Respiratory pathophys 2 Flashcards
Restrictive Patterns of pulmonary disease examples
Pulmonary fibrosis
lung cancer
Extra pulmonary causes –> neurological and musculoskeletal
Restrictive pulmonary diseases
any condition that limits lung expansion
generally characterized by stiffening of lung parenchyma which prevents lung from fully expanding (low compliance)
PFTs will show decreased vital capacity, FEV1 will be the same
often associated w/occupations and inhalation
Clinical Presentation of restrictive lung diseases
varies according to cause
shallow, rapid breathing pattern = chronic hyperventilation
disease progression leads to hypoxemia and CO2 retention
Treatment goals/prognosis of restrictive lung disease
maintenance of adequate oxygenation
most conditions are not reversible and lead to ventilatory failure
Treatment guidelines for restrictive lung diseases
pts will desaturate quickly
pace activities, monitor dyspnea, SPO2, HR
ineffective cough–facilitation techniques
routine positioning
Synonyms of pulmonary fibrosis
diffuse interstitial pulmonary fibrosis, interstitial lung disease
Pulmonary Fibrosis
chronic irritation of lung tissue that leads to progressive scarring of lungs. Causes issues with the alveoli, progressively grow bigger
Etiology of pulmonary fibrosis
Idiopathic–> no identifiable cause
others are inhalation of harmful particles, autoimmune disorders, certain drugs
Treatment of Pulmonary Fibrosis
No cure, limited treatment
glucocorticoids, O2, pulmonary rehab
generally poor prognosis
Indications for O2 therapy
oxygen desaturation w/exercise
increased work of breathing
increased myocardial work
Low flow O2
Not intended to meet total inspiratory needs of pt. when pt inspires, supplemental O2 is diluted w/RA. inspiratory flow, cannot accurately calculate the FiO2
High flow O2
everything the patient breathes come from the device. FiO2 is stable and unaffected by pts type of breathing
Definition of Minute ventilation
volume of air per unit time that moves into and out of the lungs
MV is about 8L/min for normal adult
Low-flow O2 delivery systems
flow rates are low enough that patient can easily overcome with MV
nasal cannula, simple face mask, non-rebreather mask
Nasal cannula
flow rates 1-6L/min
most common method
at higher flow rates, dries nasal mucosa and can be uncomfortable
actual FiO2 depends pts MV and breathing pattern
24-40% FiO2
Face mask
flow rates 5-10 L/min
mouth and nose covered, mask has exhalation ports for CO2
35-55% FiO2
Non-rebreather mask
flow rates 10-15 L/min
1-way valve between mask and reservoir bag prevents inhalation of expired air
80-95% FiO2
High Flow O2 delivery systems
flow rates high enough that patient cannot overcome with MV, so FiO2 is stable
rebreather, venturi, high-flow nasal cannula
Venturi mask
flow rates >40 L/min
allows precise measurements of FiO2 delivered, which is
useful in persons with COPD where precise O2 delivery may be crucial
different sized ports change the FiO2 delivered
24-50% FiO2
High-flow nasal cannula
flow rates >60L/min, up to 100% FiO2
heated, and 100% humidified O2 through wide-bore nasal prong
decreases inflammation, maintains mucociliary function, improves clearance, reduces caloric expenditure
O2 delivery devices
O2 concentrators
Compressed gas cylinders
O2 concentrators
draw RA through series of filters to leave concentrated O2
most units deliver O2 flows .5-5L/min
can be transported
Compressed gas cylinders
metal container filled with compressed gas held under high pressure
O2 cylinders available in range of sizes that determine the capacity for O2
Why would someone be on high-flow O2
high flow O2 delivery can provide the patient a consistent and known amount of O2 which might be important for pts with long-standing COPD
PCO2 levels rise (called ______) with progressive COPD, especially pronounced in pts with predominant _____
How do the central chemoreceptors respond to hypercapnia? (short term)
increase firing rate, stimulates neurons in rhythmicity center in the medulla, increased firing of descending motor via the phrenic nerve to the diaphragm, increased ventilation
How do the central chemoreceptors respond to hypercapnia? (long term)
pH is normal due to metabolic compensation, and receptors no longer respond to elevated PCO2
How do the peripheral carotid bodies respond to pH, PCO2, PO2?
pH and PCO2 = no response
PO2 = hypoxic drive to breathe
What could happened during an acute severe exacerbation of chronic bronchitis if FiO2 is increased dramatically?
Carotid bodies now sense increased PaO2, decrease their input to rhythmicity center, essentially removing hypoxic drive to breathe
ventilation decreases, leading to acute respiratory acidosis