are proud or their organization they would likely behave unethically
true or false
leadership is not the same as management. it is one of the major elements of management
true or false
common mistakes in smaller pharmacies is for the manager to assumes that all employees understand their individual task
true or false
through the different roles of a manager are discussed separately for convinience, they are in fact inseparable
true or false
management is a process of bringing together resources and unites them to achieve the goals in an organization
true or false
top managers are involve in the operations of the whole organization
true or false
results from kindness and justice
a. division of work
b. unity command
c. schalar chain
d. order
e. simplicity
ab. span of control
ac. unity of drection
ad. stability of tenure
ae. spirit de corps
bc. equity
bd. parity of authority & responsibility
be. cintralization
cd. subordination of individual interest to general interest
ce. enumeration
there should be one boss and one plan for a group of activities having the same objectives
a. division of work
b. unity command
c. schalar chain
d. order
e. simplicity
ab. span of control
ac. unity of direction
ad. stability of tenure
ae. spirit de corps
bc. equity
bd. parity of authority & responsibility
be. cintralization
cd. subordination of individual interest to general interest
ce. enumeration
unity direction
work specialization is the best way to use the human resources of the organization
a. division of work
b. unity command
c. schalar chain
d. order
e. simplicity
ab. span of control
ac. unity of drection
ad. stability of tenure
ae. spirit de corps
bc. equity
bd. parity of authority & responsibility
be. cintralization
cd. subordination of individual interest to general interest
ce. enumeration
division of work
employees should be given enough time and period to prove his worth to the company
a. division of work
b. unity command
c. schalar chain
d. order
e. simplicity
ab. span of control
ac. unity of drection
ad. stability of tenure
ae. spirit de corps
bc. equity
bd. parity of authority & responsibility
be. cintralization
cd. subordination of individual interest to general interest
ce. enumeration
stability of tenure
the principle explains that in union is there is strength
a. division of work
b. unity command
c. schalar chain
d. order
e. simplicity
ab. span of control
ac. unity of drection
ad. stability of tenure
ae. spirit de corps
bc. equity
bd. parity of authority & responsibility
be. cintralization
cd. subordination of individual interest to general interest
ce. enumeration
espirit de corps
the interest of one employee or group employees should not prevail over the interest of the business
a. division of work
b. unity command
c. schalar chain
d. order
e. simplicity
ab. span of control
ac. unity of drection
ad. stability of tenure
ae. spirit de corps
bc. equity
bd. parity of authority & responsibility
be. cintralization
cd. subordination of individual interest to general interest
ce. enumeration
subordination of individual interest to general interest
every employee should be recieve orders from only one superior
a. division of work
b. unity command
c. schalar chain
d. order
e. simplicity
ab. span of control
ac. unity of drection
ad. stability of tenure
ae. spirit de corps
bc. equity
bd. parity of authority & responsibility
be. cintralization
cd. subordination of individual interest to general interest
ce. renumeration
unity command
elimination of unnecessary elements from all activities
a. division of work
b. unity command
c. schalar chain
d. order
e. simplicity
ab. span of control
ac. unity of drection
ad. stability of tenure
ae. spirit de corps
bc. equity
bd. parity of authority & responsibility
be. cintralization
cd. subordination of individual interest to general interest
ce. renumeration
based on the principle equal pay for equal work
a. division of work
b. unity command
c. schalar chain
d. order
e. simplicity
ab. span of control
ac. unity of drection
ad. stability of tenure
ae. spirit de corps
bc. equity
bd. parity of authority & responsibility
be. cintralization
cd. subordination of individual interest to general interest
ce. renumeration
ensure that there is a place for everything
a. division of work
b. unity command
c. schalar chain
d. order
e. simplicity
ab. span of control
ac. unity of drection
ad. stability of tenure
ae. spirit de corps
bc. equity
bd. parity of authority & responsibility
be. cintralization
cd. subordination of individual interest to general interest
ce. renumeration
this statement should make people think and should be motivate people to strive for something greater
vision or mission
this is the purpose of the company
vision or mission
this act as both the beggining point and the point
vision or mission
it helps to differentiate the company to others
vission or mission
it is a statement of the present going ahead into the near future
vision or mission
in any organizational structure, ultimate authority rest at the top and flows downward
a. division of work
b. unity command
c. schalar chain
d. order
e. simplicity
ab. span of control
ac. unity of drection
ad. stability of tenure
ae. spirit de corps
bc. equity
bd. parity of authority & responsibility
be. cintralization
cd. subordination of individual interest to general interest
ce. renumeration
scalar chain
assignment of specialized jobs to various departments and/or position
a. division of work
b. unity command
c. schalar chain
d. order
e. simplicity
ab. span of control
ac. unity of drection
ad. stability of tenure
ae. spirit de corps
bc. equity
bd. parity of authority & responsibility
be. cintralization
cd. subordination of individual interest to general interest
ce. renumeration
division of work
managers must be able to give orders
a. division of work
b. unity command
c. schalar chain
d. order
e. simplicity
ab. span of control
ac. unity of drection
ad. stability of tenure
ae. spirit de corps
bc. equity
bd. parity of authority & responsibility
be. cintralization
cd. subordination of individual interest to general interest
ce. renumeration
parity of authority & responsibility
the specific and limited number of subordinates that a manager can effectively handle and control
a. division of work
b. unity command
c. schalar chain
d. order
e. simplicity
ab. span of control
ac. unity of drection
ad. stability of tenure
ae. spirit de corps
bc. equity
bd. parity of authority & responsibility
be. cintralization
cd. subordination of individual interest to general interest
ce. renumeration
span control
it emphasize the need for teamwork and the importance of communication in obtaining it.
