Which structures are in the upper airway?
Nasal cavities, sinuses, pharynx, tonsils, larynx
Which structures are in the lower airway?
Conducting airways (trachea, bronchi, & bronchioles)
How many lobes of the lung are there?
What is the ability to move air in & out of lungs via pressure gradient?
What is the gas exchange that supplies O2 to blood & body tissues & removes CO2?
What is the most common condition caused by pulmonary disease or injury? Define it.
Hypoxemia: deficient oxygenation of arterial blood
What is the broad term meaning diminished availability of oxygen to body tissues?
The level of arterial oxygenation can be measured either directly by blood gas sampling to measure ___________ ___________ (PaO2) & ___________ ____________ (SaO2) or indirectly by ___________ ___________ (SpO2).
- Partial pressure
- Percentage saturation
- Pulse oximetry
What is the normal value of PaO2?
80-100 mm Hg
What is the normal value of SaO2 & SpO2?
What is the term for % of hemoglobin molecules in peripheral blood saturated w/ O2?
What is the measurement of O2 bound to heme protein of hemoglobin?
T/F: SpO2 levels are determined by arterial blood gas analysis.
F (SaO2)
Elastic ___________ is decreased by intermolecular collagen crosslinks.
Chest wall ____________ decreases w/ aging bc of changes in joints of ribs & spine.
Diminished gas exchange is primarily due to increased physiologic ____________ ____________.
Dead space
Where are cilia located to sweep away mucus & debris?
Primary bronchus
When is maximal lung function (as measured by forced expiratory volume) attained?
Early 20s
At what age is there especially an overall decrease in lung function?
What is the acute lung injury where an inflammatory pulmonary response to offending organism & agent is present?
What are the 3 types of offending organism or agent associated w/ pneumonia?
- Bacterial, viral, fungal, mycoplasmal (viral & bacterial) infection
- Inhalation of toxic or caustic chems, smoke, dusts, gases
- Aspiration of food, fluids, or vomit
What is the term for pneumonia at the level of the lobe? What about for more distally at bronchioles & alveoli?
- Lobe: lobar pneumonia
- Bronchioles & alveoli: bronchopneumonia
What are the 4 major routes of infection of pneumonia?
- Airborne pathogens
- Circulation
- Sinus infection
- Aspiration
About 30% of pneumonias are ____________ & are prevalent in older adult.
About 50% of pneumonias are _____________ & are not usually life-threatening.
About 20% of pneumonias are caused by ______________.
What type of pneumonia is when fluids or other material from oral cavity or GI tract is aspirated into lower respiratory tract?
In viral pneumonia, which virus is common in infants along w/ influenza?
RSV (respiratory syncytial)
What is the most prevalent bacterial pathogen in pneumonia?
Most cases of pneumonia are preceded by upper respiratory infection, it often follows ____________.
Pneumonia has productive cough w/ ____________-colored sputum in bacterial & watery sputum in viral.
T/F: Older adults have fewer symptoms of pneumonia & may present w/ vague symptoms.
How many weeks of inflammation of trachea & bronchi occur in acute bronchitis?
What kind of infection typically causes acute bronchitis?
What is the common, preventable & treatable disease that has persistent respiratory symptoms & airflow limitation usually caused by exposure or noxious particles or gases?
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
In the US, what 2 main conditions is COPD referred to?
- Chronic bronchitis
- Emphysema
What are some common signs & symptoms of COPD?
- Constant cough
- Shortness of breath
- Can’t breathe deep
- Excess sputum
- Wheezing
What is used to determine presence & extent of COPD?
Pulmonary function tests (PFTs)
What measures how much air lungs can hold & how well respiratory system can move air into & out of lungs?