Respiratory examination Flashcards
structure of the respiratory exam?
1- introduction
2- explanation
3- palpation
4- percussion
5- auscultation
- ensure adequate hand hygiene
- introduce self
- confirm name and DOB
- explain procedure
- seek permission
- position patin at 45 degrees
general inspection?
- does the patient look well?
- look around patient
- look at patient
- listen (audible stridor, hoarseness, pattern of speech)
- any pathological signs?
- do they have an inhaler, nebuliser?
-loud harsh, high pitched respiratory sound.
- usually on respiration
- upper airway obstruction
what do you do on close inspection and palpitation?
examine hands = inspect, palpate warmth and ventilation, flapping terror and fine tremor
- palpate radial pulse
- count respiratory rate
- inspect eyes, face, mouth and pharynx
signs of central cyanosis?
blue tongue, lips, hands and feet and mucos membranes of the oral cavity.
what are respiratory causes of clubbing?
- bronchial carcinoma
- mesothelioma
- chronic supportive lung disease = (bronchiectasis, lung abscess, empyema)
- pulmonary fibrosis
- cystic fibrosis
cause of Horners syndrome?
clinical features?
- damage to cervical sympathetic nerves
clinical features:
- unilateral mitosis
- partial ptosis
- loss of sweating (anhidrosis)
may indicate serious pathology
cause of a fine tremor
excessive use of B agonists
cause of flapping tremor?
what will it look like?
- severe ventilatory failure with C02 retention
- hold hands outstretched
- wrists cocked back
- look for a jerky, flapping tremor
- associated confusion
what are you looking for on close inspection of the chest?
- scars= cardiac surgery, tharoctomy, chest drains ect
- pattern of breathing
- shape of chest (symmetry, deformity, increase in AP diameter)
- prominent veins on chest wall (SVC obstruction)
- JVP?
what are you palpating on the neck and chest?
- lymph nodes
- subcutaneous emphysema
- rib fractures
- mediastinal position
- chest expansion
how do palpate for chest expansion?
- do it anterior and posterior
- ask patient to breathe deeply
- thumbs should move apart equally
palpation of the mediastinal position?
- trachael position
- look for the parasternal notch
- right middle finger 2cm above the notch
- gently press don and back
- palpate space to either Side
- should be central
- look for cardiac apex and assess for right ventricular heave