can help a couple to
decide whether they use a specific method would really contribute to their life health condition/living condition
family planning
• Includes all decisions by an individual or
couple pertaining to having children
• To regulate the number and spacing of children in a family through the practice of contraception or other methods of birth control
family planning
Improvement of the __ of mothers, children and other members of the family
health and welfare
__ is important about
reproductive for every women so that they will have an idea on the information that they deserve to know since women is the one who will bear the child and suffer the complication that might come.
self awareness
Presence of becoming pregnant involving fertilization or implantation
Presence of becoming pregnant involving fertilization or implantation
Deliberate prevention of conception or impregnation or any various drug techniques or devices for birth control
• A regimen of one or more actions, devices, or medications followed in order to deliberately prevent or reduce the likelihood of pregnancy or childbirth
• Birth control
• Termination of pregnancy
a natural birth control technique based on the fact that lactation (breast milk production) causes amenorrhea (lack of menstruation) ; use only for the first six months
lactation amenorrhea
• One of oldest known methods of
contraception. Couple proceeds with coitus
until the moment of ejaculation with offers little protection
• The man withdraws and spermatozoa are emitted outside the vagina but
unfortunately, ejaculation may occur before the withdrawal is complete and some spermatozoa is deposited in the vagina
which may lead to fertilization
Coitus Interruptus/Withdrawal Method
• Abstain or refrain from sexual intercourse
• Due to natural human sexual drive, client may find difficult to adhere abstinence because they may deny the possibility of
sexual activity
• Difficult for couple to adhere abstinence that’s why it has a high failure rate for
getting pregnant
• Douching following intercourse no matter
what solution is used
• It is ineffective as contraceptive measure as sperm may be present in cervical mucus as
quickly as 90 seconds after ejaculation
postcoital douching
is a form of pregnancy prevention where couples calculate a woman’s fertile time using a calendar
• Abstaining from coitus on the days of menstrual cycle when a woman is most likely to conceive (3 or 4 days before until 3 or 4 days after ovulation). Woman keeps a diary of 6 menstrual cycles rhythm (calendar) method
• This method may be used by women whose menstrual cycles are always between 26
and 32 days in length
rhythm or fertility method
The length of time and time of ova is right for fertilization is only 1 day, based on this fertile period exist from about __ days
Identifying fertile and interfertile period of
a woman’s cycle by daily taking and recording of the rise in body temperature during and after ovulation
• Just before ovulation, a women’s BBT falls about 0.5°F, at the time of ovulation her
BBT rises a full degree and is influenced by progesterone.
• Can be oral or tympanic temperature
• Each morning immediately check temperature before she rises from the bed or undertakes any activity
basal body temperature
• A women who works at night must take her temperature after awakening from her longest or sleep period no matter what time of the day that she will get her temperature
• As soon notice a slight deep temperature followed by an increase that she knows that
he has an ovulated day and avoid sexual intercourse
Not reliable method; of birth control, especially for women with irregular cycles.
bbt, cervical mucus
Not reliable method; of birth control, especially for women with irregular cycles.
• Is a fluid produced by small glands near the cervix that occur naturally with ovulation
• This fluid changes throughout her cycle, from scant and sticky, to cloudy and thick, to slick and stringy
cervical mucus
The consistency of ovulation mucus it becomes copious, thin, watery, & transparent it feels slippery like an egg white and it can be stretched between the
fingers 1 inch before the strand breaks. It is the __
peak of her fertility
if the mucus stretches
between the finger 1 inch
The cervical mucus is copious for at least __
afterwards are considered to be your fertile so that is the time to refrain from sexual activity
3- 4 days
The cervical mucus is copious for at least afterwards are considered to be your fertile so that is the time to refrain from sexual activity
3- 4 days
Not reliable if infant takes supplemental feedings
• Combines the cervical mucus and BBT methods watches temp. daily and analyzes
cervical mucus daily (midcycle abdominal pain or if the cervix feels softer than usual)
• Watch for midcycle abdominal pain couple must abstain from intercourse until 3 days
after rise in temperature or 4th day after peak of mucus change
• More effective than BBT or CM method alone
• Ideal failure rate: 2%
A woman assess for
vaginal secretion daily, if
she feels secretion for 2 days in a row coitus must be avoided on that day following as the presence of secretion suggest fertility
two day method
• The method requires daily assessment &
results in about 12 days per month in which
she should avoid coitus
two day method
• Method designated for women who have menstrual cycles between 26-32 days
• The 1st bead on the rights is RED & marks her 1st days of her menstrual flow, this
followed by six BROWN beads which indicate safe days, 12 glow in the dark white beads which mark fertile days & 13
additional brown safe days follow
standard days method
• A woman must purchase a circle of beads that helps her to predict her fertile days,
coitus must be avoided and the women should advance __ bead per day during the month if she reaches a dark brown beads
which appears in the 27th day
These are made up of polyurethane or latex (does not necessarily offer protection
against disease such as HIV, Syphilis, STI such as gonorrhea and chlamydia ; for those who do not makntain monogamous relationship
male condoms
It is a pouch made up of polyutherane or latex, pre-lubricated with spermicide
