Review 3 Flashcards
What do most algae contribute to the ecosystem in which they live?
primary producers
What is unique about multicellular algae?
have tissues
Describe dinoflagellates.
two flagella,
cause red tide
What type of cell wall is formed by diatoms?
cell walls called valves
What storage molecules assist diatoms with floatation?
Describe Euglena.
rounded flagellated anterior end,
pointed posterior,
pellicle (protein strips) under plasma membrane,
How is Volvox unique?
daughter colonies
Name some of the types of brown algae.
Laminaria (kelp),
How are brown algae used in foods?
as thickeners
Describe red algae.
make chlorophyll a,
cellulose cell walls,
lack centrioles,
store modified starch
Why does Protococcus grow on the north side of trees and buildings?
to avoid drying
What is red tide? Why is it dangerous? What kind of damage does it cause?
dinoflagellates release toxic wastes,
massive fish kills,
toxins concentrate in the bodies of shellfish making them dangerous for human consumption
What types of products contain diatomaceous earth?
toothpaste, pool filters, polishes, etc.
What guides euglenoids toward light?
How does Volvox reproduce asexually?
daughter colonies
What form of colony is formed by Spirogyra?
grouped in a thread-like pattern
How does Spirogyra reproduce sexually?
form a conjugation tube
Where is Ulva found?
salt/brackish water along the coast
What types of organisms eat Ulva?
manatee, sea slugs, humans, etc.
What is the purpose of air bladders?
keep the photosynthetic parts of the algae in sunlight
Which type of algae has air bladders?
What type of light is used by red algae and where are they found?
blue light,
deep water
resting stage, zygote that formed a thick cell wall
root-like, disc shaped structure that attaches the organism to rocks/substrate
stem-like, between the holdfast and the broad flat blade of brown algae
leaf like structure of Ulva, known as “sea lettuce”