Respiratory - Control of Ventilation Flashcards
How does the respiratory centre control ventilation - list the name and function of the four areas
Dorsal Respiratory Group (of neurons)
- Inspiratory neurons
- Controls diaphragm
- Normal tidal ventilation
Ventral Respiratory Group (of neurons)
- Inspiratory and expiratory neurons
- Intercostal muscles
- Increases force of inspiration and expiration
- Lower pons
- Inhibits overexpansion by DRG neurons
- Ablation results in pathologically long and deep breaths
- Upper pons
- Modulates DRG to modify respiratory pattern
Summarise the inputs to the respiratory center
Peripheral chemoreceptors - Aortic and Carotid bodies Central chemoreceptors Mechanoreceptors Other factors
Describe the location and function of the peripheral chemoreceptors
- Carotid bodies (glossopharyngeal afferent)
- Aortic bodies (vagus afferent)
Stimulated by
- Low PaO2 (not O2 content!)
- High PaCO2 (contributes 20% of response)
- pH < 7.35 (carotid bodies only)
- Low BP
Faster response time than central chemoreceptors: 1 - 3 seconds
Describe the location and function of the central chemoreceptors
Ventral Surface of the medulla (Close to but separate from VRG)
Stimulated by
- Change CSF pH ONLY
But H+ and HCO3- cannot cross BBB, only CO2 can. CO2 crosses BBB into CSF to form H ions.
- Minimal protein in CSF (vs. plasma) –> minimal buffer
- CSF is hence more sensitive to small changes in PCO2 than plasma.
Which affects central chemoreceptors more: respiratory acidosis or metabolic acidosis
Respiratory acidosis.
Metabolic acidosis –> H ions cannot cross into CSF –> carotid body (peripheral chemoreceptor) responsible for Kussmaul respiration characteristic of metabolic acidosis.
How does cerebral vasodilatation associated with hypercapnoea influence central chemoreceptor function
It enhances it. VD –> increase blood supply to medulla and increased delivery of CO2 to central cehmoreceptors
How does the body adjust to chronic hypercapnoea
- BBB actively secretes HCO3 - into CSH to normalize CSF pH and reduce hyperventilatory drive
- Kidneys actively reabsorb and regenerate HCO3- which increases plasma pH reducing hyperventilatory drive from the peripheral chemoreceptors.
Myth –> COPD patients rely on hypoxic ventilatory drive
Excessive O2 administration can lead to respiratory failure in some patients with COPD.
1. Disrupted compensatory hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction –> blood now flows to poorly ventilated alveoli
2. Disruption of the recruited Haldane effect –> Excess O2 leads to right shift of CO2 Hb saturation curve. Oxy Hb has reduced ability to form carbamino compounds vs deoxyHb. Therefore with excessive O2 the Ability to transport excess CO@ to lungs from tissue for excretion is thwarted by approximately up to 25%. Leading to worsening CO2 retention
Never withhold O2 from critically ill hypoxic COPD patient. BUT titrate sats 88 - 92 !
How do mechanoreceptors in the chest affect ventilation
Lung stretch receptors
- Overinflation sensed –> apneustic centre –> reduce depth inspiration
Muscle spindles
- Responsible for the respiratory response to exercise
List the inputs from the CNS and the PNS that influence the respiratory centre and ventilation
- Noxious chemicals
- Pain
- Increase body temperature
- Extreme emotion
- Voluntary control
What is the location and function of J receptors
JUXTACAPILLARY RECEPTORS (J-RECEPTORS) - Non-myelinated C fibres alveolar walls - Stimulated by pulmonary oedema and embolism Activation: --> Increase ventilation --> dyspnoea sensation --> Bradycardia --> Hypotension
Where are irritant receptors located in the lungs and what does activation cause
In the airway epithelium.
Activation causes bronchoconstriction and hyperventilation
What is the ‘break-point’ with regard to voluntary control of ventilation
One cannot hold breath indefinitely –> after a short period of apnoea, chemoreceptor stimulation by hypoxaemia and hypercapnoea overrides voluntary control. This is called the breakpoint.
In the absence of peripheral chemoreceptors, what is the ventilatory response to hypoxaemia
Hypoxia in the CNS leads to depression of the ventilatory response –> apnoea
Differentiate the effects of opioids versus anaesthetic agents on the control of ventilation
Anaesthetic agents
- Respiratory centre depression
- Peripheral chemoreceptor depression
- Central chemoreceptor depression
- –> Reduced ventilatory response to hypercapnoea and hypoxaemia (shift the CO2 response curve to the right)
- Respiratory centre depression only
—> Reduced ventilatory response to hypercapnoea and hypoxaemia (shift the CO2 response curve to the right)
What is the pre-Botzinger complex
Contained within the DRG of neurons in the brainstem, the pre-Botzinger complex, is a cluster of neurons thought to be the respiratory pacemaker.
Ablation of this area abolishes respiratory drive
What is the Hering-Breuer reflex
Overinflation of the lungs is detected by lung stretch receptors located within bronchial smooth muscle. This impulses are conveyed to the apneustic centre in the brainstem by the vagus nerve which leads to a reduction in the depth of inspiration