Respiratory Flashcards
what is FEV1? what is it like in healthy people?
- forced expiratory volume in 1 second
- in which a person takes a maximal inspiration and then exhales maximally as fast as possible. the important value is the fraction of the total “forced” vital capacity expired in 1 second
- healthy individuals can expire approximately 80% of the vital capacity in one second
what is the procedure for measuring FEV1?
- breath in to total lung capacity (TVC)
- exhale as fast as possible in one second
- volume produced is the forced vital capacity (FVC) for 1 second
how does flow change with expiration?
flow is greatest at the start of expiration, it declines linearly with volume. FEF25 = flow at point when 25% of total volume to be exhaled has been exhaled
what are normal and abnormal values for FEV1?
- it’s a good overall assessment of lung health
- the result is compared with the predicted values, if the FEV1 is 80% or greater than the predicted value = normal
- thus is the FEV1 is less than 80% of the predicted value = low i.e abnormal
what are the normal and abnormal values for FVC?
- less reproducible than FEV1
- the result is compared with the predicted values, if the FVC is 80% or greater than the predicted value = normal
- thus is the FVC is less than 80% of the predicted value = low i.e abnormal
- a low FVC = airway restriction
what are features of type 1 respiratory failure? what is a common cause?
- pO2 (partial O2 pressure) is low
- pCO2 (partial CO2 pressure) is low or normal
- with type 1 = 1 change = low pO2 then normal/low CO2
- pulmonary embolism (form of ventilation-perfusion mismatch) most commonly causes Type 1
what are features of type 2 respiratory failure? what is a common cause?
- pO2 is low
- pCO2 is high
- with type 2 = 2 changes = low pO2 + high pCO2
- hypoventilation causes Type 2
what are causes of respiratory failure?
- impaired ventilation (neural and mechanical problems)
- impaired perfusion, if extensive (cardiac failure or multiple PE)
- impaired gas exchange defects, if severe (emphysema or diffuse pulmonary fibrosis)
- hypoventilation (COPD, neuromuscular weakness, obesity, chest wall deformity, reduced drive)
- obstruction (asthma, COPD, OSA, pneumonia)
- diffusion (IPF, other ILDs, emphysema)
- perfusion (PE, cardiac failure, shunt, pulmonary hypertension)
what are neural and mechanical problems which can lead to impaired ventilation which can cause respiratory failure?
- neural: narcotics, encephalitis, a cerebral space-occupying lesion, motor neurone disease (resulting in neuromuscular weakness)
- mechanical: airway obstruction, trauma, muscle disease and pleural effusion
what are signs of hypercapnoea?
- bounding pulse
- flapping tremor
- confusion
- drowsiness
- reduced consciousness
what is the FEV1/FVC and FEV1 and FVC like in obstructive respiratory disease?
- FEV1/FVC below 0.7
* FEV1 lower than FVC
what are examples of obstructive respiratory disease? what are features of them?
- asthma: variable airflow obstruction and reversible
- COPD: relatively fixed airflow obstruction and may be a mixture of restrictive and obstructive disease
- bronchiectasis
what is the FEV1/FVC and FEV1 and FVC like in restrictive respiratory disease?
- FEV1/FVC above 0.7
- FVC and FEV1 below 80% predicted value
- due to restriction, lung volumes are small and most of breath is out in first second
what are examples of restrictive respiratory disease?
- sarcoidosis
- interstitial lung diseases
- obesity (OHS)
- scoliosis
- muscular dystrophy/ALS
what is the transfer coefficient? how is it calculated?
- measure of ability of oxygen to diffuse across the alveolar membrane
- can calculate by inspiring a small amount of carbon monoxide, then hold breath for 10 seconds at total lung capacity, then the gas transferred is measured
in what diseases is the transfer coefficient low?
- severe emphysema
- fibrosing alveolitis
- anaemia
- pulmonary hypertension
- idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
in what diseases is the transfer coefficient high?
pulmonary haemorrhage
what is COPD?
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
• a disease state characterised by airflow limitation that is not fully reversible
• the airflow limitation is usually both progressive and associated with an abnormal inflammatory response of the lungs to noxious particles or gases
what is COPD associated with the development of?
- chronic bronchitis: cough with sputum for 3 months for 2 or more years
- emphysema: histologically enlarged airspaces distal to terminal bronchioles, with destruction of alveolar walls
what is the epidemiology of COPD?
- cigarette smoking is the major cause of COPD and is related to the daily average of cigarettes smoked and years spent smoking
- chronic exposure to substances
- alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency
- patients are rarely symptomatic before middle-age
chronic exposure to what things can lead to COPD?
- occupational pollution
- outdoor air pollution
- inhalation of smoke from biomass fuels used in heating and cooking in poorly ventilated areas
what is alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency? what respiratory disease can it cause?
- causes early onset COPD (due to proteolytic lung damage)
- a rare cause of cirrhosis (due to accumulation of the abnormal protein in the liver)
- mutations in the alpha-1 antitrypsin gene on chromosome 14 lead to reduced hepatic production of alpha-1 antitrypsin which normally inhibits the proteolytic enzyme, neutrophil elastase
what is the pathophysiology of COPD?
- there are increased mucus-secreting goblet cells within the bronchial mucosa, especially in the larger bronchi
- in more advanced cases the bronchi become inflamed and pus is seen in the lumen
- chronic bronchitis
- emphysema
what are features of chronic bronchitis in COPD?
there is airway narrowing and hence airflow limitation as a result of hypertrophy and hyperplasia of mucus secreting glands of the bronchial tree, bronchial wall inflammation and mucosal oedema
what are microscopic features of chronic bronchitis in COPD?
- microscopically there is infiltration of the bronchi and bronchioles with acute and chronic inflammatory cells
- the epithelial becomes ulcerated and the squamous epithelium replaces the columnar cells (squamous metaplasia) when the ulcer heals
what are features of inflammation in chronic bronchitis in COPD? what happens in early/late stages?
- the inflammation is followed by scarring and thickening of walls, narrowing the small airways
- the small airways are affected early on, initially without breathlessness
- the initial inflammation is reversible and accounts for the improvement if smoking is stopped early
- in the later stages, the inflammation continues, even if smoking is stopped
what are features of emphysema in COPD? what does it lead to?
- dilatation and destruction of the lung tissue distal to the terminal bronchioles
- results in loss of elastic recoil, which normally keeps the airways open in expiration
- leads to expiratory airflow limitation and air trapping
- premature closure of airways limits expiratory flow while loss of alveoli decreases capacity for gas transfer
what are features of centriacinar emphysema?
- distension and damage is concentrated around the respiratory bronchioles, whilst the more distal alveolar ducts and alveoli tend are well preserved
- extremely common
what are features of panacinar emphysema?
- less common
- distension and destruction affect the whole acinus and in severe cases the lung is just a collection of bullae
- associated with alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency
what are features of irregular emphysema?
scarring and damage that affects the lung parenchyma
patchily, independent of acinar structure
what is V/Q (ventilation perfusion) and PaCO2 like in COPD?
- partly due to damage and mucus plugging of smaller airways from the chronic inflammation and rapid closure of smaller airways in expiration leading to loss of elastic support; this leads to a fall in PaO2 and increased work or respiration
- CO2 excretion is less affected by V/Q mismatch and many patients have low-normal PaCO2 values due to increasing alveolar ventilation in an attempt to correct their hypoxia
- other patients fail to maintain their respiratory effort and then their PaCO2 levels increase
- in the short term, this rise in CO2 leads to stimulation of respiration, but in the longer term, these patients become insensitive to CO2 and come to depend on the hypoxaemia to drive ventilation
what is the pathogenesis of cigarette smoke causing COPD?
- causes mucus gland hypertrophy in the larger airways and increased neutrophils, macrophages and lymphocytes in the airways, bronchi and bronchioles
- inflammatory mediators (elastases, proteases, IL-1,-8 and TNF-alpha) are released and attract inflammatory cells, induce structural changes and break down connective tissue (protease-antiprotease imbalance) in the lung resulting in emphysema
- inactivates alpha-1 antitrypsin
what are symptoms of COPD?
- characteristic symptoms are productive cough with white or clear sputum, wheeze and breathlessness, usually following many years of a smokers cough
- colds seem to settle on the chest and frequent infective exacerbations occur, with purulent sputum
- symptoms can be worsened by cold or damp weather and atmospheric pollution
what are systemic effects of COPD?
- hypertension
- osteoporosis
- depression
- weight loss
- reduced muscle mass with general weakness
what is the seen on examination of COPD?
- breathless at rest, prolonged expiration, poor chest expansion, hyperinflated lungs (barrel chest)
- pursed lips on expiration help to prevent alveolar and airway collapse
what are complications of COPD?
- later stages are characterised by the development of respiratory failure:
• PaO2 less than 8kPa (60mmHg) or
• PaCO2 greater than 7kPa (53mmHg) - those with advanced disease may develop pulmonary hypertension (fluid retention, peripheral oedema, central cyanosis, breathlessness)
what are differential diagnoses of COPD?
asthma, congestive heart failure, bronchiectasis, allergic fibrosing alveolitis, pneumoconiosis and asbestosis
what is used to diagnose COPD?
- based on a history of breathlessness and sputum production in a chronic smoker
- in the absence of a history of cigarette smoking then asthma is a more likely explanation, unless there is a family history suggesting alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency
- lung function test
- high resolution CT scans used to show emphysematous bullae
- haemoglobin and packed cell volume may be high due to persistent hypoxaemia and secondary polycythaemia
- arterial blood gases may be normal or show hypoxia with/without hypercapnia in advanced cases
- ECG is often normal
- alpha-1 antitrypsin levels and genotypes
what does a lung function test show in COPD? what is the FEV1/FVC and FEV like?
- shows progressive airflow limitation with increasing severity and breathlessness
- FEV less than 80% predicted value
- FEV1/FVC less than 0.7 - airway obstruction
- multiple peak flow measurements may be necessary to exclude asthma
what is stage 1 COPD?
FEV1 less than 80% of predicted value
what is stage 2 COPD?
FEV1 50-79%
what is stage 3 COPD?
FEV1 30-49%
what is stage 4 COPD?
FEV1 less than 30% of predicted value
what can be seen on a CXR in COPD?
- may be normal or show evidence of hyper-inflated lungs indicated by low, flattened diaphragms and a long narrow heart shadow
- there may be reduced peripheral lung markings and bullae (complete destruction of lung tissue producing an airspace greater than 1cm)
what is treatment of COPD?
- smoking cessation
- bronchodilators
- corticosteroids
- prevention of infection (pneumococcal vaccination, influenza vaccine, antibiotics for exacerbations)
- oxygen therapy
- antimucolytic agents reduce sputum viscosity
- diuretics to treat oedema
- pulmonary rehabilitation
- good diet to reduce weight
- alpha-1 antitrypsin replacement
how are bronchodilators used to treat COPD?
- inhaled (with spacer device if necessary) tiotropium bromide (a LAMA) used as an initial therapy with a rescue SABA e.g. salbutamol or terbutaline to prevent/reduce acute symptoms
- a LABA e.g. formoterol or salmeterol is added in patients with persistent dyspnoea (difficulty breathing)
how are corticosteroids used to treat COPD?
- prednisolone daily for two weeks should be given with measurements of lung function before and after the treatment
- if there is an increase in FEV by more than 15% then discontinue prednisolone and move to inhaled corticosteroid e.g. beclometasone twice daily
how is oxygen therapy used to treat COPD? how much is given?
- long term domiciliary oxygen therapy has survival benefits
- prescribed to patients who no longer smoke
- oxygen is given 19 hours per day every day via nasal prongs to increase arterial oxygen saturations to more than 90%
what is the epidemiology of asthma?
- commonly starts in childhood between the ages 3-5 years and may either worsen or improve during adolescence
- peak prevalence between 5-15 years
- more common in developed countries
what are the three characteristics of asthma?
- airflow limitation; usually reversible spontaneously or with treatment
- airway hyper-responsivenes
- bronchial inflammation with T lymphocytes, mast cells, eosinophils with associated plasma exudation, oedema, smooth muscle hypertrophy, mucus plugging and epithelial damage
what are the two main types of asthma? what are causes of them?
• allergic/eosinophilic asthma (70%): - allergens and atopy - childhood asthma often accompanied by eczema • non-allergic/non-eosinophilic (30%): - exercise, cold air and stress - smoking and non-smoking associated - obesity associated - starts in middle-age
what are genetic factors that may lead to asthma?
- genes controlling the production of cytokines IL-3,-4,-5,-9,-13
- ADAM33 is associated with airway hyper-responsiveness and tissue remodelling
what are environmental factors that may lead to asthma?
- early childhood exposure to allergens and maternal smoking
- growing up in a ‘clean’ environment may predispose towards an IgE response to allergens whereas growing up in a ‘dirtier’ environment may allow the immune system to avoid developing allergic responses
what are risk factors for asthma?
- personal history of atopy
- family history of asthma or atopy
- obesity
- inner-city environment
- premature birth
- socio-economic deprivation
what are precipitating factors for asthma?
- occupational sensitisers such as wood dust, bleaches and dyes, isocyanates (industrial coating and spray painting) and latex
- cold air and exercise
- atmospheric pollution and irritant dusts
- diet; more fruit and veg is protective
- emotion
- drugs such as NSAIDs can trigger attacks, also beta-blockers result in bronchoconstriction, leading to airflow limitation and potential attack
- allergen-induced asthma
what is the primary abnormality in asthma?
primary abnormality in asthma is narrowing of the airway which is due to smooth muscle contraction, thickening of the airway wall by cellular infiltration and inflammation and the presence of secretions within the airway lumen
what do mast cells release in asthma?
