Review 4 Flashcards
What is the major contribution that fungi make to ecosystems?
recycle nutrients into soil and water, making the nutrients available to plants/other organisms
Which is the primary lifestyle of fungi, autotrophs or heterotrophs?
Which polysaccharide stiffens the cell walls of fungi?
What is the term for the filaments that make up most fungi? What is the function of the filaments?
form the mycelium (underground)
Which group of fungi is non-septate?
Describe the dikaryon condition.
the fusion of two gametes puts two nuclei into the same cell
Which groups have the dikaryon condition?
sac fungi, club fungi
Name a human and plant pathogen in the sac fungi group.
human- athlete’s foot,
plant- Dutch elm disease
What is the function of a basidiocarp?
fruiting body of club fungi with gills, basidia, and spores
What are the two types of organisms that are part of lichen? What is their relationship?
sac fungi/club fungi,
mutualism (both benefit)
What type of fungi is single-celled? Name their group.
sac fungi
What is the function of spores?
reproductive cells that serve as a resting stage or for dispersal by wind, by water, or by other organisms
What is the genus of the specimen you studied representing bread mold? Which portion of the life cycle of this specimen is diploid?
Describe the asexual reproduction method of yeast.
an asymmetrical division of the cell with one of the duplicated nuclei migrating into the daughter cell
How do spores and conidia differ?
spores- sexual,
conidia- asexual
Which species of fungi studied has antibacterial properties?
Which type of fungi attacks corn? To which group of fungi does it belong?
corn smut,
club fungi
What are some other types of basidiocarp other than mushrooms?
puffball/bracket fungi/etc.