Growth Flashcards
How do you determine a child’s bone age?
XR left hand, wrist, fingers
Causes of childhood hearing loss is generally half genetic and half acquired - true or false
acquired eg mumps, rubella
Motor delay can’t walk by how many months old? What test should you do?
CK - for DMD
Short stature definition
Below 2nd centile
“more common in boys, normal size baby, small 1st 3yr, at puberty drop centiles, catch up later” describes what?
Constitutional delay
Child below what height centile should be reviewed by a paediatrician? when should they be reviewed by a GP?
0.4 = paediatrician 2nd = gp
What paediatric BMI centile is considered overweight and obese?
Overweight 91st
Obese 98th
What are the physical activity recommendations for a child under 5 yr old?
Walk/ be active 3hr a day
When and which healthy start vitamins are given given to babies? Which are given to mum while pregnant?
Baby: vit A/C/D 6mth - 4yr
Mum: folate, vit C, D
Define thelarche, menarch, adrenarche
Thelarche breasts
Menarche menstruation
Adrenarche body hair/odour
What is the 1st sign of puberty in girls?
What is considered precocious puberty in girls and boys?
Secondary sexual characterists <9yr in boy and 8yr in girl
What is delayed puberty in a girl?
No breasts age 13
No period age 16
What is delayed puberty in a boy?
Small testes age 14