a. division of work
b. unity command
c. schalar chain
d. order
e. simplicity
ab. span of control
ac. unity of drection
ad. stability of tenure
ae. spirit de corps
bc. equity
bd. parity of authority & responsibility
be. cintralization
cd. subordination of individual interest to general interest
ce. renumeration
espirit de corps
scopes of the limits to authority and responsibility must be well delineated on papers
a. division of work
b. unity command
c. schalar chain
d. order
e. simplicity
ab. span of control
ac. unity of drection
ad. stability of tenure
ae. spirit de corps
bc. equity
bd. parity of authority & responsibility
be. cintralization
cd. subordination of individual interest to general interest
ce. renumeration
scalar chain
the principle states that there are only so many employees a manager can effectively supervise
a. division of work
b. unity command
c. schalar chain
d. order
e. simplicity
ab. span of control
ac. unity of drection
ad. stability of tenure
ae. spirit de corps
bc. equity
bd. parity of authority & responsibility
be. cintralization
cd. subordination of individual interest to general interest
ce. renumeration
span of control
to determine the feasibility of a specific business or program
a. strategic
b. operational
c. business
d. resource
e. organizational
ab. contingency
viewpoint is external— how the organization interact with or controls its environment
a. strategic
b. operational
c. business
d. resource
e. organizational
ab. contingency
it serves as a basis for customizing a sturcture to meet the preference of the ower and the goals of the pharmacy
formal or informal
it can strengthen the cohesiveness within the pharmacy and it can increase the chances of goal achievement for all
formal or informal
it is the rights to give others orders and the power to exact obedience
a. behaviorist/social sciencist
b. traditonal
c. functional
they believed that authority is given by subordinate to superior
a. behaviorist/social sciencist
b. traditonal
c. functional
behaviorist/social sciencist
authority based on expertise and specialization
a. behaviorist/social sciencist
b. traditonal
c. functional
is the answerability of the obligation to perform the delegated responsibility and to exercise te authority for the proper performance of the work
a. responsibility
b. authority
c. Accountability
refers to the power or the right to be obeyed. It is
the sum of the power and rights entrusted to make possible the
performance of the work delegated.
a. responsibility
b. authority
c. Accountability
this is the work or duty assigned to a particular
a. responsibility
b. authority
c. Accountability
It is the process of entrusting and transferring responsibility and
authority by the top management to the lowest level.
It is applied to situations where there is considerable diversity in jobs and skills required to perform them satisfactorily.
a. Organization by Function
b. Organization by Number
c. Organization by Time
d. Line-and-Staff Organization
Organization by function
A homogenous group of employees (e.g. pharmacists, technician) that is too large to be effectively supervised by one person can be grouped on the basis of numbers.
a. Organization by Function
b. Organization by Number
c. Organization by Time
d. Line-and-Staff Organization
Organization by number
One of the easiest methods for organizing a homogenous group of employees is on the basis of their working hours.
a. Organization by Function
b. Organization by Number
c. Organization by Time
d. Line-and-Staff Organization
Organization time
This form of organization is the most common for larger pharmacies that have
experienced degree of success
a. Organization by Function
b. Organization by Number
c. Organization by Time
d. Line-and-Staff Organization
Line and staff organization
Line management still is held responsible for the operations of the business, but are now assisted by technical specialists.
a. Organization by Function
b. Organization by Number
c. Organization by Time
d. Line-and-Staff Organization
Line and staff organization
Diagram or drawing showing the important aspects of the
a. Departmentalization
b. Division of Labor
c. Spatial Differentiation
c. Organizational Chart
Organizational chart
One of the advantages of having departments is that the individuals
in a department share a common vocabulary and training and
a. Departmentalization
b. Division of Labor
c. Spatial Differentiation
d. Organizational Chart
This can be seen in pharmacy when there is a separation of
pharmacists into those who only participate in dispensing functions
and those who only participate in clinical functions.
a. Departmentalization
b. Division of Labor
c. Spatial Differentiation
d. Organizational Chart
Division of labor
It is the degree to which the location of an organization‘s units is
in one place or spread across several locations.
a. Departmentalization
b. Division of Labor
c. Spatial Differentiation
d. Organizational Chart
Spatial differentiation
the degree to which the behavior of organizational members is subject to organizational control
a. Procedural specifications
b. Impersonality
c. Technical competence
d. Presence of rules
Presence of rules
the extent to which organizationally defined ―universal standards are used in the personnel selection and advancement process
a. Procedural specifications
b. Impersonality
c. Technical competence
d. Presence of rules
Technical competence
the extent to which both organization members and outsiders are treated without regard to individual qualities.
a. Procedural specifications
b. Impersonality
c. Technical competence
d. Presence of rules
refers to the
degree to which units are dissimilar.
a. Centralization
b. Differentiation
c. Formalization
refers to the degree to which
jobs in the organization are standardized
a. Centralization
b. Differentiation
c. Formalization
refers to extent to which
decision making is concentrated at a single point in the organization.
a. Centralization
b. Differentiation
c. Formalization