• histamine results in bronchoconstriction (via H1
receptor) and inflammation
• tryptase
• prostaglandin2
• cysteine leukotrienes result in bronchoconstriction and inflammation
• TNF-alpha, IL-3 (increases number of mast cells), -4 (causes IgE synthesis) and -5; result in inflammation and airway remodelling
• all act on smooth muscle, small blood vessels,
mucus-secreting cells and sensory nerves cause the
immediate asthmatic reaction
what do eosinophils do in asthma?
- found in large numbers in the bronchial wall and secretions
- attracted to the airway by IL-3 and IL-5, they also prime eosinophils for enhance mediator secretion
- when activated, eosinophils release LTC4 and major basic protein, eosinophilic cationic protein and eosinophilic peroxidase these are toxic to epithelial cells
- both the number and activation of eosinophils are rapidly decreased by corticosteroids
what do dendritic cells and lymphocytes do in asthma?
- abundant in mucous membranes of the airways and the alveoli
- dendritic cells play a role in the initial uptake and presentation of allergens to lymphocytes
- T helper lymphocytes activate and release cytokines
what are the changes in the lung 30 minutes after allergen challenge in asthma?
there is bronchoconstriction
what are the changes in the lung 3 hours after allergen challenge in asthma?
the initial bronchoconstriction decreases, then inflammation occurs due to the vasodilation which decreases blood flow and leads to a build up of
white blood cells, increased vascular permeability and
unregulated adhesion molecules
what are the changes in the lung 6 hours after allergen challenge in asthma?
there is worsening inflammation resulting in eosinophils (attracted to site by IL-5) releasing their mediators that result in a second wave of bronchoconstriction
what is the pathophysiology of remodelling in asthma?
- airway smooth muscle undergoes hypertrophy and hyperplasia leading to a larger fraction of the wall being occupied by smooth muscle tissue
- the airway wall is thickened by the deposition of repair collagens and matrix proteins below the basement membrane
- deposition of matrix proteins, swelling and cellular infiltration expand the submucosa beneath the epithelium so that, for a given degree of smooth muscle shortening there is excess airway narrowing
- swelling outside the smooth muscle layer reduces the retractile forces exerted by the surrounding alveoli so the airways close more easily
- the epithelium is stressed and damaged with loss of ciliated columnar cells
- increase in number of mucus-secreting goblet cells
- damage to the epithelium makes it more vulnerable to infection by common respiratory viruses and pollution
what is the clinical presentation of asthma?
- intermittent dysponea
- wheeze
- cough (especially nocturnal); frequent symptom in children
- sputum
- symptoms worse at night
- episodic shortness of breath
- provoking factors: allergens, infections, menstrual cycle, exercise, cold air
what is the clinical presentation of asthma during an attack?
- there is reduced chest expansion
- prolonged expiratory time
- bilateral expiratory polyphonic wheezes
- tachypnoea
what is the clinical presentation of uncontrolled asthma?
- PEFR less than 50%
- respiratory rate less than 25
- pulse less than 110
- normal speech
what is the clinical presentation of a severe asthma attack?
- inability to complete sentences
- pulse greater than 110bpm
- respiratory rate greater than 25/min
what is the clinical presentation of a life threatening asthma attack?
- silent chest
- confusion and exhaustion
- cyanosis (PaO2 less than 8kPa)
- bradycardia
- PEFR less than 33%
what is the immediate treatment of an asthma attack?
- oxygen therapy to maintain O2 sat (94%-98%)
- nebulised 5mg salbutamol (+ ipratropium if life threatening)
- prednisolone (with/without hydrocortisone IV)
- take ABGs and repeat within 2 hours if severe attack or patient deteriorating
- CXR if no response to treatment
- check PEFR within 15-30 mins/regularly
- oximetry to ensure SaO2 is greater than 92%
what are differential diagnoses of asthma?
pulmonary oedema, COPD (may co-exist), large airway obstruction caused by foreign body/tumour, pneumothorax, bronchiectasis
what is used to diagnose asthma?
- RCP3 questions (nocturnal waking, usual symptoms, interference with ADLs)
- asthma control test
- lung function tests (PEFR, spirometry, CO test)
- exercise tests
- trial of corticosteroids
- exhaled nitric oxide (measures eosinophilic inflammation and corticosteroid response)
- blood and sputum tests (eosinophilia)
- skin prick tests to help identify allergic trigger factors
- history
how is asthma control test used to diagnose asthma? what are the results?
- 25: well controlled
- 20-24: on target
- less than 20: off target
how is peak expiratory flow rate used to diagnose asthma?
measurement on waking, prior to taking a bronchodilator and before bed, after a bronchodilator
- asthma is diagnosed by demonstrating a greater than 15% improvement in FEV1 or PEFR following the inhalation of a bronchodilator
how is asthma distinguished from COPD?
- COPD is a later disease more dominantly of smokers
- more of a relentless progressive dyspnoea with wheeze
- less day-day variation
- winter symptoms and sputum production in COPD
- overlap can occur
what are the aims of treatment of asthma?
- abolish symptoms
- restore normal or best possible lung function
- reduce risk of severe attacks
- enable normal growth to occur in children
- minimise absence from school or employment
- avoidance of identified causes if possible
- use of lowest effective doses of medication to minimise side effects
what is used to treat asthma?
- control of extrinsic factors when specific allergen triggers are identified
- bronchodilators
- anti-inflammatory steroids
- other agents with bronchodilator activity
- steroid-sparing agents
what are some types of bronchodilators used to treat asthma?
- beta2-agonists
- muscarinic antagonists
- methylxanthines
what are features of beta2-agonists used to treat asthma?
- are beta-2 selective i.e. work only in lungs, however in high doses the B2-agonists are not selective and will act on other receptors
- lead to bronchodilation
- beta-agonists also inhibit mast cell activity thereby reducing inflammatory response
- at high concentrations e.g. in badly controlled asthmatics a tolerance may develop due to B2-receptor desensitisation
what short acting beta agonists are used to treat asthma? how long do they act for?
- salbutamol (partial agonist)
- terbutaline
- 4 hours
- prescribed as two puffs as required
what long acting beta agonists are used to treat asthma? how long do they act for?
- salmeterol
- formoterol (full agonist)
- 12 hours
- longer acting since there are more lipophilic so they remain in the tissue for longer
what short and long acting muscarinic antagonists are used to treat asthma?
- short-acting e.g. ipratropium
- long acting e.g. tiotropium - has high affinity and disassociates slowly from muscarinic receptors
what is the mechanism of action of muscarinic antagonists? how are they used to treat asthma?
- act on airway M3 receptors
- normally ACh (parasympathetic) binds to M3 receptor bound to Gq protein resulting in phospholipase C converting phosphate to DAG resulting in protein kinase C production resulting in smooth muscle contraction
- muscarinic antagonists prevent ACh from binding since they bind to the M3 receptor thereby blocking ACh action
what is the mechanism of action of methylxanthines? how are they used to treat asthma?
these are phosphodiesterase inhibitors; prevent the conversion of cyclic-AMP to 5’-AMP resulting in a build up of cyclic-AMP and thus increased smooth muscle relaxation
what are examples of methylxanthines used to treat asthma?
theophylline (non-selective so has wide range of side effects e.g. CVS, CNS and GI tract) and aminophylline
what are features of inhaled corticosteroids used to treat asthma? what are the different types of corticosteroids?
- all patients who have regular persistent symptoms need regular treatment with inhaled corticosteroids
- there are two types of corticosteroids; mineralocorticoids and glucocorticoids
- hydrocortisone has anti-inflammatory properties but also has significant mineralocorticoid action so is not suitable as a treatment
- instead, semi-synthetic glucocorticoids that have reduced or no mineralocorticoid action and improved anti-inflammatory effects are used
what are examples of inhaled corticosteroids used in asthma?
- prednisolone
- beclomatasone
- budesonide
what is the effect of glucocorticoids on genes?
- glucocorticoids interfere with gene transcription
- glucocorticoid receptor is found on the promoter region of DNA and has zinc fingers that anchor receptor to DNA and recognise discrete sequences
- there is either a + glucocorticoid response element which increases transcription or -GRE response, which decreases transcription
what is a +GRE response?
+GRE results in increased lipocortin which inhibits PLA2 meaning there is a decrease in arachidonic acid and thus a decrease in prostaglandins and leukotrienes resulting in reduced inflammation and thus reducing symptoms
what is a -GRE response?
-GRE results in the suppression of cytokines e.g. TNF, IL-5 and IL-3 thereby reducing inflammation and thus reducing symptoms
what are side effects of inhaled corticosteroids in asthma?
- susceptibility to infection due to cytokine suppression
* metabolic such as osteoporosis and muscle wasting
what are other agents with bronchodilator activity that are used to treat asthma? what are some examples?
- leukotriene receptor antagonist e.g. montelukast
* oral corticosteroids needed for those not controlled on inhaled corticosteroids
what are examples of steroid-sparing agents that are used to treat asthma?
- methotrexate
- ciclosporin
- IV immunoglobulin
- anti-IgE monoclonal antibody (omalizumab)
what is the guideline medication regime for asthma?
- SABA + LABA + ICS + 4th drug e.g. anti-IgE monoclonal etc. (severe)
what is the PEFR and treatment of step 1 (occasional symptoms, less frequent than daily) asthma?
- 100% predicted
- as-required SABAs
- if used more than once daily, move to step 2
what is the PEFR and treatment of step 2 (daily symptoms) asthma?
- <80% predicted
regular inhaled preventer therapy:
- anti-inflammatory drugs; inhaled low-dose corticosteroids up to 800ug daily
- leukotriene receptor antagonists, theophylline and sodium cromoglycate are less effective
- if not controlled, move to step 3
what is the PEFR and treatment of step 3 (severe symptoms) asthma?
- 50-80% predicted
inhaled corticosteroids and long-acting inhaled beta-2 agonist:
- continue inhaled corticosteroid
- add regular inhaled LABA
- if still not controlled, add either LTBA, modified release oral theophylline or beta-2 agonist
- if not controlled, move to step 4
what is the PEFR and treatment of step 4 (severe symptoms uncontrolled with high-dose inhaled corticosteroids)?
- 50-80% predicted
high dose inhaled corticosteroids and regular bronchodilators:
- increase high-dose inhaled corticosteroids up to 2000ug daily
- plus regular LABAs
- plus either LTRA or modified release theophylline or beta2-agonist
what is the PEFR and treatment of step 5 (severe symptoms deteriorating) asthma?
<50% predicted
regular oral corticosteroids
- add prednisolone 40mg daily to step 4
what is the PEFR and treatment of step 6 (severe symptoms deteriorating in spite of prednisolone) asthma?
<30% predicted
hospital admission
what is hypersensitivity pneumonitis/extrinsic allergic alveolitis?
- previously called extrinsic allergic alveolitis
- type of ILD; distinct cellular infiltrates and extracellular matrix deposition in lung distal to the terminal bronchiole i.e. diseases of the alveolar/capillary interface
what are interstitial lung diseases?
ILDs are a group of lung diseases affecting the lung interstitium (the tissue and space around the air sacs of the lungs)
what is the epidemiology of hypersensitivity pneumonitis?
- usually a disease of adults
- caused by an allergic reaction affecting the small airways and alveoli in response to an inhaled antigen or the ingestion of a causative drug
- there is diffuse, granulomatous inflammation of the lung parenchyma and airways in people who have been sensitised by repeated inhalation of organic antigens in dust
- there are acute, subacute and chronic forms
- acute and subacute forms cause a recurrent pneumonitis
- chronic disease can cause fibrosis, emphysema and permanent lung damage
- one of the most common causes worldwide is farmer’s lung
- associated with many jobs and hobbies
what jobs and hobbies is hypersensitivity pneumonia associated with?
- farmers lung; due to exposure to mouldy hay, Micropolyspora faeni and Aspergillus umbrosus
- bird/pigeon fanciers lung; due to exposure to avian proteins in droppings
- cheese-workers lung; due to exposure to mouldy cheese, Penicillium casei
- malt-workers lung; due to exposure to mould malt, Aspergillus clavatus
- humidifier fever; due to contaminated humidifying systems in air conditioners or humidifier in factories (especially in printing works), variety of bacteria
what are risk factors for hypersensitivity pneumonitis?
- pre-existing lung disease
- specific occupations including farmers, cattle workers, ventilation system workers, vets and those jobs that involve working with chemicals
- bird keeping
- regular use of hot tubs
what is the pathophysiology of hypersensitivity pneumonitis?
- the allergic response to the inhaled antigen involves both cellular immunity and the deposition of immune complexes (type 3 hypersensitivity reaction) resulting in inflammation through the activation of complement via the classical pathway
- some of the inhaled antigen may lead to inflammation by directly activating the alternate complement pathway
- these mechanisms attract and activate alveolar and interstitial macrophages so that continued exposure results in pulmonary fibrosis
what happens in the acute phase of hypersensitivity pneumonitis?
the alveoli are infiltrated with acute inflammatory cells
what happens in the chronic phase of hypersensitivity pneumonitis?
granuloma formation and obliterative bronchiolitis
what is the pathophsyiology of farmers lung in hypersensitivity pneumonitis?
• fungus in mouldy hay is inhaled
• if individual is already sensitised to the organism, a type III immune complex hypersensitivity reaction follows
• clinically there is acute dyspnoea and cough a few
hours after inhalation of the antigen
• one of the earliest features is bronchiolitis
• later, chronic inflammatory cells are seen in the interstitium together with non-caseating granulomas
• may resolve on antigen withdrawal but if there is chronic exposure then pulmonary fibrosis develops
what is the clinical presentation of acute (4-6hours post exposure) hypersensitivity pneumonitis?
- fever
- rigors
- myalgia
- dry cough
- dyspnoea
- crackles (no wheeze)
- chest-tightness
- patients may be mistakenly diagnosed with a chest infection
- symptoms related to level of exposure
what is the clinical presentation of subacute hypersensitivity pneumonitis?
