Respiratory Embryology Flashcards
What action gives rise to the primitive gut tube?
The trachea and lungs form from what?
What is the name of the median outgrowth from the ventral foregut?
Laryngotracheal groove (diverticulum)
What forms between the trachea and oesophagus to separate them?
Oesophagotracheal septum
What is a fistula? What is common in the respiratory system?
Abnormal/surgical passage made between two tubular organs
tracheoesophageal fistula common
Atresia is what?
Condition in which a passage is closed or absent
The visceral pleura is formed of what?
Splanchnic mesoderm
The parietal pleura is formed of what?
Somatic mesoderm
The gap between the parietal and visceral pleura is called what?
Pleuroperitoneal canals
What are the pleuroperitoneal folds?
Folds forming around the heart separating pleural and pericardial cavities
Sequence of differentiation of lung buds
Embryonic Pseudoglandular Canalicular Saccular Alveolar
Common congenital conditions of the lungs
Surfactant deficiency
Accessory lobe
Lung agenesis
Lobe of azygos vein
Which 4 embryonic components form the diaphragm?
Septum Transversum
Pleuroperitoneal membranes
Dorsal mesentery of oesophagus
Muscular ingrowth from lateral body walls
Septum Transversum forms what?
Central tendon of the diaphragm
The Pleuroperitoneal membranes form what?
Primitive diaphragm