Mod2 Flashcards
It is the process of thinking about and organizing the activities required to achieve a desired goal.
Assignment of specialized jobs
to various departments and/or positions.
Work specialization is the best
way to use the human resources
of the organization.
Division of work
The specific and limited number of subordinates that a manager
can effectively handle and control
Span control
The principle of span of control states that there are only so many
employees a manager can effectively supervise.
Span control
Every employee should
receive orders from only one
Unity command
There should be one boss and
one plan for a group of activities
having the same objective.
Unity direction
In any organizational structure,
ultimate authority rests at the top
and flows downward.
Scalar chain
Scopes of the limits to authority
and responsibility must be well
delineated on paper as well as in
the minds and actions of
employers and employees.
Scalar chain
This is especially true in hospitals
where there potentially can be
many “bosses” – hospital
administrators, physicians serving
as chiefs of staffs, etc.
Scalar chain
are established at organizational, departmental, or individual level. It has something to do with the direction in which an individual or organization wants to move.
prescribes a definite scope and
suggests direction to maximize the efforts of a manager.
This principle explains that “in
union there is strength”.
It emphasizes the need for
teamwork and the importance of
communication in obtaining it.
Esprit de corps
Employees should be given
enough time and period to prove
his worth to the company.
Stability of tenure
This can be applied through
probationary appointment.
Stability of tenure
The interest of one employee or
group of employees should not
prevail over the interest of the
Subordination of Individual
interest to General interest
Unnecessary elements should
be eliminated from all activities
as well as from the process and
procedures established for
carrying them
Ensure that there is a place for
It results from kindness and
The method of payment should
be fair and should afford the
maximum possible satisfaction
to employees and employer.
This principle is based on “equal
pay for equal work”.
To determine the feasibility of a
specific business or program.
Business planning is used to
make a decision about investing
in and moving forward with a
To ensure the resources
necessary to achieve the goals
and strategy of the organization.
Resource planning can be comp
rehensive (all resources needed
to achieve goals and strategic
plan of the organization) or can
focus on a specific type of
To ensure that the organization
is doing the right things.
Addresses what business the
organization is in, or ought to be
in, provides a framework for
more detailed planning and day-
to- day decisions.
To ensure that the organization
is prepared perform the
immediate tasks and objectives
to meet the goals and strategy of
the organization. To ensure that the organization is doing things right.
To ensure that an organization is
organized appropriately to meet
the challenges of the future.
Key elements include reporting
relationships, definition of
responsibilities, and definition of
To provide a fall back option or
direction should the original
strategy of the organization fail
or should something unexpected
occur. It can occur for a specific
anticipated situation, the most
common of which are business-
related crises (such as a labor st
rike), natural disasters, and
changes in management
It is the process of mapping out the actions necessary to accomplish short-term objectives.
Operational planning
It focuses on determining the day-to-day activities that are necessary to achieve the long-term goals of the organization.
Operational planning
Strategic planning defines what to do, and operational planning defines how to do it. The operational plan is an outline of the tactical activities or tasks that must occur to support and implement the strategic plan—sometimes called
Operational planning
The mission is the purpose of the company.
The mission statement defines what the company does or is.
It is a statement of the present going ahead into the near future.
It is a document written to create a sense of purpose for customers and employees.
The mission statement should be short—usually no more than two
It focuses on the common purpose of the organization and may draw
from the values or beliefs held by the organization.
The mission statement should help to differentiate the company from
others that provide the same products or services.
Some organizations include in the mission statement not only what the company does but also how it does it - essentially the differentiating point.
French Industrialist
Henry fayol
He provided the “14 Principles of
Henry fayol