The sheaths may be inserted anytime before sexual activity begins & removed after ejaculation occurs
female condoms
Most common
and easiest to fit and use
Is a circular rubber disk that is placed over the cervix before intercourse (halt the
The device is introduced up to 3 hours before intercourse and to be kept for at least 6 hours after intercourse
diaphragm or cervical cap
Prevent spread of STDs though less effective than condom
cervical cap
Is an agent that causes the death of spermatozoa before they can enter the cervix, (foam, gel or creams)
Gel or creams are easily inserted into the vagina before coitus with the provided
spermicides or spermicidal
Another form is film of __
impregnated with spermicidal agent that is folded & inserted vaginallly
a doughnut-shaped device
made of soft foam coated with spermicide
Made up of polyurethane with 1 gm of nonoxynol-9 as a spermicide
It releases spermicide during coitus, absorbs ejaculate and blocks the entrance of cervical canal
vaginal contraceptive sponge
Is a small, T-shaped, plastic device that is inserted and left inside the uterus to prevent pregnancy
intrauterine devices
is a T-shaped plastic device wound with copper
• It is effective for 10 years
• After which time it should be removed and replaced with new IUD
copper t380 paragard
• Which features a drug reservoir of progesterone in the stem
• It is effective for 5 years, possibly as long as 7 years
• Many women uses Mirena they
experience cessation of menses or periodic light spotting instead of normal menses
• The progesterone in the drug reservoir gradually diffuses in to the uterus through the plastic, both prevents endometrial
proliferation or cervical thickness which also prevents endometrial
levonorgestrel releasing IUD system 52 mg
Has lower dose of progesterone in the stem
• It works same with Mirena & is effective for 3 years
• Women are more likely to have
unscheduled bleeding with Skyla than Mirena
levonorgestrel releasing IUD 13.5 mg
• Has lower dose of progesterone in the
stem as compared to Mirena but higher that is Skyla
• It is approved for 5 years & has a bleeding profile similar to Mirena
• Benefits of Mirena in terms of duration of use & lower rates of breakthrough bleeding
• Contraindication of IUD: Hisotry of PID
(Pelvic Inflammatory Disease), abnormal
Levonorgestrel releasing IUD system 19.5mg (Kyleena)
when taken orally,
transdermally, intravaginally or
intramuscularly cause such fluctuations in a normal menstrual cycle that ovulation or sperm transport does not occur ; for female sex steroids
• Known as pills
• Combined oral contraceptive pills
• are composed of varying amount of natural estrogen or synthetic estrogen combined with a small amount of synthetic
oral contraceptives
Fixed doses of both estrogen and progesterone throughout 21-day cycle
Fixed doses of both estrogen and progesterone throughout 21-day cycle
constant amount of estrogen throughout cycle BUT increased amount of progestin during the last 11 days
constant amount of estrogen throughout cycle BUT increased amount of progestin during the last 11 days
Varies in both level of estrogen and progesterone content throughout the cycle. Closely mimic naturalcycle, reducing breakthrough bleeding (bleeding outside the normal menstrual
→ Also known as “Minipill ”.
→ Contains only progestin
→ Causing plug of mucus in the neck of cervix block the entry of the sperm.
progesterone only pill
• these are more suitable for women who do not want to pregnant again or for few
• Contraceptive injections
• Implants
• Patches
long acting contraceptives
is referred to as morning after pill
emergency postcoital contraception
• Contain progesterone hormone
• Prevents ovulation.
• Commonly used as Depomedroxyl progesterone acetate (DMPA) administered
on deltoid muscle within 5 days of cycle.
• DOSE: 150 mg
• Provide protection for 3 months .
contraceptive injections (depoprevera and noristeret)
• Contain progesterone hormone
• Prevents ovulation.
• Commonly used as Depomedroxyl progesterone acetate (DMPA) administered
on deltoid muscle within 5 days of cycle.
• DOSE: 150 mg
• Provide protection for 3 months .
contraceptive injections
• It is a small device that can be embedded under the skin on the inside of the upper
• Where it will slowly releases progestin over a period of 3 years
• Contains progesterone hormone given every after 12 weeks
• Given before 5th day after the beginning
of menstrual flow, make sure that they will not massage the injection site after administration
contraceptive implants
• Refers to patches that slowly but continuously release combination of estrogen and progesterone
• Can be applied each week for 3 weeks
• The efficiency of transdermal patches is equal to COC although they may be less
effective in women who are obese
• No patch should be applied during the 4th week
• Refers to patches that slowly but continuously release combination of estrogen and progesterone
• Can be applied each week for 3 weeks
• The efficiency of transdermal patches is equal to COC although they may be less
effective in women who are obese
• No patch should be applied during the 4th week
• is a flexible silicone vaginal ring that when it placed in the vagina continually releases
a combination of estrogen and
• The ring is inserted vaginally by the woman and left in place for 3 weeks and then removed for 1 week with menstrual
bleeding occurring during the ring free
• It is most effective method its failure rate is 1/2000 so in this there is permanent termination .
• It is most effective method its failure rate is 1/2000 so in this there is permanent termination .
• A small puncture wound (referred to as “no-scalpel technique) is made on the
• A small pain can be felt by taking analgesic
It is one of the operative procedure where
resection of a both segment of both fallopian tubes are occluded by cautery,
crushed, clamped or blocked thereby preventing passage of both sperm and
After a menstrual flow & before ovulation with the woman under general or local
An incision as small as 1 cm is made just under the woman’s umbilicus by
laparoscopy technique