- occurs with intermittent or lower-level exposure
- history or repeated acute attacks
- signs same as acute, symptoms less severe and more gradual onset
- can be present as recurrent pneumonia
- improvement is seen in weeks to months following removal from exposure
what is the clinical presentation of chronic hypersensitivity pneumonitis?
- usually no history of preceding acute symptoms
- if the source of antigen is removed only partial improvement of symptoms
- cyanosis and clubbing may develop
- weight loss
- increasing dyspnoea
- type 1 respiratory failure
what are differential diagnoses of hypersensitivity pneumonitis?
infection, connective tissue disorders causing ILDs, pulmonary fibrosis, asthma, drug-induced ILD
what is used to diagnose hypersensitivity pneumonitis?
- FBC (raised WCC, increased ESR)
- lung function test (reversible restrictive defect, reduced gas transfer during acute attacks)
- bronchoalveolar lavage (analysis of lymphocyte cound and CD4/CD8 ratio)
what is seen on CXR in hypersensitivity pneumonitis?
- fibrotic shadow in upper zone of lung (upper zone mottling/consolidation)
- diffuse small nodules and increased reticular shadowing may be present but not specific
what is the treatment of acute hypersensitivity pneumonitis?
- remove allergen
- give O2 (35-60%)
- oral prednisolone followed by reducing dose
what is the treatment of chronic hypersensitivity pneumonitis?
- avoid exposure to allergen
- long term steroids can achieve chest x-ray and physiological improvement
- corticosteroids
what are types of occupational lung disorders? what can they each be caused by?
- acute bronchitis and oedema from irritants such as sulphur dioxide, chlorine, ammonia or nitrogen oxides
- pulmonary fibrosis from inhalation of inorganic dust e.g. coal, silica, asbestos, iron and tin
- occupational asthma
- hypersensitivity pneumonitis
- bronchial carcinoma due to asbestos, polycyclic hydrocarbons and radon in mines
what is pneumoconiosis?
pneumoconiosis means the accumulation of dust in the lungs and the reaction of the tissue to its presence
what is the epidemiology of coal-workers pneumoconiosis? what is the pathophysiology?
- common dust disease in countries that have or have had coal-mines
- caused by the inhalation of coal dust particles over 15-20yrs
- these particles are ingested by alveolar macrophages in the small airways and alveoli which then die, releasing enzymes and causing fibrosis
what is the diagnosis of simple pneumoconiosis?
- produces fine micro nodular shadowing in the chest x-ray
- graded on CXR
what can simple pneumoconiosis progress to?
- can progress to the development of progressive massive fibrosis
- this almost never occurs in mild pneumoconiosis but risk increases with more severe simple pneumoconiosis
what is the pathophysiology of progressive massive fibrosis?
- patients develop round fibrotic masses mostly situated in the upper lobes sometimes with necrotic central cavities
- rheumatoid factor and anti-nuclear antibodies are both often present in the serum of patients with PMF and also in those suffering from asbestosis or silicosis
- there is apical destruction and disruption of the lung resulting in emphysema and airway damage
what is the clinical presentation of progressive massive fibrosis?
- due to progression of coal workers pneumoconiosis
- sufferers have considerable effort dyspnoea and fibrosis
- sputum may be black
what is the diagnosis of progressive massive fibrosis?
- seen on CXR with upper-zone fibrotic masses
- rheumatoid factor and anti-nuclear antibodies are both often present in the serum of patients with PMF and also in those suffering from asbestosis or silicosis
- lung function tests show a mixed restrictive and obstructive ventilatory defect with loss of lung volume, irreversible airflow limitation and reduced gas transfer
what is the treatment/progression of progressive massive fibrosis?
- manage by avoiding coal dust exposure and claim compensation
- disease can progress or develop even after coal exposure has ceased and may lead to respiratory failure
where is silicosis seen? what is it caused by? what is its pathogenesis?
- uncommon but seen in stonemasons, sand-blasters, pottery and ceramic workers and foundry workers involved in fettling
- caused by the inhalation of silica dioxide which is very fibrogenic
- silica is particularly toxic to alveolar macrophages and readily initiates fibrogenesis
what is seen on CXR and spirometry in silicosis?
- CXR appearance show diffuse nodular pattern in upper and mid-zone and thin streaks of calcification (egg-shell calcification) of the hilar nodes
- spirometry shows a restrictive ventilatory defect
what is the clinical presentation of silicosis?
patients have progressive dyspnoea and an increased incidence of TB
what is the treatment of silicosis?
manage by avoiding exposure to silica and claim compensation
where has asbestos been used? why?
has widely been used in roofing, insulation and fireproofing due to its resistance to heat, acid and alkali
what are types of asbestos?
- chrysolite (white asbestos, 90%; least fibrogenic)
- crocidolite (blue asbestos, 6%; most fibrogenic and most likely to cause asbestosis and mesothelioma)
- amosite (brown asbestos, 4%; least common, intermediate fibrogenicity)
is crocidolite (white asbestos) easily inhaled or not? why/why not? what are features of it?
crocidolite is easily inhaled due to its thin long shape but also easily trapped in the lungs, its also resistant to macrophage and neutrophil enzymatic destruction
what is asbestosis? what is its pathophysiology?
- type of ILD; distinct cellular infiltrates and extracellular matrix deposition in lung distal to the terminal bronchiole
- fibrosis of the lungs caused by asbestos dust, which may or may not be associated with fibrosis of the parietal or visceral layers of the pleura
- significant time lag between exposure and development of disease, particularly mesothelioma (20-40 years)
what is the clinical presentation of asbestosis?
- progressive disease characterised by breathlessness and progressive dyspnoea and accompanied by finger clubbing and bilateral basal end-inspiratory crackles
- also causes pleural plaques and increases risk of mesothelioma and bronchial adenocarcinoma
what is the treatment of asbestosis?
only symptomatic management is known e.g. corticosteroids
what is byssinosis?
- an occupational lung disease caused by exposure to cotton dust in inadequately ventilated working environments
- commonly occurs in workers who are employed in yarn and fabric manufacture industries
- occurs worldwide but is declining particularly in areas where the number of people employed in cotton mills is falling
what is the clinical presentation of byssinosis?
- symptoms occur on the first day back at work after a break with improvement as the week progresses
- chest tightness, cough and breathlessness occur within the first hour in dusty areas of the cotton mill
- those with asthma are affected badly by the cotton dust
what is the diagnosis of byssinosis?
there are no changes on CXR and aetiology/nature of disease is unknown
what is berylliosis?
chronic allergic-type lung response and chronic lung disease caused by exposure to beryllium and its compounds; a form of beryllium poisoning
what is beryllium? where is it used?
- beryllium is a copper alloy with high tensile strengths and resistance to high temperature and corrosion
- widely used in the aerospace industry, atomic reactors and many electrical devices
what is the clinical presentation of berylliosis?
- when beryllium is inhaled it can cause a systemic illness with a clinical picture similar to sarcoidosis
- progressive dyspnoea with pulmonary fibrosis
- rare
what is bronchiectasis? what does it result from?
• chronic infection of the bronchi and bronchioles leading to permanent dilatation of these airways
• results from pulmonary inflammation and scarring due to infection, bronchial obstruction or lung fibrosis
- the resulting scarring causes airway distortion and dilatation with further inflammation in the wall of the damaged airway due to secondary infection
what is the epidemiology of bronchiectasis? what triggers it?
- more common in women than men
- may develop after lung infections
- it is the pathological end point of many diseases
- present at any age but increases with age
what lung insults can cause bronchiectasis?
- post infection (most common)
- congenital
- mechanical bronchial wall obstruction (foreign body, post-TB stenosis, lymphnodes/tumour)
- allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis
- ulcerative colitis
- hypogammaglobulinaemia
- rheumatoid arthritis
what can cause post infection bronchiectasis?
- previous pneumonia
- granulomatous disease e.g. TB
- measles, whooping cough
- allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis
- pertussis
- bronchiolitis
what can cause congenital bronchiectasis?
- cystic fibrosis
- deficiency of bronchial was elements
- primary ciliary dyskinesia (Kartagener’s syndrome)
what is the pathophysiology of bronchiectasis?
- failure of mucociliary clearance and impaired immune function contribute to continued insult to bronchial wall, through the recruitment of inflammatory cells and uncontrolled neutrophilic inflammation; bronchitis → bronchiectasis → fibrosis
- airways dilate due to pulmonary inflammation and scarring, as fibrosis contracts
- secondary inflammation changes lead to further destruction of airways
what is the clinical presentation of bronchiectasis?
- usually the lower lobes are affected
- chronic cough with production of copious amounts of foul smelling purulent sputum (khaki coloured) with intermittent haemoptysis
- dyspnoea
- finger clubbing especially in cystic fibrosis
- wheeze
- infection usually characterised by increased sputum volume and increased purulence
- chest pain
- recurrent exacerbations with long recovery time
what are differential diagnoses of bronchiectasis?
COPD, asthma, TB, chronic sinusitis, cough due to acid reflux, pneumonia, pulmonary fibrosis, cancer, inhalation of foreign body
what is used to diagnose bronchiectasis?
- sputum culture (bacterial colonisation)
- high resolution CT
- spirometry (obstructive pattern)
- sinus X-rays (may have rhinosinusitis)
- sweat test for all patients under 40, if cystic fibrosis suspected (will see high chloride concentration if CF)
- bronchoscopy to locate site of haemoptysis, exclude obstruction and obtain culture samples
- immunology e.g. total IgE to exclude bronchopulmonary aspergillosis
what is seen on CXR in bronchiectasis?
- dilated bronchi with thickened walls (tramline and ring shadows)
- multiple cysts containing fluid showing up as cystic shadows
what major pathogens are seen in bronchiectasis?
- Haemophilus influenza
- Streptococcus pneumoniae
- Staphylococcus aureus
- Pseudomonas aeruginosa
what is seen on high resolution CT in bronchiectasis?
- thickened, dilated bronchi with cysts at the end of bronchioles
- airways larger than associated blood vessels
what is used to treat bronchiectasis?
- improved mucus clearance (postural drainage, chest physio, mucolytics)
- antibiotics
- bronchodilators such as nebulised salbutamol is useful for asthma or COPD sufferers
- anti-inflammatory agents e.g. long term azithromycin can reduce exacerbation frequency
- surgery in localised disease or to control severe haemoptysis
what antibiotics are used to treat bronchiectasis?
- treatment of exacerbations usually lasts 2 weeks
- if pseudomonas aeruginosa then high dose oral ciprofloxacin twice daily
- Haemophilus influenzae responds to oral amoxicillin, co-amoxiclav or doxycycline; some multi-resistant species need IV cephalosporin
- if Staphylococcus aureus then give flucloxacillin
what is cystic fibrosis?
- genetic disorder affecting mostly the lungs, pancreas, liver, kidneys and intestines
- inherited in autosomal recessive manner
- caused by mutations in both copies of the gene for the CFTR protein
- one of the most common lethal autosomal recessive conditions in caucasians
- 25% condition and 50% carrier risk
what is the epidemiology of cystic fibrosis?
- much less common in Afro-Caribbean and Asian people
- multi-system disease although respiratory problems are usually the most prominent
- most people with CF also have pancreatic insufficiency
what are risk factors for cystic fibrosis?
- family history
- caucasians
where is the CF gene located? what protein does it code for?
CF gene is located on the long arm of chromosome 7 coding for the cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator (CFTR) protein
• transport protein on membrane of epithelial cells that acts as a chloride channel
• transports chloride ions
• normally it actively exports negative ions especially Cl-, and Na+ passively follows causing an osmotic gradient and movement of water out of the cell and into the mucus
what is the commonest mutation that causes cystic fibrosis?
commonest mutation is the F508 deletion mutation and accounts for 70% of cases
what is the pathophysiology of cystic fibrosis in the lung?
- in the lungs, CFTR dysfunction leads to dehydrated airway surface liquid, mucus stasis, airway inflammation and recurrent infection
- the changes in the composition of airway surface liquid predispose the lung to chronic pulmonary
infections - this process originates in the small airways, leading to progressive airway obstruction and bronchiectasis
what is the clinical presentation of cystic fibrosis in neonates?
- failure to thrive
- meconium ileus - bowel obstruction due to thick meconium (earliest stool)
- rectal prolapse
- whilst the lungs of babies born with CF are structurally normal at birth, frequent respiratory infections soon develop and are the presenting feature
what is the clinical presentation of cystic fibrosis in the upper and lower respiratory tract?
- cough
- thick mucus
- wheeze
- recurrent infections
- bronchiectasis and airflow limitation
- sinusitis
- nasal polyps
- spontaneous pneumothorax
- haemoptysis and breathlessness (late)
- the resultant inflammatory response damages the airways and results in progressive bronchiectasis, airflow limitation and eventually respiratory failure
what is the clinical presentation of cystic fibrosis in the alimentary system?
- thick secretions
- reduced pancreatic enzymes (due to mucus blocking pancreatic duct)
- pancreatic insufficiency diabetes and steatorrhoea
- distal intestinal obstruction syndrome
- reduced bicarbonate
- maldigestion and malabsorption thus poor nutrition (associated with pulmonary sepsis)
- cholesterol gallstones and cirrhosis
- increased incidence of peptic ulcers and malignancy
what are other clinical presentations of cystic fibrosis?
- males infertile due to atrophy of vas deferens and epididymis
- females able to conceive but often develop secondary amenorrhea as disease progresses
- salty sweat
- clubbing
- osteoporosis
what is used to diagnose cystic fibrosis?
- clinical history
- family history of disease
- one or more of these:
• sweat test: will show high sodium and chloride concentrations greater than 60mmol/L (Cl- will be higher)
• absent vas deferens and epididymis
• GI and nutritional disorders - genetic screening for CF mutations
- faecal elastase test; good at excluding exocrine pancreas disease (protease is produced by pancreas and found in faeces) - in CF patient there will be low or no levels of elastase due to mucus blocking release
- microbiology
what microbiological species are looked for in cystic fibrosis diagnosis?
