Respiratory System Definitions Flashcards
Alveolus (HLB) definition:
blind-ended air sac of microscopic, where gas exchange takes place
Airways (HLB) definition:
consists of conducting and respiratory zones
Conducting Zones (HLB) definition:
passage way for air: begins at the nasal cavity and ends at terminal bronchioles
Respiratory Zones (HLB) definition:
functional unit where gas exchange takes place: respiratory bronchioles, alveolar ducts, alveolar sacs and alveoli
Bronchioles (HLB) definition:
subdivision of the bronchial tree that does not cartilage or mucosal glands in its wall: bronchioles open from the fifth or sixth generation of bronchi and extend for up to 20 more generations before reaching the terminal bronchioles
Bronchus (HLB) definition:
any of the air passages distal to the trachea that has cartilage and mucous glands in its wall
Main/Primary/Principal bronchi (HLB) definition:
two main divisions of the trachea
Lobar bronchi (HLB) definition:
divisions of the main bronchi supplying each lobe
Carina? (HLB) definition:
a keel-like cartilaginous structure at the bifurcation of the trachea into the two main bronchi
Diaphragm (HLB) definition:
a dome-shaped muscular, membranous partition separating the abdominal, thoracic cavities; one of the primary respiratory muscles
Epiglottis (HLB) definition:
- thin leaf-shaped flap of cartilage, covered with mucous membrane, situated immediately behind the root of the tongue, covers the entrance to the larynx during swallowing
Fissure (HLB) definition:
Anatomy: groove or cleft
In lungs are a double fold of visceral pleura that invaginate the lung parenchyma to form the lung lobes. Both lungs have an oblique fissure and the right lung also has a horizontal fissure.
Hilum (HLB) definition:
depression or fissure of an organ, such as the ovary, kidney or spleen at which structures as blood vessels, nerves and ducts enter/exit.
Lobe (HLB) definition:
major division of an organ or part of an organ, especially one having a rounded form and often separated from other lobes by fissures or bands of connective tissues.
1medisteinum (HLB) definition:
central space in the thoracic cavity between two pleural sacs; contains the heart, large vessels, trachea, oesophagus, thymus gland, lymph nodes, NOT LUNGS!