What is the suffix for barbiturates?
What is the primary indication of barbiturates?
- sedative-hypnotic
- anti-seizure
- anesthetic
What is the suffix of benzodiazepines?
-epam or -olam
What is the primary indication of benzodiazepines?
- sedative-hypnotic
- anti-anxiety
- anti-seizure
- anesthetic
What is the suffix of local anesthetics?
What is the primary indication of local anesthetics?
- local anesthetic
- anti-arrhythmics
What is the suffix of low-molecular-weight heparins?
What is the primary indication of low-molecular-weight heparins?
Kidneys filter waste product & remove excess fluid from ____________.
Kidneys serve as both ___________ organ & target of endocrine action to control mineral & water balance.
True or False: Urine volume increases w/ age.
Responses to vasoconstrictor stimuli are ____________ & vasodilatory responses are ____________.
- enhanced
- impaired
What is the most common bacterial infection acquired in community & in hospitals?
Bladder inflammation (____________) & urethra inflammation (____________) are usually involved in UTI.
- cystitis
- urethritis
For patients w/ stroke or dementia, what are the 2 risk factors of UTIs?
- impaired voiding
- poor perineal hygiene
Fecal-associated gram-___________ organisms esp e.coli cause UTIs.
Where can pain be felt in UTIs?
- suprapubic
- lower ab
- groin
- flank
Where can pain be felt in urinary tract problems?
- shoulder
- back
- flank
- pelvis
- lower ab
W/ UTIs, the ____________ may become irritated resulting in ipsilateral shoulder or lumbar back pain (if kidney is involved).
For elderly adults, which clinical manifestations occur w/ UTIs?
- malaise
- anorexia
- mental status changes
What is the term for bacteria ascending from bladder to infect kidneys?
Which type of pyelonephritis is ascending UTIs or from bloodborne pathogens associated w/ infection elsewhere?
Which type of pyelonephritis is from vesicoureteral reflex, urinary obstruction, analgesic nephropathy, or bacterial infection superimposed on structural/functional abnormality?
What’s the most common cause of chronic pyelonephritis?
vesicoureteral reflex
Which type of pyelonephritis is associated w/ these symptoms?
- abrupt
- fever, chills, malaise, headache, & flank pain
- tenderness over costovertebral angle (murphy sign)
- bladder irritation including dysuria, urinary freq, & urgency
Immunocompromised people w/ acute pyelonephritis are at risk for bacterial & fungal ___________ of kidneys.
True or False: Chronic pyelonephritis symptoms vary depending on causative process or may not be present at all.
Out of these renal neoplasms, which one is most common?
- renal cell carcinoma
- urothelial carcinoma
- renal sarcoma
- wilms tumor
- renal lymphoma
renal cell carcinoma
What is the male:female ratio of renal cell carcinoma?
True or False: Renal cell carcinoma cannot be treated with surgery so radiation & chemotherapy are preferred.
Out of these 5 subtypes of RCC, which one is most common?
- conventional or clear cell
- papillary
- chromophobe
- collecting duct
- unclassified
conventional or clear cell
Which race has the highest risk for RCCs?
African Americans
Which medications increase risk for RCCs?
- diuretics
- analgesic pain meds (aspirin, acetaminophen, & ibuprofen)
Occupational exposure to ___________ & cadmium can increase risk for RCCs.
Where is the most common metastatic tumor of RCC?
What is another term for renal calculi?
What is the term for urinary stone disease?
renal calculi
Where do the majority of the stones in renal calculi develop?
What are the 4 basic types of renal calculi?
- calcium stone
- uric acid stone
- stuvite stone
- cysteine stone
True or False: There’s lower incidence of renal calculi in industrialized counties & areas w/ high temp & humidity.
What disease are these illnesses & disorders associated w/?
- idiopathic hypercalciuria
- renal tubular acidosis
- primary hyperparathyroidism
- hyperoxaluria
renal calculi
True or False: Acidic urine pH is associated w/ renal calculi.
Excess intake of supplemental ____________, sodium, sucrose, & animal protein increases risk for renal calculi.
What are the 5 steps of renal calculi pathogenesis?
- supersaturation
- nucleation
- crystal growth
- aggregation
- stone formation