- Pseudomonas aeruginosa
- Mycobacterium abscessus
- Enterobacter spp.
- Klebsiella
- Prevotella spp. (anaerobe)
what is the treatment of cystic fibrosis?
- lung function (FEV1) and BMI should be recorded at every appointment
- education to improve QoL and good nutrition and prompt treatment of exacerbations
- stop smoking
- prophylactic antibiotics (flucloxacillin for S. aureus and amoxicillin for H. influenzae)
- pseudomonal and flu vaccine
- if MRSA present then treat with rifampicin and fucidin
- if Pseudomonas aeruginosa present then treat with ciprofloxacillin and nebulised colomycin
- regular chest physiotherapy (postural drainage, forced expiratory techniques)
- B2 agonists and inhaled corticosteroids for symptomatic relief
- mucolytics such as dornase alfa (nebulised) or inhaled DNAse to clear airways of mucus
- pancreatic enzyme replacement
- fat soluble vitamin supplements (ADEK)
- screening and treatment for osteoporosis
- amiloride inhibits Na+ transport thus less thick mucus
- bilateral lung transplant
how is bilateral lung transplant used to treat cystic fibrosis?
- patient needs to be on maximal therapy and fully compliant, psychologically well
- needs to be sick but not too sick
- HLA compatibility
- reasonable bone health
- if M abscessus bacteria present then cannot receive transplant since it can be associated with a rapid decline and active infection may preclude transplantation
- post transplant; major immunosuppressants
what is sarcoidosis? what does it affect? what does it typically present with?
- type of ILD
- a multi-system granulomatous disorder of unknown cause
- affects any organ system, but commonly involves the mediastinal lymph nodes and lung
- typically presents with bilateral hilar lymphadenopathy, pulmonary infiltration and skin or eye lesions
what is the epidemiology of sarcoidosis?
- usually affects adults aged 20-40 years
- more common in women
- prevalence highest in Northern Europe
- African-Caribbeans are affected more frequently and more severely than Caucasians, particularly by extra-thoracic disease
- often detected on routine X-ray
- first degree relatives have an increased risk of developing sarcoidosis (particularly in Caucasians)
what is the pathophysiology of sarcoidosis?
- typical sarcoid granulomas consist of focal accumulations of epithelioid cells, macrophages and lymphocytes (mainly T cells)
- generally unknown
what is the clinical presentation of sarcoidosis? what does acute sarcoidosis commonly present with?
- in 20-40% the disease is discovered incidentally, after a routine CXR and is thus asymptomatic
- sarcoidosis can affect any organ but has a predilection to the lung
- acute sarcoidosis commonly presents with erythema nodusum (red lumps form on the shins and less commonly thighs and forearms) with/without polyarthralgia; it usually resolves spontaneously
- constitutional symptoms (fever, weight loss, fatigue)
- respiratory symptoms
- other symptoms
what are respiratory symptoms of sarcoidosis?
- 90% have abnormal CXRs with bilateral lymphadenopathy with/without pulmonary infiltrates/fibrosis
- dry cough
- progressive dyspnoea
- reduced exercise tolerance
- chest pain
what are other symptoms of sarcoidosis?
- lymphadenopathy
- hepatomegaly
- deranged LFTs
- splenomegaly
- conjunctivitis
- glaucoma
- anterior uveitis
- hypercalciuria
- enlargement of lacrimal and parotid glands
- Bell’s palsy; lesion of facial nerve (CN7)
- facial numbness, dysphagia and visual field defects
- lupus pernio - blueish-red/purple nodules and plaques over nose, cheek and ears
- renal stones
- cardiac arrhthmias
- heart block
what are differential diagnoses of sarcoidosis?
rheumatoid arthritis, lymphoma, metastatic malignancy, TB, lung cancer, SLE, idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis and multiple myeloma
what is used to diagnose sarcoidosis?
- CXR (used for staging)
- blood tests
- bronchoscopy
- ECG (arrythmias/BBB)
- lung function tests (normal/reduced lung volumes, impaired gas transfer and restrictive ventilatory defect)
- tissue biopsy (diagnostic; non-caseating granuloma)
- broncheolar lavage (increased lymphocytes and neutrophils)
what is stage 0 sarcoidosis?
what is stage 1 sarcoidosis?
bilateral hilar lymphadenopathy
what is stage 2 sarcoidosis?
pulmonary infiltrates with BHL
what is stage 3 sarcoidosis?
pulmonary infiltrates without BHL
what is stage 4 sarcoidosis?
progressive pulmonary fibrosis, bulla formation
(honeycombing - confluence of two or more elements of the bronchial tree) and bronchiectasis
what blood tests are done in diagnosis of sarcoidosis?
- raised ESR
- lymphopenia
- raised LFT
- raised Ca2+
- raised immunoglobulins
- serum ACE
- 24 hour urinary calcium if blood serum normal
what is the treatment of sarcoidosis?
- worse outcomes in patients with Afro-Caribbean and Asian descent those with extrathoracic disease
- patients with bilateral hilar lymphadenopathy don’t need treatment since most will recover spontaneously
- do not treat symptomatic patients at Stage 1
- do not treat asymptomatic patients at Stage 2 or 3
- corticosteroids
- transplantation in severe cases
- treat extra-organ complications
- acute: bed rest and NSAIDs
how are corticosteroids used to treat sarcoidosis?
- prednisolone orally then gradually reduce dose
- in severe illness give IV methylprednisolone
- if steroid-resistant then methotrexate, but close monitoring required
what is idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis?
- type of chronic scarring ILD characterised by a progressive and irreversible decline in lung function; distinct cellular infiltrates and extracellular matrix deposition in lung distal to the terminal bronchiole i.e. diseases of the alveolar/capillary interface
- there is patchy fibrosis or the interstitium and minimal or absent inflammation, acute fibroblastic proliferation and collagen deposition
- also known as cryptogenic organising pneumonia
what is the epidemiology of idiopathic pulmonary pneumonia?
- a progressive chronic pulmonary fibrosis of unknown aetiology although 20% of patient give history of occupational exposure to metals and wood dusts
- mean onset is in the sixties and presentation is very uncommon under the age of 50
- males are twice as likely to be affected
what is the pathophysiology of idiopathic pulmonary pneumonia?
- the pathogenesis of IPF is unknown
- repetitive injury to the alveolar epithelium, caused by
currently unidentified environmental stimuli leads to repair of the damaged tissue - in IPF, the wound healing mechanisms become uncontrolled, leading to the over-production of fibroblasts and deposition of increased extracellular matrix in the interstitium with little inflammation
- structural integrity of the lung parenchyma is disrupted; there is loss of elasticity and impaired gas exchange, leading to progressive respiratory failure
what are risk factors that are implicated in triggering the aberrant wound healing in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis?
- cigarette smoking
- infectious agents (CMV, Hep C, EBV)
- occupational dust exposure (metals, woods)
- drugs; methotrexate, imipramine
- chronic GORD
- genetic predisposition
what is the pattern of lung disease of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis?
- most patients with IPF show a pattern of lung disease described as usual interstitial pneumonitis
- this pattern of disease is characteristically patchy with the sub-pleural regions of the lower lobes predominantly affected
- there is variable interstitial inflammatory infiltrate in the affected areas of the lung with collapse of the lung architecture and the development of mystically dilated spaces within the fibrotic areas of the lung
(honeycombing) - a characteristic feature is the presence of areas of immature fibrous tissue or ‘fibroblastic foci’ in the less severely affected areas
what is clinical presentation of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis?
- dry cough with/without sputum
- exertional dyspnoea
- malaise
- weight loss
- arthralgia
- cyanosis
- finger clubbing
- fine bi-basal end-inspiratory crackles
when can deterioration and acute exacerbations occur in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis?
- step-wise deterioration can occur due to pneumothorax, pulmonary embolism or intercurrent infection
- but acute exacerbations with no identifiable cause are well recognised and are associated with increased mortality
what are the differential diagnoses of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis?
COPD, asthma, bronchiectasis, congestive heart failure, atypical pneumonia, lung cancer, asbestosis and hypersensitivity pneumonitis
what is used to diagnose idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis?
- blood tests
- high resolution CT (more sensitive than CXR)
- spirometry/respiratory function test
- lung biopsy
what blood tests are used to diagnose idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis?
- arterial blood gas - low PaO2, and if severe then high PaCO2 too
- raised CRP
- raised immunoglobulins
- check antinuclear antibodies and rheumatoid factor to exclude autoimmune rheumatic disease
- spirometry/RFT (shows restrictive pattern)
what is seen on CXR in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis?
- small volume lungs with increased reticular shadowing (complex network of curvilinear opacities similar to a net) at the bases
- may be normal in early disease
what is seen on high resolution CT in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis?
- abnormalities are more pronounced at the bases
- reticulation is most evident in the lung peripheries/subpleura
- traction bronchiectasis: the fibrotic process distorts the normal lung architecture, pulling the airways open and causing bronchiectasis
- honeycombing: there are basal layers of small, cystic airspaces with irregularly thickened walls composed of fibrous tissue
what is the treatment of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis?
- median survival time is 2-5 years
- serial lung function testing is used to monitor disease progression
- best supportive care (oxygen, rehabilitation, palliative care)
- treat GORD since it contributes to repetitive alveolar epithelial damage
- treat cough
- pirfenidone (an antifibrotic agent that can slow the rate of FVC decline (need to check eligibility))
- lung transplant
- do not give high-dose steroids unless diagnosis of IPF is in doubt
what is the pressure like in the lung?
- the lung circulation offers a low resistance to flow compared to the systemic circulation (about 90mmHg)
- normal mean pulmonary artery pressure (mPAP) is 14 +/- 3 mmHg with an upper limit of normal of 20mmHg
what are the causes of pulmonary hypertension?
- pulmonary vascular disorders (PE, primary pulmonary hypertension, veno-occlusive disease)
- diseases of the lung and the parenchyma (COPD, chronic lung disorders)
- MSK (kyphoscoliosis, poliomyelitis, myasthenia gravis)
- disturbance of respiratory drive (OSA, morbid obestiy, CVD)
- cardiac (mitral stenosis, left ventricle failure, left atrial myxoma, congenital heart disease)
- increase in pulmonary vascular resistance or increase in pulmonary blood flow
- appetite suppression drugs
- type 1 glycogen storage diseases e.g. von Gierke disease
- lipid storage disease
- rheumatic autoimmune disease
- hepatic mass
- sickle cell disease
- familial
- can be idiopathic
what is the pathophysiology of pulmonary hypertension?
- hypoxic vasoconstriction, inflammation, cell proliferation resulting in narrower vessels and increased right ventricular pressure caused pulmonary hypertension
- leads to the damage of the pulmonary endothelium resulting in the release of vasoconstrictors e.g. endothelin which increases pulmonary vascular resistance, meaning the right ventricle must pump harder, causing right ventricular hypertrophy
- increased platelet and leukocyte adhesion, elevated serotonin and other factors cause further vasoconstriction and remodelling, further increasing PVR
- patients develop right ventricular hypertrophy, dilatation and eventually failure resulting in death
what is the clinical presentation of pulmonary hypertension?
- exertional dyspnoea, lethargy and fatigue are the initial features due to an inability to increase cardiac output with exercise
- ankle swelling
- chest pain
- syncope
- as right ventricular failure develops there will be oedema and abdominal pain from hepatic congestion
- loud pulmonary second sound
- right parasternal heave caused by right ventricular hypertrophy
- in advanced disease there are features of right heart failure (cor pulmonale)
what are features of cor pulmonale in pulmonary hypertension?
- elevated jugular venous pressure
- prominent V wave if tricuspid regurgitation present
- hepatomegaly
- pulsatile liver
- peripheral oedema
- ascites
- pleural effusion
what are differential diagnoses of pulmonary hypertension?
cor pulmonale, cardiomyopathies, primary right
ventricular heart failure, CHF, portal hypertension
what is used to diagnose pulmonary hypertension?
- ECG (right ventricular hypertrophy and P pulmonale)
- echocardiogram
- LFTs to detect portal hypertension
- autoimmune screening
what is seen on CXR in pulmonary hypertension?
- enlarged proximal pulmonary arteries which taper distally
- enlarged heart
- may also reveal cause of pulmonary hypertension e.g. emphysema or calcified mitral valve
what is seen on ECG in pulmonary hypertension?
right ventricular hypertrophy and P pulmonale (tall and peaked P wave)
what is seen on an echocardiogram in pulmonary hypertension?
- right ventricular dilatation and/or hypertrophy
* can show cause of pulmonary hypertension e.g. intra-cardiac shunt
what is the treatment of pulmonary hypertension?
- treat underlying cause
- oxygen
- warfarin for intrapulmonary thrombosis
- diuretics for oedema
- CCBs
- oral endothelin receptor antagonist e.g. bosenten
- phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitors
- prostanoid (mediators of vasoconstriction) analogues e.g. inhaled iloprost
- consider heart-lung transplant in young patients
what are the lung pleura? what are their functions?
- lungs are covered by a thin serous layer known as the visceral pleura
- this is reflected on the chest wall and pericardium as the parietal pleura
- the lung hila connect the visceral and parietal pleura
- allow movement of the lung against the chest wall
- coupling system between lungs and chest wall
- clearing fluid from the pulmonary interstitium
what is the function of the fluid in the pleural space?
there is normally a small amount of fluid in the pleural space, between the parietal and visceral pleura, which lubricates movement between them
what does the pleural fluid contain?
- proteins: mainly albumin, globulin and fibrinogen
- many mesothelial cells, monocytes and lymphocytes
what is the production and reabsorption of the pleural fluid?
- pleural fluid is produced and reabsorbed by the parietal pleura (lymphatic stoma)
- reabsorption occurs mainly at the dependent areas of parietal pleura i.e. posteriorly and inferiorly - in these areas more lymphatic stoma are found
- drainage of fluid is achieved by the lymphatic pump; contractions of smooth muscles of lymphatic walls
what is a pleural effusion? when may pain be felt?
