Respiratory control Flashcards
What initiates inspiration?
-Motor neurons to the intercostal muscles and diaphragm
Where is primary control of neural inspiration initiation?
-Medulla oblongata contains the medullary respiratory centre it contains;
1. neurons of the dorsal respiratory group (DRG), these fire during inspiration and have input to the spinal motor neurons that activate resp muscles involved in inspiration (intercostal muscles and diaphragm )
primary - diaphragm (phrenic nerve, c3,4,5)
- ventral respiratory group (VRG). This rhythm generator appears to be composed of pacemaker cells and complex neural network that together set the basal respiratory rate
- contains expiratory neurons that are most important during strenuous exercise when large increases in ventilation are needed
What neural processes occur during quiet breathing?
- The respiratory rhythm generator activates inspiratory neurons in the VRG, (ventral respiratory group) this depolarizes the inspiratory motor neurons causing the inspiratory muscles to contract
- When these neurons stop firing the muscles relax allowing passive expiration
What area of the brain do medullary inspiration neurons receive input from?
- The medullary inspiration neurons receive a rich sympathetic input from neurons in various areas of the pons
- This input fine tunes the output of the medullary inspiratory neurons and may help terminate inspiration by inhibiting them
- a lower area of the pons, the apneustic centreis is the major source of this output. But an upper area, the pneumotaxic centre, modulates the activity of the apneustic center
- The pneumotaxic centre (or pontine respiratory group) helps to smooth the transition between inspiration and expiration
- The respiratory nerves in the medulla and pons also recieve synaptic inout from higher centres of the brain such that the pattern of respiration is controlled by voluntarily during speaking, diving and even emotion and pain
- stretch receptors
What is the Hering-Breuer reflex?
- Pulmonary stretch receptors which lie in the airway smooth muscle are activated by large lung inflation
- Action potentials are sent to medulla and pneumotaxic center of the pons to inhibit inspiration so that overstretching during inspiration does not occur and so that expiration occurs
- This reflex prevents over stretching of the lungs
- this reflex is only active in conditions of large tidal volumes, eg strenuous exercise
How do peripheral chemoreceptors affect respiratory centres?
Peripheral chemoreceptors -
- located high in the neck at the bifurcation of the common carotid arteries (carotid bodies-monitor oxygen supply of the brain) and in the thorax on the aortic arch (aortic bodies)
- stimulated by a decrease in arterial PO2 and increase in arterial H+ conc
- the cells communicate synaptically with neuron terminals from which afferent nerves fibres pass to the brainstem, there they provide excitatory synaptic input to the medullary inspiratory neurons
- The carotid body is dominant in control of respiration
How do central chemoreceptors affect respiratory centres?
Central chemoreceptors
- located in the medulla
- provide excitatory synaptic input to the medullary inspiratory neurons
- stimulated by an increase in H+ in the brains ECF (mainly due to changes in blood P CO2)
- H+ penetrates BB slowly, Co2 penetrates very quickly
What reflex is mediated by the peripheral chemoreceptors ?
- low arterial O2 (only large reduction affects this reflex due to the disociation curve of Hb and O2) increases the rate that the receptors discharge, resulting in an increased number of action potentials travelling up afferent nerve fibres and stimulating medullary inspiratory neurons
- increased ventilation = more oxygen
- decreases in arterial O2 could be due to lung disease or high altitude
- mild to moderate anemia does not activate the response or carbon monoxide as the amount of O2 dissolved in plasma does not change
What is metabolic acidosis?
normal or pathological situations in which H+ is increased due to a cause other than a change in PCO2
eg, addition of lactic acid causes hyperventilation due to peripheral chemoreceptors, then is because brain H+ conc is increased very slowly and H+ penetrates the BB very slowly. CO2 penetrates very quickly changing the H+ conc.
What is metabolic alkalosis?
normal or pathological situations in which H+ is decreased due to a cause other than a change in PCO2
eg, loss of HCL when vomiting, peripheral chemoreceptors detect and ventilation is reduced
What chemoreceptors (central or peripheral) play the major role in altering ventilation in cases of metabolic acidosis or metabolic alkalosis?
Peripheral chemoreceptors
What stimulates ventilation during exercise?
- CO2? - very little change to arterial CO2
- O2? - very little change to arterial O2
- increased H+? - a little increase in strenuous exercise due to lactic acid release
- reflex inout from mechanoreceptors in joints and muscles
- increase in body temp
- inputs to respiratory neurons via branches of axons descending from the brain to motor neurons suppling the muscles (central command)
- increase in plasma epinephrine
- increase in plasma K conc
- conditioned (learned) response mediated by neural input to resp centres
4 and 6 are most likely!
abrupt increase and decrease at beginning and end of exercise - unlikely to be chemical or body temp!
Protective reflexes
The reflexes protect the respiratory system from irritants
-Cough (sensory receptors in the larynx, trachea and bronchi)
when receptors initiating a cough are stimulated the medullary respiratory neurons cause deep inhalation and a violent expiration. This moves particles and secretions from smaller to larger airways and aspiration of materials into the lungs is also prevented.
-Sneeze (sensory receptors in the nose or pharynx)
-the immediate cessation of respiration when noxious agents are inhaled (chronic smoking may inhibit this reflex)
(alcohol inhibits the cough reflex, this may be way alcoholics are more susceptible to choking and pneumonia)
Voluntary control of breathing
- descending pathways from cerebral cortex to the motor neurons of the respiratory muscles
- this voluntary control cannot be maintained duringintense involuntary stimuli eg elevated PCO2 or H+
- speaking, singing, swallowing
J-receptor reflexes
- located in the lungs in capillary walls or in the interstitium
- normally dormant
- stimulated by an increase in interstitial pressure caused by the collection of fluid in the interstitium
- this increase occurs during the vascular congested caused by either occulsion of a pulmonary vessel (pulmonary embolism) or left ventricular heart failure
- also strenuous exercise in healthy people
- the reflex results in rapid breathing (tachypnea) and a dry cough
- the J receptors also give rise to sensations of pressure in the chest and dysnea (the feeling that breath is labored or difficult)