Restrictive Respiratory Disorders Flashcards
Restrictive Respiratory Disorders
Characterized by a restriction in lung volume, caused by decreased compliance of the lungs or
chest wall
Extrapulmonary disorders
involve the central nervous system, neuromuscular system, and chest wall; lung tissue is NORMAL
Intrapulmonary disorders
involve the pleura or the lung tissue.
Pleural Effusion
Not a disease rather a symptom of disease
Types of Pleural Effusion
Transudative Pleural Effusion
non-inflammatory: HF d/t increased hydrostatic pressure (most common cause); chronic liver or renal disease d/t decreased oncotic pressure
Exudative Pleural Effusion
inflammatory: d/t increase capillary permeability – pulmonary malignancy/infection/embolism; GI disease - pancreatitis
Type of effusion can be determined from a sample of
pleural fluid obtained via thoracentesis
- Transudative –> low protein concentration; fluid clear
or pale yellow - Exudative –> high protein concentration; fluid dark yellow/amber
What else is fluid from a thoracentesis analyzed for?
for RBC, WBC, malignant cells, bacteria, glucose
Pleural effusion that contains pus
Causes of Empyema
Pneumonia, TB, lung abscess, infected surgical wounds
Treatment of Empyema
chest tube drainage, antibiotic therapy
Manifestations of empyema include:
those of pleural effusion as well as fever, night sweats, cough, and weight loss.
Clinical Manifestation of pleural effusion
Progressive dyspnea; decreased movement of the
chest wall on the affected side; pleuritic pain from
the underlying disease; dullness to percussion and
absent or decreased breath sounds over the
affected area during physical examination
Collaborative Care of Pleural Effusion
- Treat the underlying cause – HF (diuretics, Na restriction)
- Treatment of pleural effusions secondary to malignant disease is difficult.
- Chemical pleurodesis to sclerose pleural space
Inflammation of the pleura
Pleurisy Clinical Manifestation
Abrupt onset of pain, esp. with inspiration, shallow
breathing, tachypnea
Causes of pleurisy
pneumonia, TB, chest trauma, pulmonary infarction, neoplasm