- Which Hydraulic System(s) normally power the primary flight controls?
-Both System A and B
- The loss of Hydraulic Systems A and B will render which spoiler panels inoperative?
-all of them
- How do ailerons and elevators operate with the loss of both Hydraulic Systems A and B?
- What happens when the FLT CONTROL A switch is positioned to STBY RUD?
-activates the Standby Hydraulic system and opens the Standby Rudder Shutoff Valve (allows the standby hydraulic system to pressure the Standby Rudder PCU)
- What powers the rudder during Manual Reversion?
The rudder may be operated by the Standby Hydraulic System if System A and System B pressure is not available.
NOTE: There are no provisions for manual operation of the rudder.
- Which are the roll control surfaces and how are they powered?
-Ailerons and spoilers and both are hydraulically powered
- What happens when a single AILERON trim switch is pushed?
-nothing, it requires both switches to move together
- How many degrees of control wheel displacement initiates spoiler deflection
-10 degrees
- Why is aileron trim prohibited with the autopilot engaged?
-can result in an out of trim condition and an abrupt rolling movement when the autopilot is disconnected
- Which Flight Control Switch(es) are used for maintenance purposes only?
-the spoiler switches
- With a jammed or restricted Spoiler System, how is roll controlled?
-The captain’s control wheel will control ailerons only
- With a jammed or restricted Aileron System, how is roll controlled?
-The FO’s control wheel will control spoilers only
- What does an illuminated FEEL DIFF PRESS light (amber) indicate?
-excessive differential pressure within the Elevator Feel Computer
- How does actuating the Stabilizer Trim Switch on the control wheel affect auto flight?
-one switch nothing, if you actuate a pair together, it disconnects the autopilot.
- What is the purpose of the STAB TRIM switch on the Aft Electronic Panel?
-in OVERRIDE, it bypasses the control column actuated Stabilizer Tim Cutout Switches and restores power to the Stabilizer Trim Switches.
- What does the green band of the STAB TRIM indicator on the Control Stand indicate?
-Takeoff trim range
- What does an illuminated SPEED TRIM FAIL light (amber), during Master Caution Recall, indicate?
-a single FCC channel failure
- Describe the functions of the Stall Management Yaw Damper (SMYD) computers.
-collects inputs from ADIRUs, both control wheeel, and yaw damper switch, and then provides yaw damper input to Main Rudder PCU or Standby Rudder PCU to provide dutch roll prevention, gust damping and turn coordination.
- Which light is armed by selecting FLT CONTROL A or B switch to STBY RUD?
-the LOW PRESSURE light
- When does the Main Rudder Power Control Unit (PCU) limit full rudder authority?
-at speeds above 135 kts
- What does the Rudder Trim Control Switch do?
-electrically trims the rudder to the desired direction.
- How do you activate the Standby Yaw Damper?
-by placing both FLT CONTROL switches to STBY RUD
- What are the positions of the Speed Brake Lever, and what are the limitations?
-Do not move the speed brake lever beyond the flight detent in flight -Do not use speed brakes with up deployed
-Do not use speed brakes with less than 1000’ AGL
- What does the SPEED BRAKE DO NOT ARM light (amber) indicate?
-abnormal condition or abnormal test inputs to the Automatic Speed Brakes System
- During landing, when do the ground spoilers deploy?
-With speed brake lever armed and SPEED BRAKE ARMED light on, RA less than 10, both trust levers idle, and main landing gear wheels spin up (over 60 kts) or landing gear strut compresses on touchdown
- What would cause the LE FLAPS TRANSIT light (amber) to illuminate?
-any LE device in transit, and LE device not in programmed position with respect to TE flaps, a LE uncommanded motion condition exists (2 or more LE flaps or slats have moved from their commanded positions), or during alternate flap extension until LE devices are full extended and TE flaps reach flaps 15
- What is the normal position of the LE flaps for each FLAP lever position?
- LE slats in extended for TE flaps selection of 1, 2, 5, 10, 15, 25 -LE flaps to full extend
- TE flaps 30 and 40 the LE slats move to full extend.
*non SFP - ext for 1, 2, 5, and full for 10, 15, 25, 30, and 40
- When do the LE slats deploy to FULL EXTEND?
-Flap lever is moved beyond flaps 25, or non-sfp flaps beyond 5
- Which flap settings have load relief?
-Flaps 10, 15, 25, 30, and 40
- When and how do the auto slats operate?
-with TE flaps 1-25 selected, approaching the stall angle, the slats go to full extend.
- What does an AUTO SLAT FAIL light (amber) illumination during Master Caution Recall indicate?
-indicates a single Stall Management Yaw Damper computer failure
- Which devices move when the Alternate Flaps switch is placed in the DOWN position? Up position? Which system(s) move these devices?
-the LE devices are fully extended by the Standby hydraulic system and the TE flaps are extended by an electric motor
-only the TE flaps are retracted