- a pleural effusion is the excessive accumulation of fluid in the pleural space
- parietal pleura is highly sensitive to pain
what is the epidemiology of pleural effusion?
- seen in adults and less commonly in children
- recurrent pleural effusions are seen malignant mesothelioma
- pleural effusions are either transudates or exudates
what are risk factors for pleural effusion?
- previous lung damage
- asbestos exposure
what are features of transudates in pleural effusion?
- pleural fluid protein is less than 30g/L since vessels are normal so only fluid is able to leak out and not protein
- occurs when the balance of hydrostatic forces in the chest favour the accumulation of pleural fluid i.e. increased pressure due to the backing up of blood in left sided congestive heart failure
what are causes of transudation in pleural effusion?
- high venous pressure (heart failure, constrictive pericarditis, fluid overload)
- hypoproteinaemia (cirrhosis, hypoalbuminaemia, nephrotic syndrome)
- peritoneal dialysis
- hypothyroidism
what causes exudation in pleural effusion?
- pleural fluid protein is more than 30g/L since endothelial cells of vessels are further apart meaning fluid and protein is able to leak out
- occurs due to the increased permeability and thus leakiness of pleural space/capillaries usually due to inflammation, infection or malignancy
- pneumonia
- malignancy
- TB
- pulmonary infarction
- lymphoma
- mesothelioma
- asbestos exposure
- myocardial infarction
what can pleural effusions consist of?
- transudates
- exudates
- blood (haemothorax)
- pus (empyema)
- lymph fluid (chylothorax) caused by leakage of lymph from the thoracic duct as a result of trauma or infiltration by carcinoma
what is the clinical presentation of pleural effusion?
- can be asymptomatic
- dysponea (the build up of fluid results in increased pressure on the lungs resulting in breathing difficulties)
- pleuritic chest pain
- cough
- loss of weight (malignancy)
- chest expansion reduced on side of effusion
- in large effusion the trachea may be deviated away from effusion
- if there is associated lung collapse the trachea will deviate towards the lesion
- stony dull percussion note on affected side
- diminished breath sounds on affected side
- decreased tactile vocal fremitus
- loss of vocal resonance
what is used to diagnose pleural effusion?
- ultrasound (identifies presence of pleural fluid, guides diagnostic/therapeutic aspiration)
- diagnostic aspiration
- if aspiration is inconclusive then consider parietal pleural biopsy
what is seen on CXR in pleural effusion? when is it detected?
- detected when 300ml or more fluid is present
- small effusions reduce the costophrenic angles
- larger ones are seen as water-dense shadows with concave upper borders
- a completely flat horizontal upper border implies that there is also a pneumothorax
how is diagnostic aspiration used to diagnose pleural effusion? what is it investigated for?
- known as thoracentesis or pleural tap
- needle inserted under anaesthesia
- appearance of the pleural fluid is noted
- sample is sent for pH (acidic indicates infection), cytology (differential white cell count and malignant cells) and microbiology (gram stain and culture) if infection suspected
what is the appearance of fluid in in different types of pleural effusion?
- purulent in empyema (pus effusion)
- turbid (cloudy/opaque) in infected effusion
- milky in chylothorax (lymph fluid effusion)
what is the treatment of pleural effusion?
- depends on the underlying cause
- exudates are usually drained if symptomatic
- transudates are managed by treatment of underlying cause
- malignant effusions usually reaccumulate after drainage
- pleurodesis (an injection that causes the adhesion of the visceral and parietal pleura to prevent reaccumulation of the effusion e.g. tetracycline)
- surgery if persistent collections and increasing pleural thickness on ultrasound
what is parapneumonic effusion?
pneumonia with associated pleural effusion
what is pneumothorax? what does it lead to?
- abnormal collection air in the pleural space (between lung and chest wall)
- leads to partial or complete collapse of the lung
what is the epidemiology of pneumothorax?
- occurs spontaneously or secondary to chest trauma
- spontaneous pneumothorax is most common in young males
- pneumothorax is much more common in males
- often patients are tall and thin
what causes pneumothorax?
- caused by the rupture of a pleural bleb/sub-pleural bulla (serous filled blister), usually apical, thought to be due to congenital defects in the connective tissue of the alveolar walls
- both lungs are affected with equal frequency i.e. can occur in any lung right or left equally
- in patients over 40 years of age the usual cause is underlying COPD
what are rarer causes of pneumothorax?
- bronchial asthma
- carcinoma
- breakdown of a lung abscess leading to bronchopleural fistula
- severe pulmonary fibrosis with cyst formation
- TB
- pneumonia
- cystic fibrosis
- trauma (penetrating or rib fracture)
- iatrogenic e.g. pacemakers or central lines
what are risk factors for pneumothorax?
- being male
- smoking increases risk
- age; pneumothorax due to pleural bleb rupture is most likely to occur between 20-40yrs old, especially if person is very tall and underweight
- on mechanical ventilation
what is the pathophysiology of pneumothorax?
- normally, the pressure in the pleural space is negative but this is lost once there is communication with atmospheric pressure, the elastic recoil of the lung then causes it to deflate partially
- if the communication between the airways and the pleural space remains open then a bronchopleural fistula results
- once the communication between the lung and the pleural space is closed, air will be reabsorbed slowly for example a 50% collapse of the lung will take around 40 days to reabsorb completely once the air leak is closed
when can recurrence occur in a pneumothorax?
about a third of patients will have a recurrence, for these patients chemical pleurodesis with talc is used for patients when surgery is contraindicated
what is tension pneumothorax?
pneumothorax occuring under pressure, compressing lungs and decreasing venous return; tends to occur in ventilation, resuscitation, trauma or in patients with lung disease
what are common findings in tension pneumothorax?
tachycardia, tachypnoea, low O2, low BP and trachea deviated away from the affected side
what is the clinical presentation of pneumothorax?
- there may be no symptoms, especially in patients who are fit and young with a small pneumothorax
- may be a sudden onset of dyspnoea and/or unilateral pleuritic chest pain
- as the pneumothorax enlarges the patients becomes more breathless and may develop pallor and tachycardia
- patients with asthma or COPD may present with a sudden deterioration
- mechanically ventilated patients may present with hypoxia or an increase in ventilation pressures
- there will be reduced expansion, hyper-resonance to percussion and diminished breath sounds of the affected lung
- in tension pneumothorax the trachea is deviated away from the affected side
what are differential diagnoses of pneumothorax?
pleural effusion, chest pain, pulmonary embolism
what is used to diagnose pneumothorax?
- ABG (check for hypoxia)
how is CXR used to diagnose pneumothorax?
- do not request in tension pneumothorax as it wastes time
- look for area devoid of lung markings, peripheral to the edge of the collapsed lung
- trachea deviated away from affected side in tension pneumothorax
- edge of collapsed lung can be seen
what is the treatment of pneumothorax?
- pneumothorax due to trauma, haemothorax or mechanical ventilation requires a chest drain
- for tension pneumothorax do needle aspiration then chest drain, needle aspiration first
- needle aspiration to remove excess air
- observation
- oxygen for hypoxia
- surgery for persistent pneumothorax
- smoking cessation reduces recurrence of pneumothorax
what is the epidemiology of bronchial carcinoma?
- most common malignant tumour worldwide with around 1.4 million deaths annually
- the third most common cause of death in the UK after ischaemic heart disease and cerebrovascular disease
- slightly more common in men than women but incidence in women is increasing due to women smoking more
what are risk factors for bronchial carcinoma?
- cigarette smoking (including passive smoking); accounts for more than 90% of lung cancer
- occupational (asbestos, coal, tar, chromium, arsenic, nickel, petroleum, iron oxide)
- environmental (radon exposure, ionising radiation)
- host factors (lung disease, HIV, genetic factors)
what are types of bronchial carcinoma?
- small cell lung carcinoma
- squamous carcinoma
- adenocarcinoma
- large cell and differentiated carcinoma
- carcinoid tumours
what is the epidemiology of small cell lung carcinoma?
- strongly associated with cigarette smoking
* has often spread by the time of presentation
what is the pathophysiology of small cell lung carcinoma?
- often arises in a central bronchus
- arises from endocrine cells
- secretes polypeptide hormones
- has early development of widespread metastases
what is the treatment and the prognosis of small cell lung carcinoma?
- chemotherapy is the primary treatment
* poor prognosis
what is the epidemiology of non-small cell lung carcinoma?
- cigarette smoking association
* may have metastasised by the time of diagnosis
what is the treatment of non-small cell lung carcinoma?
- often treated best by surgical oblation with lymph node sampling
- chemotherapy may be used and radiotherapy can be used as a follow up for contamination margin
- more susceptible to new therapy such as tyrosine kinase therapy
what is the pathophysiology of squamous cell carcinoma?
- tumours are usually central in location and frequently cavitate with central necrosis
- arise from epithelial cells, associated with keratin production
- cause obstructive lesions of bronchus with post-obstructive infection
- local spread common
- metastasise relatively late
what is the pathophysiology of adenocarcinoma in the lungs?
- may be central or peripheral
- usually single lesions but they can arise in a multifocal pattern, sometimes bilaterally
- originate from mucus-secreting glandular cells
- metastases common especially to; pleura, lymph nodes, brain, bones, adrenal glands
what is the epidemiology/diagnosis of adenocarcinoma in the lungs?
- most common cell type in non-smokers
- commonly associated with asbestos
what are features of carcinoid tumours in the lung?
- usually associated with presentation at an earlier age (middle age) and have characteristic neuroendocrine secreting cells and relatively low rates of invasion and growth
- however they are still malignant
what are features of lymphomas in the lung?
involve the lung primarily but are usually a component of disseminated disease
what is the main lung lymphoma?
the main lung lymphoma is known as baltoma (Bronchus Associated Tissue Lymphoma) - it is a B cell lymphoma, and responds to standard chemotherapy regimes
what are features of hamartomas in the lungs?
benign; irregular proliferations of benign/normal tissues that are not normally found in this pattern within lung tissue
- the commonest in the lung is that of the chondroid
hamartoma which incorporates cartilage, glandular tissue, fat, fibrous tissue and blood vessels
what are the sites of metastatic spread from the lung? how can they present?
- liver (anorexia, nausea, weight loss and right upper quadrant pain radiating across the abdomen)
- bone (bony pain and pathological fractures occur as a result of tumour spread)
- adrenal glands (usually asymptomatic)
- brain (presents as space-occupying lesions with signs of raised ICP)
- tumours can also spread within the chest and may directly involve the pleura and ribs resulting in pain and bone fractures
what are examples of cancers that metastasise to the lungs? which one most commonly does this?
- breast cancer
- bowel cancer
- renal cell carcinoma
- bladder cancer
what are symptoms of non-metastatic bronchial carcinoma?
- cough; most commonly encountered symptom, having a 3-week cough merits a CXR
- breathlessness; central tumours can occlude large airways resulting in lung collapse and breathlessness on exertion
- haemoptysis; fresh/old blood coughed up due to the tumour bleeding in the airway
- chest pain
- wheeze
- recurrent infections e.g. pneumonia
- clubbing
what are symptoms of metastatic disease in bronchial carcinoma?
- bone pain
- headache
- seizures
- neurological deficit
- hepatic pain
- abdominal pain
what are some paraneoplastic changes in bronhcial carcinoma?
- secretion of parathyroid hormone
- syndrome of inappropriate ADH secretion
- secretion of adrenocorticotropic hormone; stimulates the secretion of glucocorticoid steroid hormones from the adrenal cortex
- hypertrophic pulmonary osteo-arthropathy
- finger clubbing
- non-infective endocarditis
what is used to diagnose bronchial carcinoma?
- TNM classification
- CT (used to stage)
- bronchoscopy (to give histology and assess operability)
- cytology (sputum and pleural fluid)
- bloods
what is T1, T2, T3 and T4 in the TNM classification for bronchial carcinoma?
- T1 - < 3cm
- T2 - > 3cm
- T3 - invades chest wall, chest wall, diaphragm and pericardium
- T4 - invades mediastinum, heart, great vessels, trachea, oesophagus, vertebra, carina, malignant effusion, metastases in same lobe
what is N0, N1, N2 and N3 in the TNM classification for bronchial carcinoma?
- N0 - no nodes
- N1 - hilar nodes
- N2 - same side mediastinal nodes or subcarinal
- N3 - contralateral mediastinum or supraclavicular
what is m1a and m1b in the TNM classification for bronchial carcinoma?
- m1a - tumour on same side
- m1b - tumour is elsewhere
what is seen on CXR in bronchial carcinoma?
- appears as round shadow
- the edge has a fluffy spiked appearance
- hilar enlargement
- consolidation
- lung collapse
- pleural effusion
what is the treatment of non-small cell lung cancer? (80% of lung cancers)
- surgical excision for peripheral tumours with no metastatic spread
- curative radiotherapy is an alternative if respiratory reserve is poor; complications include radiation pneumonitis and fibrosis
- chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy for more advanced disease e.g. with monoclonal antibodies targeting the epidermal growth factor receptor e.g. cetuximab
what is the treatment of limited small cell lung tumours?
combined chemotherapy and radiotherapy
what is the treatment of extensive small cell lung tumours?
- may respond to this but usually relapse
what is the treatment of SVC obstruction in small cell lung tumours?
superior vena cava stent, radiotherapy, dexamethasone
what is endobronchial therapy? how is it used to treat small cell lung tumours?
used to treat symptoms of airway narrowing:
- tracheal stenting
- cryotherapy
- brachytherapy (a radioactive source is placed close to the tumour)
what drugs are used to treat small cell lung tumours?
- analgesia
- steroids
- antiemetics
- codeine
- bronchodilators
- antidepressants
what is mesothelioma? what is it strongly associated with?
