Respiratory Muscles-Scharf Flashcards
How is lung volume affected by muscle length?
Increased lung volume with shorter inspiratory muscles. At TLC, no more tension can be created.
What type of muscles are there in the respiratory system?
Oxidative (fatigue resistant) Type I - slow oxidative (SO) Type IIa - Fast oxidative (FOG) Glycolytic (fatigue susceptible) Type IIb - slow glycolytic (SG)
What are breakdown of the muscles in the diaphragm?
50% Type I, 25% Type Iia and 25% Type IIb
What are the inspiratory muscles?
60% diaphragm, external intercostals, parasternals. Accessory: scalene, Sternocleidomastoids. Upper airway: Genioglossus alae nasae Abductors of larynx.
What are the expiratory muscles?
Abdominals, internal intercostals, Triangularis sternae
What happens to the thoracic muscles in isovolumic or expulsive contraction?
Equal movement in opposite directions at 45 degree angles.
What happens to the thoracic muscles in quadriplegia below C5?
Diaphragm can move but ribcage and abdominals cannot. Pressure moves the ribs in and the abdomen out.
What happens to the thoracic muscles in diaphragmic paralysis?
Ribs move out and move the diaphragm up which moves the abdomen in.
What is Hoover’s Sign?
During emphysema, extreme hyperinflation causes the diaphragm to flatten and the lower ribcage moves in because of a reduced zone of apposition. Ribs move in an expiratory direction during inspiration
What is the proportion of the diaphragmic cycle in inspiration?
Duty cycle, should be 1/3
What is the tension-time index of the diaphragm?
Predicts fatigue: TTI = Diaphragmic pressure/Max diaphragmic pressure x Inspiratory time/total time. If over .15 respiratory failure is imminent.
In which diseases does respiratory muscle fatigue often cause respiratory failure?
Shock (the main cause of death!)
Certain electrolyte abnormalities (hypophosphatemia)
What is the treatment for respiratory failure.
Rest the muscle
Fix electrolyte abnormalities
?Beta agonists/catecholamines
?methylxanthines (theophyllin)
Decrease ventilatory drive to decrease force production (fix hypoxia, hypercapnia)
Correct low cardiac output state
Training (long-term)
What are the types of muscle fatigue?
“Peripheral” - at the level of the muscle
Transmission: failure of excitation-contraction coupling (high frequency fatigue)
Contractile: failure of excitation-contractile coupling or contractile proteins (Low frequency fatigue)
Central: decrease in motoneuron output to muscles: may be due to feedback from development of lactic acidosis. A protective mechanism (put off peripheral fatigue)
How can the diaphragm’s maximum strength and tension/force be changed?
Decreased by being a couch potato (curve moves down), increased by endurance training. Proportion load/max load decreases and endurance will increase with increasing max strength.
What are the forms of assessment of muscle force?
Two balloons swallowed by patient: one in esophagus and one in the abdomen/stomach. Diaphragmic pressure measured by abdominal pressure - Pleural pressure.
Otherwise, MIP can be measured from sum of all inspiratory muscles or MEP sum of all expiratory muscles.