chronic, irreversible obstruction of airflow.
The airways and air sacs lose their
elastic quality.
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
The greatest risk factor of this condition is
cigarette smoking.
(there is damage in the alveoli),
persistently inflamed ang mga airway passages
particularly the bronchi.
Chronic bronchitis
Use short-acting bronchodilators as
Stage 1: Mild COPD
Maintenance therapy with 1 or more bronchodilators,
pulmonary rehabilitation
Stage 2: Moderate COPD
Maintenance therapy with 1 or more bronchodilators
Inhaled corticosteroids, pulmonary rehabilitation
Stage 3: Severe COPD
Aka: “Hay Fever”
An inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nose
Allergic Rhinitis
Difference between Antihistamines/H1 Blockers (1st gen and 2nd gen
1st gen - More lipid soluble More sedating
2nd gen - Less lipid soluble Less sedating