- tumour of the mesiothelium (thin layer of tissue that covers many of the internal organs)
- strongly associated with asbestos exposure
- can occur in lung pleura, mesothelial cells of the peritoneum, pericardium and testes
what is the epidemiology of mesothelioma?
- malignant mesothelioma is more common in men than women
- most often presents between 40-70 years
- exposure to asbestos is a well-established cause, but relationship is complex; only 20% of patients have pulmonary asbestosis
- there is a latent period between exposure and development of the tumour may be up to 45 years
what is the pathophysiology of mesothelioma? how does it spread?
- it is a high grade malignancy of the pleura, that spreads around the pleura surfaces, but can also start in the pericardial space, peritoneal space and in the paratesticular space
- tumour begins as nodules in the pleura which extend as a confluent sheet to surround the lung and extend into fissures
- the chest wall is often invaded, with infiltration of intercostal nerves, giving severe intractable pain
- lymphatics may be invaded, giving hilar node metastases
what is the clinical presentation of mesothelioma?
- chest pain
- dyspnoea
- weight loss
- finger clubbing
- recurrent pleural effusions
- breathlessness
what are signs of metastases in mesothelioma?
lymphadenopathy, hepatomegaly, bone pain/
tenderness, abdominal pain/obstruction
what is used to diagnose mesothelioma?
- CXR and CT
- bloody/straw coloured pleural fluid
- pleural biopsy
what is seen on CXR and CT in mesothelioma?
- unilateral pleural effusion
- pleural thickening
what is the treatment of mesothelioma?
- surgery for extremely localised mesothelioma
- generally it is resistant to surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy
- average time from diagnosis to death is around 8 months
- refer all mesothelioma deaths to HM coroner
- poor prognosis (8 months until death)
what is Goodpasture’s syndrome?
the co-existence of acute glomerulonephritis and pulmonary alveolar haemorrhage and the presence of circulating antibodies directed against an intrinsic antigen of the basement membrane of the kidney and lung
what is the epidemiology of Goodpasture’s syndrome?
- rare in children
- usually occurs in individuals over 16 years old
- in adults its more common in men
what is the pathophysiology of Goodpasture’s syndrome?
- specific autoimmune disease caused by a type II antigen-antibody reaction leading to diffuse pulmonary haemorrhage, glomerulonephritis (and often AKI and CKD)
- there are circulating antiglomerular basement membrane antibodies
what is the clinical presentation of Goodpasture’s syndrome?
- typically starts with symptoms of upper respiratory tract infection e.g. sneezing, nasal discharge, nasal congestion, runny nose and fever
- cough
- intermittent haemoptyis
- tiredness
- anaemia which may result from persistent intrapulmonary bleeding
- acute glomerulonephritis
what are differential diagnoses of Goodpasture’s syndrome?
- idiopathic pulmonary haemosiderosis
- rheumatoid arthritis
what is idiopathic pulmonary haemosiderosis?
clinically similar to Goodpasture’s but no anti-basement membrane antibodies and kidneys less involved. seen in children under 7 and associated with cow’s milk. cough, anaemia and pulmonary haemorrhage
what is used to diagnose Goodpasture’s syndrome?
- presence of anti-basement membrane antibodies in the blood
- kidney biopsy (crescentic glomerulonephritis)
what is seen on CXR in Goodpasture’s syndrome?
transient patchy shadows/pulmonary infiltrates due to pulmonary haemorrhage often in lower zones
what is the treatment of Goodpasture’s syndrome?
- some patients may spontaneously improve
- others proceed on to renal failure
- treat shock
- vigorous immunosuppressive treatment
• corticosteroids
• plasmapheresis
what is Wegener’s granulomatosis?
- granulomatous disease of unknown aetiology
- type of ANCA-associated vasculitis
- renamed granulomatosis with polyangitis (GPA)
- multisystem disorder of unknown origin characterised by necrotising granulomatous inflammation and vasculitis of small and medium vessels
what is the pathophysiology of Wegener’s granulomatosis?
- inflammation of blood vessels with granulomas
- autoantibodies are made to neutrophil proteins
- as neutrophil rolls along blood vessels before it migrates into tissues, autoantibodies bind to it and activate neutrophils inappropriately (before they have entered tissues where there are no pathogens)
- this results in the recruitment of more neutrophils and more activated neutrophils when there is no infection
- this results in the production of reactive oxygen species and neutrophil degranulation, leading to the generation of microabscesses, recruitment of monocytes, macrophages and lymphocytes to make granulomas
- results in devastating inflammation affecting many organs including lung and kidney
what is the clinical presentation of Wegener’s granulomatosis?
- lesions involve upper respiratory tract, lungs and kidneys
- starts with severe rhinorrhea and subsequent nasal mucosal ulceration (characteristic ‘saddle-nose’ deformity)
- cough
- pleuritic pain
- haemoptysis
- renal disease causes rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis with crescent formation, proteinuria or haematuria
- may be skin purpura or nodules, peripheral neuropathy, arthritis/arthralgia
what are differential diagnoses of Wegener’s granulomatosis?
Churg-Strauss syndrome
- also affects small arteries, males in 40s, triad of rhinitis (inflammation of inside of nose) and asthma, eosinophilia and systemic vasculitis. high eosinophil count. ANCA positive
what is used to diagnose Wegener’s granulomatosis?
- bloods
- CT (diffuse alveolar haemorrhage)
- urinalysis to check for proteinuria and haematuria; if present then consider renal biopsy
what is seen in bloods in Wegener’s granulomatosis?
- c-ANCA is positive
- elevated PR3 antibodies
- raised ESR and CRP
what is seen on CXR in Wegener’s granulomatosis?
nodular masses or pneumonic infiltrates with cavitation; clear migratory pattern
what is the treatment of Wegener’s granulomatosis?
- depends on extent of disease
- severe disease (biopsy-proven renal disease) should be treated with corticosteroids and cyclophosphamide or rituximab to induce remission
- azathioprine and methotrexate are usually used as maintenance
where do most clots that cause pulmonary thromboembolus and infarct come from?
most clots that cause clinically relevant pulmonary emboli actually come from the pelvic and abdominal veins, but femoral DVT, and even occasionally axillary thrombosis can be the origin of the clot
what are rarer causes of pulmonary thromboembolus and infarcts?
- right ventricular thrombus (post-MI)
- septic emboli (right-sided endocarditis - bacterial vegetation)
- fat embolism (due to long bone fracture)
- air embolism
- amniotic fluid embolism
- neoplastic cells
- parasites
- foreign material during IV drug misuse
what are the risk factors for pulmonary thromboembolus and infarcts?
- Virchow’s triad
- immobility post-op or paralysis
- obesity
- pregnancy
- dehydration
- malignancy
- high oestrogen - combined oral contraceptive pill
- polcythaemia
- nephrotic syndrome
- inherited - Protein C or S deficiency or Factor V Leiden (thrombophilia)
- smoking
- hypertension
- recent surgery especially abdominal/pelvic or hip/knee replacement
- leg fracture
- age greater than 60 years old
what are the three main factors that predispose you to a clot?
- circulatory stasis
- endothelial injury
- hypercoagulable state
what is the pathophysiology which leads to a pulmonary embolism?
- thrombi arise from a venous thrombosis in the pelvis or legs, clots break off and pass through the veins, through the IVC then through the right side of the
heart into the pulmonary circulation where it becomes lodged in the small capillaries supplying the alveoli, resulting in a pulmonary embolism - after PE, lung tissue is ventilated but not perfused, resulting in intrapulmonary dead space and resulting in impaired gas exchange
- after some hours, the non-perfused lung no longer produces surfactant resulting in alveolar collapse which in turn exaggerates hypoxaemia
- the primary haemodynamic consequence of PE is a reduction in the cross-sectional area of the pulmonary atrial bed which causes an elevation of pulmonary arterial pressure due to the increased resistance and a reduction in cardiac output
what is the clinical presentation of pulmonary embolism? what is the most common symptom? which symptoms are present only when an infarction has occurred?
- sudden onset unexplained dyspnoea is most common and often only symptom
- pleuritic chest pain and haemoptysis are present only when infarction has occured
- dizziness
- ask about risk factors
- past history or family history of thromboembolism
- pyrexia
- cyanosis
- tachypnoea
- tachycardia
- hypotension
- raised jugular venous pressure
- pleural rub
- pleural effusion
what is used to diagnose pulmonary thromboembolism and infarction?
- blood gases (normal or hypoxaemia or respiratory failure)
- plasma D-dimer
- ultrasound
- CT pulmonary angiography is the gold standard test
what is seen on CXR in pulmonary thromboembolism and infarction?
- often normal
- decreased vascular markings
- blunting of costophrenic angle (due to small effusion)
- wedge-shaped areas of infarction
- pulmonary oligaemia (local reduction in blood perfusion) in massive embolism
- make sure its not an MI or pneumothorax
what is seen on ECG in pulmonary thromboembolism and infarction?
- may be normal
- may show sinus tachycardia
- right atrial dilation with tall peaked P waves in lead II
- right bundle branch block
- right ventricular strain (inverted T wave in V1 to V4)
what is seen on plasma D-dimer in pulmonary thromboembolism and infarction?
type of fibrinogen degradation product that is released into the circulation when a clot begins to dissolve; is elevated in PE
• D-dimers are elevated in other conditions e.g. cancer, pregnancy and post-operatively and a positive result is not diagnostic of PE and requires further imaging
• a negative result in those who have a low or intermediate clinical probability of PE effectively rules out PE and no imaging is needed
what does a negative result in plasma D-dimer indicate?
a negative result in those who have a low or intermediate clinical probability of PE effectively rules out PE and no imaging is needed
what does a positive result in plasma D-dimer indicate?
a positive result means that PE may be present but is not a definitive diagnosis, it may not actually be present as there are many other conditions that have elevated D-dimers
what is the gold standard test for PE?
CT pulmonary angiography
what is the treatment of pulmonary embolism?
- high flow oxygen (60-100%); give to all patients unless they have significant chronic lung disease
- anticoagulate with low molecular weight heparin e.g. enoxaparin or dalteparin
- IV fluids and inotropic agents can be used in severe cases to improve the pumping of the right heart
- thrombolysis for massive PE; can improve pulmonary perfusion quicker than anticoagulation e.g. alteplase; side effect is risk of bleeding in the brain/gut only use in severe disease
- surgical embolectomy
- vena cava filter in patients who still develop emboli despite adequate anticoagulation
what is done to prevent further PE long term?
- placed on vitamin K antagonist such as warfarin
- target INR is between 2-3
- patients mobilised
- TED stockings
what is the mechansim of action of warfarin? how is it remembered?
placed on vitamin K antagonist such as warfarin (acts by preventing vitamin K being used by liver to produce clotting factors 2,7,9 and 10 (1972)) - Warfarin affects the Extrinsic pathway by the Prothrombin Time (WEPT) for a period of 3-6 months
what is the management of massive PE?
- oxygen if hypoxic
- morphine with anti-emetic if patient is in pain or very distressed
- surgical embolectomy
- vena cava filter in patients who still develop emboli despite adequate anticoagulation
- anticoagulate with LMWH e.g. enoxaparin or dalteparin
- IV fluids and inotropic agents can be used in severe cases to improve the pumping of the right heart
- consider immediate thrombolysis (alteplase) if critically ill
- systolic BP less then 90mmHg; start rapid colloid infusion → if still low then give dobutamine → still low, give IV noradrenaline → still low after 30-60mins treatment then is definitely PE → begin thrombolysis
- systolic BP more than 90mmHg; start warfarin → confirm diagnosis
what is protection against pathogenic bacteria in the upper respiratory tract provided by?
- mucosal defences (cough reflex, mucus barrier and respiratory cilia, surface secretions)
- innate immune defences (impaired by immunodeficiency)
- adaptive immune defences
how long do respiratory viruses usually last? what can they lead to?
- usually transient
- may lead to bacterial super-infection
- influenza A virus in particular causes systemic symptoms
what are complications of respiratory viruses?
- pharyngitis
- sinusitis
- otitis media
- bronchitis
- rarely pneumonia
what are viral illnesses that lead to respiratory infection?
- rhinovirus (common cold, bronchitis, sinusitis)
- influenza A virus (flu)
- coronaviruses
- adenoviruses (upper respiratory tract infection, pharyngitis, bronchitis, pneumonia)
- respiratory syncytial viruses (bronchiolitis, pneumonia)
what are some emergency respiratory infections?
- severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)
- middle east respiratory syndrome novel coronavirus (MERS-nCV)
- avian influenza
what is the epidemiology of pharyngitis/tonsillitis? what are bacterial and viral causes?
- the most common viruses to cause pharyngitis are adenoviruses of which there are about 32 serotypes
- can also be caused by rhinovirus, Epstein Barr virus and acute HIV infection
- bacterial causes include: Lancefield Group A Beta-haemolytic streptococci e.g. streptococci pyogenes
what is the clinical presentation of pharyngitis/tonsillitis?
- sore throat
- tender glands in the neck
- high temperature
- vital signs stable
- large tonsils with exudate
- tender anterior cervical lymph nodes
- fever
- oropharynx and soft palate are reddened
- tonsils are inflamed and swollen
- within 1-2 days the tonsils lymph nodes enlarge
what is the treatment of pharyngitis/tonsillitis?
- self-limiting disease
- symptomatic treatment
- no antibiotics required
- persistent and severe tonsillitis should be treated with phenoxlymethylpenicilin or cefaclor
what is sinusitis?
infection of the paranasal sinuses that is bacterial or occasionally fungal
what is the aetiology of sinusitis?
- bacterial:
• Streptococcus pneumoniae (40%)
• Haemophilus influenzae (30-35%) - most commonly associated with upper respiratory tract infection and occasionally asthma
what is the clinical presentation of sinusitis?
