Respiratory system - Gas Exchange Flashcards
What is the trachea lined with?
Ciliated epithelium cells with goblet cells
What are the goblet cells for?
To produce mucus to trap cells
Describe the alveolar ducts
No cartilage or ciliated epitherlium
What is gas exchange?
Movement of respiratory gases in and out of the body tissues
What causes a larger concentration gradient at alveoli?
High concentration of O2 than in blood
Blood flow in capillary brings de-oxygenated blood low O2 but high in CO2
Ventilation brings air rich in O2 to remove CO2
What makes alveoli have a large surface area?
Millions alveoli
Rounded shape
More gas exchange at one time
What makes alveoli have a thin and permeable surface?
Layer moisture
Squamous endothelial cells
Short distance between alveoli and capillaries
What is ventilation?
Movements that cause air to flow in and out of the respiratory system
What kind of process is ventilation?
Active process
What happens to the diaphragm an E,I,M during inspiration?
What happens when the diaphragm contracts?
What happens to the E.I.M when they contract?
Ribs move up and out
What happens to the volume of thorax during inspiration?
What happens to the pressure in the alveoli and thorax during inspiration?
What happens to the diaphragm and E.I.M during expiration?
What happens to the diaphragm when it relaxes?
What happens to the E.I.M when it relaxes?
Ribs move in and down
What happens to the volume in the thorax during expiration?
What happens to the pressure in the alveoli and thorax during expiration?
How does air move during expiration?
Forced out
What happens during strenous exercise with expiration?
Internal intercostal muscles are used to move ribs down rapidly
What is tidal volume?
The volume of air a human breaths in and out of their lungs at each breath when at rest
What is inspiratory reserve volume?
The maximum volume of air that can be taken in above tidal volume
What is expiratory reserve volume?
The maximum amount of air that can be breathed out above tidal volume