Respiratory Pneumonia Flashcards
pneumonia can be cause by many microorganism like:
- bacteria
- viruses
- fungi
- protozoa
- parasites
classifications of Pneumonia are:
- community-acquired
- hospital-acquired
- ventilator-associated
- health care-associated
severity of pneumonia is assessed by?
- altered mental status
- azotemia
- RR greater than or equal to 30 breaths per minutes
- low bp
- tachycardia
- high fever (greater than 104) OR AFERILE
- age 65 yrs or older, arterial pH < 7.35
- poor oxygenation, or inability to reliably take medication
potential complications of pneumonia:
- poor response to treatment
- hypoxemia and impaired gas exchange
- respiratory failure
- confusion
- sepsis
- superinfection
risk factors of pneumonia:
- HF
- DM
- Chronic liver/kidney disease
- smoking/alcohol
- pulmonary edema
- toxic inhalations
- malnutrition
- Immunosuppressive therapies
- prolonged intubation or an tracheostomy
- pre-exisiting hypoxemia
Clinical manifestations of pneumonia:
- fever
- cough
- dyspnea
- leukocytosis
Physical findings of pneumonia:
- bronchial breath sounds over consolidated lung areas
- crackles
- increased tactile fremitus
- percussion dullness
- egophony
- whispered pectoriloquy
** Purulent sputum or slight changes in respiratory symptoms may be the only sign of pneumonia in patients with?
Diagnosis of pneumonia:
- physical exam
- chest x-ray
- blood culture
- sputum exam
- urine test
- oropharyngeal swab
Patients should be afebrile for __ days before discontinuing antibiotics?
Antibiotics are ineffective for _______ pneumonia.
The goal for oxygen therapy is too?
correct tissue hypoxia
Hypoxemia is a decrease in the ____ oxygen content
Clinical indicators of hypoxia:
- dyspnea
- chest pain
- ABG analysis
- physical exam
Low - flow systems:
nasal cannula, simple mask, partial-rebreather, and nonrebreather masks
High - flow systems:
transtracheal catheters, Venturi masks, aerosol masks, tracheostomy collars, face tents
Supportive care for pneumonia:
- hydration
- antipyretics
- warm, moist inhalations
- nebulizer bronchodilators
- mucolytics