- fever, facial pain and purulent nasal discharge
- pain in left ear and into the teeth
- cold and facial pain
- past history of allergic rhinitis and uses steroid nasal spray
what is used to diagnose sinusitis?
- frontal headache
- purulent rhinorhoea (where nasal cavity filled with significant amount of mucus fluid)
- bacterial sinusitis presents with unilateral pain and purulent discharge with or without fever for more than 10 days
- facial pain with tenderness
- fever
what is the treatment of sinusitis?
- nasal decongestants such as xylometazoline
- broad spectrum antibiotics such as co-amoxiclav (H.influenzae can be resistant to amoxicillin)
what are complications of treatment of sinusitis?
brain abscess, sinus vein thrombosis and orbital cellulitis
what is the epidemiology of acute epiglottitis?
- formerly a life-threatening infection of the epiglottis, usually in children under 5 years of age
- child becomes severely ill with a high fever and severe airflow obstruction may rapidly occur
- adults can also have the disease
- rare due to introduction of Hib vaccine
what are features of acute epiglottitis in adults?
- most severen cases due to Haemophilus influenzae
- also from causes of pharyngitis and other bacterial infections of airway
- caused by additional pathogens in immunocompromised e.g. AIDS
what is the clinical presentation of acute epiglottitis?
- sore throat
- odynophagia
- inspiratory stridor
- unwell
- fatigue, weight loss and diarrhoea with oral thrush
- high fever
- severe airflow obstruction
- meningitis
- septic arthritis
- osteomyelitis
what is the treatment of acute epiglottitis?
- can be a life-threatening emergency and requires urgent endotracheal intubation
- IV antibiotics e.g. ceftazidime
what is the epidemiology of whooping cough? what is it caused by?
- caused by Bordatella pertussis, a gram-negative coccobacillus (rod)
- Bordatella parapertussis and Bordatella bronchiseptica produce milder infections
- mainly a disease of childhood with 90% of cases occurring below 5 years of age
- however, no age is exempt as the antibody levels fall over the years, although in adults, mild infection may not be recognised
what is the pathophysiology of whooping cough?
- highly contagious and spread by droplet infection
- in early stages it is indistinguishable from other upper respiratory tract infections
- lymphoid hyperplasia and Th17 skewing of immune response contribute to chronic inflammation and cough
what are the virulence factors of whooping cough? what do they each do?
Bordatella pertussis
• filamentous haemagglutinin and fimbriae aid adherence
• adenylate cyclase toxin (ACT) inhibits phagocyte chemotaxis and T-cell activation
• pertussis toxin an A/B toxin that ADP ribosylates G proteins and inhibits alveolar macrophage host defence
• tracheal cytotoxin (peptidoglycan derived) and dermonecrotic toxin cause epithelial necrosis
what is the clinical presentation of whooping cough?
- chronic cough
- febrile
- sub-conjuntival haemorrhage
- lungs clear to ausculation
- vomiting
what are the different phases of whooping cough?
- incubation period is 7-10 days
- catarrhal phase (1-2 weeks)
- paroxysmal phase (1-6 weeks) (pneumonia, encephalopathy, subconjunctival haemorrhage)
what is the clinical presentation of the catarrhal phase in whooping cough?
1-2 weeks
• patient highly infectious
• cultures from respiratory cultures are positive in 90% of cases
• malaise
• anorexia
• rhinorhoea (nasal cavity congested with significant amount of mucus)
• conjunctivitis
what is the clinical presentation of the paroxysmal phase in whooping cough?
1-6 weeks
• begins 1 week later from catarrhal phase
• coughing spasms
• classic inspiratory whoop is only seen in younger individuals in whom the lumen of the respiratory tract is compromised by mucus secretion and mucosal oedema
• these coughing spasms usually terminate in vomiting
• cough for more than 14 days
what is used to diagnose whooping cough? what are the criteria?
- chronic cough and one clinical feature indicated pertussis
- chronic cough and history of contact or microbiological diagnosis is used to confirm pertussis
- suggested clinically by the characteristic whoop and history of contact with an infected individual
- PCR tests are rapid and highly sensitive
- but culture of a nasopharyngeal swab remains necessary for definitive diagnosis
what is the treatment of whooping cough?
- antimicrobials such as macrolides e.g. clarithromycin will eliminate carriage of bacteria and reduce symptoms in catarrhal stage and early paroxysmal stage
- in the paroxysmal stage, antibiotics have little role to play in altering the course of the illness
- vaccination; acellular pertussis as part of the dTap vaccine (diptheria, tetanus and acellular pertussis) at 2,3,4 months and 3-4 years
what is the epidemiology of acute laryngitis?
- mainly due to parainfluenza viruses
- most severe in children under the age of 3 years
what is the pathophysiology of acute laryngitis?
- inflammatory oedema extends to the vocal cords and the epiglottis, causing narrowing of the airway; there may be associated tracheobronchitis
- progressive airway obstruction may occur, with recession of the soft tissue of the neck and abdomen during inspiration and in severe cases central cyanosis
what is the clinical presentation of acute laryngitis?
- 3 year old presents to casualty with his mother
- he has a prominent barking cough and is crying
- on examination is febrile, has a respiratory rate of 40 and cyanosed with prominent intercostal recessions
- has inspiratory stridor
- voice become hoarse with a barking cough (croup)
what is the treatment of acute laryngitis?
- Nebulised adrenaline gives short-term relief
- oral or intramuscular corticosteroids should be given with oxygen and adequate fluids
what is pneumonia?
- defined as infection/inflammation of the substance of the lungs
- an acute lower respiratory tract infection
what are types of pneumonia?
- community-acquired pneumonia
- hospital-acquired pneumonia
- immunocompromised patients
- aspiration pneumonia
what is the epidemiology of community-acquired pneumonia?
- in a person with no underlying immunosuppression or malignancy
- occurs across all ages but commoner in extremes of age
- may be primary or secondary to underlying disease
what are causes of community-acquired pneumonia?
- Streptococcus pneumoniae is the commonest cause
- followed by Haemophilus influenzae and Mycoplasma pneumoniae
- S. aureus, Legionella species, Moraxella catarrhalis and Chlamydia
- harder to culture and identification relies on serology or antigen testing
- these are not susceptible to beta lactams, but are susceptible to macrolides e.g. clarithromycin
what are features of localised and diffuse community-acquired pneumonia?
- infection can be localised, when the whole of one or more lobes is affected
- infection can be diffuse, when the lobules of the lung are mainly affected, often due to infection centred on the bronchi and bronchioles (bronchopneumonia)
what is hospital-acquired pneumonia?
defined as new onset of cough with purulent sputum, along with a compatible X-ray demonstrating consolidation, in patients who are beyond 48hrs of their initial admission to hospital or who have been in a healthcare setting within the last 3 months (including nursing/residential homes)
what is the second most common form of hospital-acquired infection?
HAP is the second most common form of hospital acquired infection after UTIs
what are the causative organisms in hospital-acquired pneumonia?
aerobic Gram negative bacilli/rods are most commonly involved:
- Pseudomonas aeruginosa
- Escherichia coli (E.coli)
- Klebsiella pneumoniae
- S. aureus is increasingly recognised in HAP, particularly MRSA
- HAP due to Staph. aureus is more common in patients with diabetes mellitus or head trauma and in those on intensive care units
what causes immunocompromisation in patients? what are they at risk of?
- in patients who are immunosuppressed either due to a genetic defect, immunosuppressive medication or AIDS
- they are at risk not only from all the usual organisms that can cause pneumonia but also from opportunistic pathogens that would not be expected to cause disease
- these opportunistic pathogens can be commonly occurring microorganisms or bacteria, viruses and fungi e.g. Pneumocystis jiroveci
what is aspiration pneumonia?
- type of lung infection that is due to a relatively large amount of material from the stomach or mouth entering the lungs
- acute aspiration of gastric contents into the lungs can produce an extremely severe and sometimes fatal illness owing to the intense destructiveness of gastric acid
- seen in those with stroke, myasthenia, bulbar palsies and lack of consciousness
- it can complicate anaesthesia, particularly during pregnancy (Mendelson syndrome)
what are the organisms indicated in CAP?
• Streptococcus pneumoniae (most common) • Haemophilus influenzae • atypical: - Mycoplasma pneumoniae - Chlamydophila pneumoniae • enteric Gram negative bacteria: - E.coli - Klebsiella pneumoniae
what are organisms indicated in HAP?
• Gram negative bacteria: - Pseudomonas aeruginosa - E.coli - Klebsiella pneumoniae • Staphylococcus aureus including MRSA
what are risk factors for pneumonia?
- under 16
- over 65
- co-morbidities (HIV, diabetes, CF, COPD, bronchiectasis)
- smoking
- excess alcohol
- IV drug use
- immunosuppressant therapy (prolonged corticosteroids)
what is the onset of pneumonia?
- Pneumococcal pneumonia is typically acute in onset with prominent respiratory symptoms and fever
- atypical pathogens that cause pneumonia tend to have a slower onset, with more prominent extra-pulmonary symptoms and complications
what do the bacteria do in the body in pneumonia? what would usually happen to them?
- bacteria ‘translocate’ to the normally sterile distal airway
- where they overwhelm resident host defence (particularly alveolar macrophages and neutrophils)
- normally alveolar macrophages will ingest the bacteria and produce humoral factors
- antibodies would be produced as well as microbial factors and the bacteria will be destroyed
- however when the host defence is overwhelmed the alveolar macrophages change roles and coordinate response e.g. they instruct Th17 to stimulate neutrophils to fill the alveolar space and produce an inflammatory exudate
- normally this is resolved and bacteria are cleared with the inflammatory cells being removed by apoptosis
when does severe disease result in pneumonia?
- excessive inflammation
- lung injury
- failure to resolve without lung damage
what is the clinical presentation of pneumonia?
- symptoms of; fever, night sweats, raised respiratory rate, productive cough and absence of upper respiratory tract symptoms makes pneumonia more likely
- fever +/- raised respiratory rate and heart rate and low BP
- rigors
- malaise
- anorexia
- dyspnoea since alveoli become filled with pus and
debris, thus imparting gas exchange. coarse crackles are often heard on auscultation, due to consolidation of the lung parenchyma - signs of consolidation on percussion and auscultation (dull to percussion, decreased air entry, bronchial breath sounds)
- dry or productive cough (cough is non-productive in atypical causes such as Mycoplasma pneumoniae and Chlamydophila pneumoniae)
- purulent sputum (rusty sputum is characteristic of Streptococcus pneumoniae in CAP)
- pleuritic chest pain
- cyanosis
- confusion (might be the only sign in the elderly)
what is used to diagnose pneumonia?
- blood tests (elevated WCC)
- ESR and CRP significantly elevated
- U+Es, LFTs, RFTs
- pulse oximetry and arterial blood gas analysis (to define respiratory failure) is needed if O2 sat is below 94%
- since pneumonia is a common initial presenting illness in patients with previously undiagnosed HIV infection, a HIV test should be offered to all patients with pneumonia
- microbiological tests (sputum culture and antibiotic sensitivities, Gram stain, blood culture, serology)
- CURB-65 used to assess severity of CAP
what is seen on CXR in pneumonia?
- radiological abnormalities can lag behind clinical signs
- a normal CXR on presentation should be repeated after 2-3 days if CAP is suspected clinically
- look for ‘air bronchogram’ in consolidated area (black branch)
what does a multilobar appearance on CXR suggest in pneumonia?
S. pneumoniae, S. aureus and Legionella spp.
what do multiple abscesses on CXR suggest in pneumonia?
S. aureus
what does upper lobe cavity on CXR suggest in pneumonia?
Klebsiella pneumoniae, but must exclude TB first
how is CURB-65 used to diagnose pneumonia?
one point each for:
- confusion
- urea (greater than 7mmol/L)
- respiratory rate greater than 30/min
- BP less than 90mmHg systolic and/or 60mmHg diastolic
- age greater than 65
what are the scores in CURB-65 for CAP? how is each category treated?
- 0-1 = mild, only admit if social circumstance or single worrying feature
- 2 = moderate, admit to hospital
- 3-5 = severe, admit and monitor closely
- 4-5 = consider admission to critical care unit
how is oxygen used to treat pneumonia?
- maintain O2 sats between 94-98% (provided the patient is not at risk of CO2 retention, due to loss of hypoxic drive in COPD)
- in patients with COPD, saturations should be maintained between 88-92%
when should first-dose antibiotics be given in pneumonia?
first dose of antibiotics should be administered within 4 hours of presentation in hospital and treatment shouldn’t be delayed whilst investigations are awaited
what is antibiotic treatment of mild and severe pneumonia?
- narrow spectrum antimicrobials if mild = amoxicillin 5-7 days
- IV antibiotics if severe = co-amoxiclav or clarithromycin 7-10 days
what is the treatment of severe Legionella spp. pneumonia?
ensure fluoroquinolone is in regimen, either alone or with clarithromycin
what is PVL?
Panton-Valentine leukocidin; a cytotoxin produced by some aggressive strains of S. aureus that causes a necrotising pneumonia
what is the treatment of necrotising pneumonia or other features of Panton-Valentine leukocidin producing S. aureus infection?
- IV linezolid
- IV clindamycin
- IV rifampicin
what is the treatment of pneumonia caused by Pseudomonas aeuginosa?
IV ceftazidime with gentamicin/tobramycin
how is pneumonia prevented?
- polysaccharide pneumococcal vaccine (protects against 23 serotypes)
- influenza vaccine to those who are older than 65 years, immunocompromised or with comorbidities
- smoking cessation
what are complications of pneumonia?
- respiratory failure
- hypotension, due to a combination of dehydration and vasodilation due to sepsis
- parapneumonic effusion and empyema
• pleural effusions are common in pneumonia
• the majority are simple exudative effusions
• but empyema may develop, where there is pus/purulent fluid in the pleural space - lung abscess
what is an empyema?
collection or gathering of pus within a naturally existing anatomical cavity; e.g. pleural empyema is empyema of the pleural cavity
what are indications of empyema in pneumonia?
