Review PS Flashcards
Life course theory
posits that aging is a social, psychological and biological process beginning from birth to death
Dependency ratio
As society is filled with the old and the young who cannot work, dependence on the core workers increases
Age stratification theory
look at age as a way of regulating behaviour of a generation i.e the inequalities and differences that create different cohorts
- Functionalists: oldies disengage for good of self and society
- Conflict: the old leave and create opportunities for the young i.e competition for resources
- Modernization:status of old has decreased since traditional bases of power have eroded with modernity
Activity theory
relates to how old people look at themselves ie lose jobs/roles as they age
Disengagement theory
Older people and society dissociate from each other i.e during retirement so they can be self absorbed and allow self reflection
Continuity theory
adults try to maintain basic structures for their lives over time
Urban growth models 3
- Concentric zone
- Sector model
- Multiple nuclei
- all subscribe to the natural growth urban ecology model
Growth machine theory of urbanisation
Urban centres grow due to coalition of self interest groups who benefit eg politicians, real estate agents and developers
Population dynamics; what causes populations to change
- Migration
- Fertility rate
- Mortility rates
Demographic transition refers to what
the shift in a country’s population i.e. when it transitions from high birth rates and high death rates to a more stabilising level
World systems theory posit
that the world operates as a unit with core countries, semi-periphery and periphery countries
Modernisation theory states that
all countries follow a similar path from traditional to modern societies. with some help, traditional countries can modernise using the same path
Dependency theory
Looks at the inequalities amongst countries cites that periphery/3rd world countries will never achieve fiscal superiority since they’re being exploited for resources by core countries
Skeptical perspective theory of globalisation
critical of globalisation stating that the poor countries are not benefitting like the rich ones
Characteristics of social movements; examples of
Social movts require organisation, leadership and resources
2 forms exist
- Activist movts- want change in an aspect of society
- Regressive/reactionary movts- actively trying to resist change
Theories to why social movements form
- Mass society theory
- Relative deprivation theory
- Resource mobilisation theory
- Rational choice theory
Mass society theory posits that
people join social movts because it gives them a sense of belonging to something larger than themselves eg nazism
Relative deprivation theory
Comparative theory that posits even if one is doing well, comparing the situation with those of others and finding deprived creates a social movement to right the ship. There are 3 aspects; comparison with another group, feeling conventional means would not address the problem eg civil rights movement
Resource mobilisation theory
for a social movement to be successful, it must amass resources. so those with resources prevail and those without fail.
Rational choice theory
people compare pros and cons of different courses of actions and choose the one they think is best