Response time Flashcards
Define ‘response time’
= time taken from the onset of a stimulus to the completion of a task
reaction time + movement time
What does a faster response time mean
faster repsonse = more time the player has to execute the skill
- when skills are open/unpredictable, it is important to make decisions quickly
- allows player to quickly adapt to changing situaitions
define ‘reaction time’
= the time taken from the onset of the stimulus to the onset of a response
- no movement
- a fraction of a second
define ‘movemnt time’
= time taken to complete the task
What is ‘simple reaction time’?
= one option to one stimulus
- fast reaction
Give an example of simple reaction time
- sprint start
- swimming
What is ‘choice reaction time’?
= more than one stimulus to choose from, and maybe more than one repsonse to make
- slower response
Give an emaple of hcoice reaction time
- midfiled in hockey has lots of choices to make & needs to reposnd quickly
- netball = lots of options to pass (who/how/where)
What is Hicks Law?
= reaction time increases as the number of choices increases
Factors affecting reaction time.
- age
- gender
- stimulus intensity (louder bang=faster reaction)
- height (taller=slower reaction time)
- arrousal levels
- important cues
- body language/position
- anticipation
Is the relationship between choices & reaction time linear?
the relationship is not linear, because players/opponents will get used to the options
What are the concepts that explain how timing & choice affect repsponse time?
- Single channeld hypothesis
- Physcological refractoy period
- Anticipation
Explain the ‘single channel hypothesis’
- stimuli can only be processed one at a time
2nd, 3rd, 4th … stimuli must wait
What effect does the single channel hypothsis have on reponse time?
reponse time is increased, because the 2nd stimulus in delayed
What is the pyschological refractory period?
= a delay when a 2nd stimulus is presented before the first has been processed
- the lull time between finsihing processing stimulus 1, and processing/making a decision for stimulius 2
Use a diagram to represnt psychological refractory period
|———| = psychological
refractory period
What could the perfromer do during the PRP?
A performer could freeze for a split second, becasue they need to sort out the conflicting information
How can you use the PRP to your advantage?
You can use multiple stimuli agaisnt the opposition to dealy their response/increase their reaction time
- fake/dummy pass
- fake body language (satdnign as if you would do a short serve in badminton, but hitting the shuttlecock long)
- clipping the net, so the ball bounces off in an unexpected direction
Define ‘Anticipation’
= pre-judging a stimulus
What are the 2 types of aniticipation?
- spatial
- temporal
Define ‘spatial anticipation’
= where and what is going to happen
Define ‘temporal anticipation’
= when it is going to happen
What could correct anticicaption lead to?
if anticipation is correct, then repsonse time could be reduced
Why does correct anticipation decrease reposne time?
The infromation processing process has sped up, then the information has been processed before the action has actually happened. So the movement aspect of the reposne can happen immediatly.
What does incorrect anticipation cause?
Increased repsonse time
Why does incorrect anticipation lead to increased reposne time?
If the stimulus presensted is NOT the one predicted by the perfromer, then there will be a delay whilst the actual stimulus is processed.
- this is because the actaul stimulus is acting as a 2nd stimulus, linkign to the single channel hypothesis &pschologuival refractory peirod
How to improve anticipation
- allows perfromer to recognise stimuli/process information befroe the action occurs
How can a perfromer prevent opponents from anticipating their actions?
- being unpredictable
- randomising actions
- disguising actions
What factors help a player with anticipating the action of their opponent?
- infroamtion from environment
- singals/cues from opponent
- body language
- sound/communication
- position of opponent
How can you improve response time?
1) mental practice
2) Training to specific stimuli
3) Learning to focus and concerntrate
4) Improving fitness
5) Anticipation
Improving reposne time:
explain mental pracitce
- going over the task in mind prior to the execution of actions
- repsponse preperation time is improved
- action can be predicted
- closed and serail skills
Improving reposne time:
explain training to specific stimuli
- helps the memory system
Improving reposne time:
explain focus and concerntraion
- stimulus can be pciked up earlier
- coaches can make stimuli more intense to enahcne concerntaion
Improving reposne time:
explain improving fitness
- imporves reaction time, speed & power
Improving reposne time:
explain anticipation
- helps predict the stimulus
done correctly = decreased response time
done incorrectly = increased rsponse time