Respiratory Physiology Flashcards
What is cellular respiration
intercellular metabolic reactions that use o2 and produce co2 during ATP production
what is extracellular respiration
transfer of o2 and co2 between external environment and tissue cells
what is the main function of the respiratory system
provides o2 for tissues to metabolise
remove co2 and regulates pH (co2 is a byproduct of metabolism)
what are some accessory functions that the respiratory system does
endocrine functions - activates angiotensin II to
- increase fluid intake
- increase BP and plasma volume
immunological functions
- clearance of irritants/particles and potential pathogens
voice production
- via the larynx
- route for water loss
- route for heat elimination (hot breath)
components part of the upper and lower respiratory system
- nasal passages
- pharynx
- larynx
- trachea
- bronchi
- bronchioles
- alveoli
function of the respiratory airways
gaseous exchange
protective mechanisms
structure of the lungs that allow perfusion
blood vessels and alveoli are always in close proximity, allowing perfusion with the blood and alveoli for gaseous exchange
list out step by step, as to how the respiratory and circulatory system helps takes deoxygenated blood from tissue, all the way till oxygenated blood being distributed
- deoxygenated blood travels via systemic circulation and into the heart
- heart pumps deoxygenated blood into lungs via pulmonary arteries
- oxygenation of blood and release of co2 in lungs
- blood re-enter heart from lung via pulmonary veins
- distributed to the rest of the body via aorta and branches
3 features of the pleura
visceral pleura (inner layer)
parietal pleura (outer layer)
pleura cavity (space inbetween both layers)
what is found within the pleural cavity, and what is the volume and purpose
intrapleural fluid, 5-15ml, lubricates pleural surfaces
3 important pressures in regards to the respiratory system to help with inspiration and expiration of air
atmospheric pressure
intra-alveolar pressure
intrapleural pressure
how do you determine the flow of air from atmosphere to lungs, or vice versa
air is always moving from a place of higher pressure, to lower pressure
how do you change your intra-alveolar pressure to create a pressure gradient to allow inspiration of air?
thorax and intercostal muscles help expand the chest cavity, intra-alveolar and intra-pleural pressure drops as the lungs are streched, resulting in a pressure gradient, allowing air to flow in
what is the transmural pressure gradient
different in intra-alveolar pressure and intra-pleural pressure
two conditions that may affect the pleural space, and what is the effect on respiration efficiency
pneumothorax - excess air within the pleural cavity
pleural effusion - excess fluids within the pleural cavity
both causes increased pressure within the pleural cavity, resulting in less efficiency in respiratory cycle
breaking airway generation into 23 division, where is the conducting zone and respiratory zone as well as what organs are within each zone
conducting zone 1-16 division
0 - trachea
2/3 - bronchi
4 - bronchioles
7/8 - terminal bronchioles
respiratory zone 17-23
18 - respiratory bronchioles
21 - alveolar duct
23 - alveolar sac
what are the two types of alveolar cells and there corresponding %
type I alveolar cells (90%) (respiratory epithelium)
type II alveolar cells (10%) (surfactant) (reduces surface tension, allowing for alveolar expansion)
how thick is the wall of the alveoli, and why so
0.5μm, thin barrier allows for instant gaseous exchange with blood vessels via diffusion
how does O2 and CO2 diffuse across the thin barrier
diffusion from high to lower concentration
CO2 rich blood > alveoli
O2 rich alveoli > blood vessels
what is the time taken for blood in capillaries and alveoli to diffuse
0.75 total, 0.25 for oxygenation and 0.5 for safety margin, in case there is a need for increase cardiac output/additional gaseous exchange
musculature of trachea, bronchi, bronchioles
trachea - mainly cartilage, little smooth muscles
bronchi - mainly cartilage, little smooth muscles
bronchioles - mainly smooth muscles
for trachea and bronchi, cartilaginous rings to help reinforce during pressure changes during respiration
protective mechanisms of airway
protection of respiratory epithelium (mucosa)
- humidifying air in upper passages for easy diffusion
- mucous secretion (prevent dust invasion)
protection of lungs
- mucocilliary trapping foreign matter
- ciliary escalator (flap foreign particles upwards)
- alveolar macrophages for particles
- airway reflexes such as coughing and sneezing
which part of the respiratory tract has cilia
epithelium to trachea, bronchi, bronchioles
what part of the body helps with inspiration and expiration of air
movement of chest wall and lungs
chest - skeleton and muscles
which set of intercostal muscles are responsible for inspiration of air, and how does it help
what about other muscles
external intercostal muscles help elevate the ribs, causing sternum to move up and out, increasing thoracic capacity
diaphragm contracts, pulling downwards to allow space for the thoracic cavity to expand
what changes to the air drawn/expelled happen during ventilation stimulation such as exercise
- increase amount of air being draw into lungs per unit time
- increase amount of air being expelled from lungs per unit time
define anatomical dead space
space up to the respiratory bronchioles that do not have alveoli for gaseous exchange
what is alveolar ventilation and how do you calculate it
alveolar ventilation - amount of air that reach the alveolar per minute
AV = (TV - ADS) x breaths/min
what does effective oxygenation and co2 removal in lungs depend on
ventilation and gas exchange via diffusion
- enough fresh air per cycle?
- does the fresh air reach the alveoli?
- can the air diffuse effectively across to the capillaries?
- can co2 abundant air leave the lungs effectively?
perfusion of lungs
- does blood coming from heart reach alveoli?
- are all alveoli perfusing with blood
- is there sufficient time based on blood flow rate for proper perfusion
factors affecting gaseous exchange with alveoli
diffusion across alveolar-capillary barrier
- thickness of barrier
- partial pressure difference
- surface area
blood flow
- rate of blood flow through alveoli
- perfusion rate of alveoli
how do you calculate partial pressure of a specific gas? (example O2)
21% of atmospheric air is O2
21% x atmospheric air pressure to get = PO2 in air
what direction does gas exchange go to and fro? (pressure example)
high pressure > low pressure
equal pressure = no diffusion