Respiratory Disorders Flashcards
What is the infecting agent in acute epiglottitis?
Haemophilus influenzae type B
Name 3 causes of stridor in children
Croup, acute epiglottitis, inhaled foreign body, laryngomalacia
Is stridor inspiratory or expiratory? High pitch or low pitch?
Harsh high pitch
Inspiratory usually
Is stridor a sign of upper or lower airway obstruction?
Upper airway obstruction
Thumb print sign on head x ray
Is wheeze predominantly expiratory or inspiratory?
Is wheeze a sign of upper or lower airway obstruction?
What syndrome is associated with dextrocardia?
Kartagener’s syndrome aka primary ciliary dyskinesia
also cause bronchiectasis, recurrent sinusitis, subfertility
Organism in whooping cough?
Bordatella pertussis
Laryngotracheobronchitis AKA
Infecting organism in croup
Seal like barking cough
Commonest age range in bronchiolitis
1mth - 1yr
Commonest age range in croup
Infecting organism in bronchiolitis
RSV or rhinovirus
Name some signs of respiratory distress in children
Nasal flaring, grunting, subcostal / intercostal / sternal recession
What features in croup suggest severe and need for admission?
Stridor, sternal recession and lethargy
What is the management of croup?
All children with mild or severe croup get 1X PO dexamethasone
Can add NEB dexamethasone
What is the diagnostic criteria for bronchiolitis?
Persistent cough AND (tachypnoea or chest recession) AND wheeze/crackles on auscultation
When should you refer bronchiolitis via ambulance from GP?
O2 <92% RR >70 Central cyanosis Apnoea Grunting Marked chest recession
Do all children with bronchiolitis get a CXR?
No - NICE says don’t routinely CXR
Bronchiolitis is aggravated by smoking in the home - true or false
True - recommend don’t smoke
If advising to manage bronchiolitis at home, what red flag symptoms should you safety net about?
- Increased work of breathing (grunting, nasal flaring, marked chest recession)
- Fluid intake is 50-75% of normal or no wet nappies for 12 hours
- Apnoea or cyanosis
- Exhaustion (no responding normally to social cues, wakes only with prolonged stimulation)
What is the 1st and 2nd line for non-severe bacterial pneumonia in children?
1st amox
2nd clarithromycin
What is the name of the enzyme replacement and the genetic drug for CF?
Creon and ivacaftor
What day of life is the Guthrie test done?
Day 5
What type hypersensitivity is asthma?
Type 1
What immunoglobulin mediates asthma?
Asthma + aspirin insensitivity + nasal polyps
Samter’s triad
Wheeze in asthma expiratory or inspiratory? Polyphonic?
Polyphonic expiratory
What investigation in asthma is a measure of airway inflammation?
What impairs a FeNO test accuracy?
What type of drug is ipratropium?
What type of drug is formoterol?
What type of drug is salbutamol?
What type of drug is tiotropium?
What type of drug is salmeterol?
What type of drug is beclometasone?
What type of drug is budesonide?
What type of drug is in a blue inhaler?
What type of drug is in a brown inhaler?
What is the role of specific IgE tests in asthma investigations?
Done after Dx to identify triggers
What is the role of aeroallergen skin prick tests in asthma investigations?
Done after Dx to identify triggers
What is the role of CXR in asthma investigations?
In an adult for exclusion diagnosis
How is asthma diagnosed in under 5ys?
Can’t do investigations - just treat symptoms based on clinical judgement and do investigations when age 5
What is the first line investigation in asthma if aged 5-16yr?
What investigation is a measure of lung function in asthma?
What is the first line investigation in asthma if aged 17+?
FeNO exhaled nitric oxide test
What pattern is seen on spirometry in asthma?
FEV1/FVC ratio <70%
What does bronchodilator reversibility mean? How is it tested for?
Reversible airflow obstruction
12% improvement in FEV1
In asthma, how long is peak flow variability monitored for? What is a positive test?
Diurnal variability >20%
Investigating asthma age 17+ after FeNO test, what is done next?
Spirometry, then bronchodilator reversibility
What is required for a diagnosed of asthma in those age 5-16yr?
Obstructive spirometry + bronchodilator reversibility
After start / adjusting a new asthma medicine, how soon should the patient be reviewed?
4 - 8 wk
What is the 1st line Mx of asthma?
Infrequent, short-lived wheeze, normal lung function: SABA reliever alone
S+S 3X/wk or causing waking at night: low dose ICS maintenance
What is the next step in the management of asthma is uncontrolled on SABA alone?
Low dose ICS
What is the next step in asthma Mx if uncontrolled on SABA + ICS?
What is the next step in asthma Mx if no benefit from adding LTRA with SABA + ICS?
If 17+ stop LTRA
If 5-16 continue LTRA if it gave any benefit
Use ICS-LABA combo (purple Fostair)
What is the next step in asthma Mx if uncontrolled on SABA + ICS/LABA combo?
Switch ICS:LABA to MART regimen
What is the next step in asthma Mx if uncontrolled on SABA + MART regimen?
Increase ICS dose
What is the next step in asthma Mx if uncontrolled on SABA + MART regimen at upped dose?
Increase dose or trial theophylline
+ If 5-16 yr seek advice
What peak flow is moderate / severe / life threatening asthma?
Mod 50-75%
Severe 33-50%
Life threatening <33%
What are the features of a severe asthma exacerbation?
Any 1 of: PF 33-50%, inability to complete sentence in one breath, RR>25, HR>110
What grade of acute asthma is a silent chest?
Life threatening
What is the feature of near fatal asthma?
Raised PaCO2 >6
What is the PaCO2 in life threatening asthma?
When should you alert ITU in acute asthma?
If severe features
Transfer if life-threatening
What is the role of cardiac monitoring in acute asthma?
Salbutamol arrhythmias
What is the Mx of acute asthma?
NEB SABA + NEB ipratropium + PO prednisolone 40mg for 5 days + ABG + O2
What is the dose, delivery method and rate for salbutamol in acute asthma?
5mg salbutamol via oxygen driven nebulizer at rate 6-8 liters
What drug should be given first in the Mx of acute asthma?
If you can’t give oral pred in the Mx of acute asthma, what is given instead?
IV hydrocortisone
In acute asthma, if a PTx is deteriorating after been given NEB SABA + PO pred + NEB iptratropium - what drug is given next?
IV magnesium sulfate
then after IV aminophylline