- ongoing fever
- failure of fever or markers of inflammation (WBC/CRP) to settle on antibiotics
- pain on deep inspiration
- signs of pleural collection (stony dull percussion, reduced air entry)
how is parapneumonic effusion and empyema diagnosed?
- fluid would be yellow and turbid (cloudy/opaque)
- pH less than 7.2
- low glucose
CXR shows pleural effusion
what is seen in thoracocentesis in parapneumonic effusion and empyema?
- fluid would be yellow and turbid (cloudy/opaque)
- pH less than 7.2
- low glucose
what is the treatment of parapneumonic effusion and empyema?
chest drain immediately and antimicrobials
- co-amoxiclav
- piperacillin-tazobactam
- meropenam (for anaerobic coverage)
what is a lung abscess?
- a type of liquefactive necrosis of the lung tissue and formation of cavities (more than 2cm) containing necrotic debris and fluid caused by microbial infection
- severe localised suppuration within the lung associated with cavity formation visible on CXR
what are causes of lung abscess?
- aspiration (alcoholics, oesophageal obstruction)
- inadequately treated CAP
- TB
- foreign body inhalation
- septic emboli (usually containing Staphylococci)
- Streptcoccus milleri (viridans streptococci, alpha-haemolytic and optochin resistant)
- anaerobics e.g. Klebsiella pneumonia
- other Gram negative bacteria
what is the treatment of lung abscess as a complication of pneumonia?
- prolonged antibiotics for up to 6 weeks
* surgical drainage may be required
what is the epidemiology of tuberculosis?
- one third of worlds population is infected
- 9 million cases per year with 2 million deaths
- global incidence on the decline
- majority of cases are seen in Africa and Asia (India and China)
- cause of death for most people with HIV
what 4 microbiological species cause tuberculosis?
- Mycobacterium tuberculosis (most common cause)
- Mycobacterium bovis (where milk is unpasteurised)
- Mycobacterium africanum
- Mycobacterium microti
what are features of the 4 microbiological species that cause tuberculosis?
- aerobic, non-motile, non-sporing, slightly curved rods/bacilli with a thick waxy capsule
- acid-fast bacilli (resist decolorisation); go red/pink with Ziehl-neelsen stain
- only stained weakly with Gram stain due to high lipid content in their cell wall
- slow growing; generation time is 15-20 hours
- resistant to phagolysosomal killing by macrophage, hence granulomatous
- able to remain dormant
- airborne infection spread via respiratory droplets
- only a small number of bacteria need to be inhaled for infection to develop
what are the risk factors for tuberculosis?
- origination from a high-incidence country e.g. Sub-saharan Africa
- HIV + resulting in immunosuppression
- immunosuppressant therapy (chemotherapy or monoclonal antibody therapy)
- diabetes mellitus
- ageing
- malnutrition
- homeless i.e. poverty
- prisons
- smoking
- alcohol
what do the TB-causing microbiological species do in the body in primary tuberculosis?
• once inhaled into the lung, alveolar macrophages ingest the bacteria
• the bacilli/rods then proliferate inside the macrophages and cause the release of neutrophil chemoattractants and cytokines, resulting in an
inflammatory cell infiltrate reaching the lung and hilar lymph nodes
• macrophages present the antigen to the T lymphocytes with the development of a cellular immune response
• a delayed hypersensitivity-type reaction occurs, resulting in tissue necrosis and formation of a granuloma
• granulomatous lesions consist of a central area of necrotic material caused caseation, surround by epithelioid cells and Langerhans giant cells with multiple nuclei
• lymphocytes are present and there is a varying degree of fibrosis
what is the primary Ghon focus in primary tuberculosis?
- the initial granuloma that forms is called the Primary Ghon Focus
- found in the upper region of the lung in the sub pleural region
- the Ghon focus is seen on CXR as a small calcified nodule often in the upper parts of the lower lobes or the lower parts of the upper lobes in the midzone, happens where bacilli settle
where can primary and secondary lesions in TB occur?
- upper regions of lung in subpleural region
- primary lesion can also occur in the GI tract, particularly in the ileocaecal region
- bacilli can be taken to the lymph nodes (mediastinal, hilar, paratracheal and subclavicular) and secondary lesions can develop here
what is the Ghon complex?
the primary Ghon focus and caseous lesions in the lymph nodes are called the Ghon complex, in primary TB
what happens to the damaged areas in primary TB?
- the caveated areas heal completely and may become calcified
- some of these calcified nodules contain bacteria, which are contained by the immune system and the hypoxic acidic environment created within the granuloma; these bacteria are capable of lying dormant for many years
- if the bacteria cannot be contained and there is dissemination of the primary infection this can lead to miliary tuberculosis, whereby TB spreads to other organs
what percentage of people get primary TB and develop disease?
- upon initial contact with infection, less than 5% of patients develop active disease
- this percentage increases to 10% within the first year of exposure
what is latent TB?
in the majority of people who are infected, the immune system contains the infection and the patient develops cell-mediated immunity memory to the bacteria
what is reactivation tuberculosis?
- majority of TB cases are due to reactivation of latent infection (this is post-primary TB) usually occurs when there is depression of host immune system e.g when older or in severe infection
- the initial contact usually occurred many years earlier
- in patients with HIV infection, newly acquired TB is common
what are other types of TB?
- TB of bone and spine
- miliary TB (widespread systemic TB)
- pericardial TB
- TB of the skin
what is the clinical presentation of TB?
- any manifestation of TB can occur in primary or reactivation disease
- extrapulmonary involvement is far less common in primary disease
- systemic features (weight loss, fever, anorexia, night sweats, malaise)
- pulmonary TB
- lymph node TB (swelling, discharge)
- bone TB (pain, swelling, Pott’s disease)
- abdominal TB (ascites, abdominal lymph node swelling, ileal malabsorption)
- genitourinary TB (epididymitis, frequency, dysuria, haematuria)
- CNS TB (bacilli, exudate, raised ICP, cranial palsies, meningitis, headache, vomiting, confusion, coma)
- extrapulmonary TB
what is the clinical presentation of pulmonary TB?
• can be asymptomatic
• productive cough with occasional haemoptysis
• cough for more than 3 weeks
• can be pleuritic pain if pleural involvement
• chest pain
• breathlessness
• can be hoarse voice if laryngeal involvement
- consolidation
- pleural effusion
- pulmonary collapse caused by compression of a lobar bronchus by enlarged nodes
what is used to diagnose TB?
- sputum
- bronchoscopy if no sputum available
- histology (presence of caseating granuloma)
- culture
- nucleic acid amplification (differentiates between tuberculous and non-tuberculous mycobacteria)
- lumbar puncture and CSF examination
- latent TB diagnosis (tuberculin skin test and interferon gamma release assays)
what is seen on CXR in TB?
- patchy or nodular shadows in the upper zones with loss of volume, and fibrosis with/without cavitation
- consolidation
- with miliary TB the CXR may be normal or show miliary shadows
what is seen on sputum in TB? what is it stained with?
- stained with an auramine-phenol fluorescent test (more sensitive but less specific), it highlights bacilli as yellow-orange on a green background
- Ziehl-Neelsen (will appear red if TB) stain for acid- and alcohol-fast bacilli
what is seen in the culture in TB? what culture is done?
- liquid/broth culture
* solid culture on Lowenstein-Jensen slopes or Middlebrook agar
how is the tuberculin skin test used to diagnose TB? what are the results?
- TB antigen is injected intradermally
- cell-mediated response at 48-72 hours is recorded
- stimulates type 4 hypersensitivity reaction
- if positive then indicates immunity and thus contact with TB - consider interferon gamma testing
- immunosuppressed or miliary TB wont react (false negative)
- only moderately specific (false positives)
- won’t easily distinguish infection from disease
how are interferon gamma release assays used to diagnose TB?
- use antigens specific to M. tuberculosis e.g. ESAT-60 and CFP10 to distinguish between this and BCG vaccine or environmental mycobacteria
- IGRAs demonstrate exposure to M. tuberculosis but not active infection
what is the treatment of fully sensitive TB? what drugs are used?
patients with fully sensitive TB require 6 months of treatment (in CNS TB they need 12 months):
- rifampicin for 6 months
- isoniazid for 6 months
- pyrazinamide for 2 months
- ethambutol for first 2 months
- compliance is critical to reduce relapse and resistance
- to aid compliance there are special clinics called direct observed therapy where they give medication under supervision
what are features of rifampicin in TB treatment? what are some side effects?
- bactericidal, blocks protein synthesis; effective throughout treatment course
- used for 6 months for fully sensitive TB
- side effects; red urine, hepatitis and drug interactions
what are features of isoniazid in TB treatment? what are some side effects?
- bactericidal for rapidly growing bacilli (blocks cell wall synthesis), most effective in initial stages
- used for 6 months for fully sensitive TB
- side effects; hepatitis and neuropathy
what are features of pyrazinamide in TB treatment? what are some side effects?
- bactericidal initially, less effective later
- used for first 2 months for fully sensitive TB
- side effects; hepatitis, arthralgia/gout and rash
what are features of ethambutol in TB treatment? what are some side effects?
- bacteriostatic, blocks cell wall synthesis
- used for first 2 months for fully sensitive TB
- side effects; optic neuritis
how is TB prevented?
- active case finding to reduce infectivity i.e CXR of patients contacts etc.
- detection and treatment of TB via community nursing team using Mantoux and IGRAs
- vaccination
how is the BCG vaccination used to prevent TB? what organism is it derived from?
- live attenuated vaccine derived from Mycobacterium bovis that has lost its virulence
- variable efficacy but is still recommended in certain situations in developed countries i.e. neonates from high risk groups
- no longer offered routinely due to lack of cost efficacy
- shown to reduce risk of disseminated and CNS TB in babies and children
what are normal ABG values?
- pH: 7.35-7.45
- PaCO2: 4-6 kPa
- PaO2: 10-14 kPa
- HCO3: 22-26 mmol/L
- SaO2: more than 95%
what form of oxygen are you measuring in ABGs?
when measuring PaO2 in blood you are not measuring the total O2 but instead only whats dissolved in serum and not what is bound to haemoglobin
what are the steps for ABG interpretation?
- is there respiratory failure?
- what is the pH? Acidemia or Alkalemia?
- what is the primary disorder present?
- is there appropriate compensation?
- is there an anion gap?
- what is the differential for the clinical processes?
what is respiratory failure? when does it occur?
- inability to deliver suitable oxygenation to maintain aerobic metabolism at a cellular level
- occurs when there is hypoxaemia that is PaO2 less than 8.0kPa
what is Hb saturation?
the more binding of O2 there is to haemoglobin (Hb), the more haemoglobin becomes less accepting of O2
- Hb sat of 50% is expected at venous blood return
- Hb sat of 90% is expected at artery
how does carbon monoxide bind to Hb? how can ABGs detect this?
carbon monoxide (CO) binds to haemoglobin 200x more avidly than O2:
• if you only looked at the O2 sats then it will look normal since the CO binding will reflect good haemoglobin saturations
• however if you looked at the ABGs you will see the real picture
what is the alveolar-arterial difference?
- P(A-a)O2 is the alveolar-arterial difference in partial pressure of O2
- normal P(A-a)O2 ranges from 1-4kPa breathing room air (it increases with age)
what does an elevated alveolar-arterial difference indicate?
- a higher than normal P(A-a)O2 means the lungs are not transferring oxygen properly from alveoli into the pulmonary capillaries
- with the exception of right to left cardiac shunts, an elevated P(A-a)O2 signifies some sort of problem with the lungs
what is PaO2? can it tell us how much O2 is in the blood?
since PaO2 reflects only free O2 dissolved in plasma and not those bound to Hb, PaO2 cannot tell us “how much” O2 is in the blood
what is SaO2? does it tell us how much O2 is in the blood?
- the percentage of all the available heme binding sites saturated with O2 is the haemoglobin oxygen saturation
- note: SaO2 alone doesn’t reveal how much O2 is in the blood; for that we also need to know the haemoglobin content
what is the CaO2? what can it tell us?
- tissues need a requisite amount of O2 molecules for metabolism
- neither PaO2 nor the SaO2 provide information on the number of O2 molecules i.e. how much O2 is in the blood
- only CaO2 tells us how much O2 is in the blood; this is because CaO2 is the only value that incorporates the haemoglobin content
what are causes of hypoxaemia?
- reduced PaO2 - usually from lung disease (most common physiologic mechanism: V/Q mismatch)
- reduced SaO2 - most commonly from reduced PaO2, other causes include CO poisoning or a rightward shift of the O2 dissociation curve
- reduced haemoglobin content - anaemia
what can cause decreased tissue oxygen uptake?
- mitochondrial poisoning e.g. cyanide poisoning)
- left-shifted haemoglobin dissociation curve e.g. from acute alkalosis, excess CO or abnormal haemoglobin structure
what are causes of tissue hypoxia?
- hypoxia (low PaO2 and/or low CaO2)
- reduced oxygen delivery to the tissues
- decreased tissue oxygen uptake
what is acidosis? what are the different types and what causes them?
- a primary physiologic process that, occurring alone, tends to cause acidemia
- metabolic acidosis from decreased perfusion (lactic acidosis)
- respiratory acidosis from hypoventilation
what is alkalosis? what are the different types and what causes them?
- a primary physiological process that, occurring alone, tends to cause alkalemia
- metabolic alkalosis from excessive diuretic therapy
- respiratory alkalosis from acute hyperventilation
what is respiratory acidosis?
failure to get rid of CO2, resulting in a decrease in pH as CO2 builds up
what are causes of respiratory acidosis?
- hyperventilation
- any cause of respiratory failure (pulmonary embolism: type 1, hypoventilation: type 2)
what is the compensation for respiratory acidosis? how long does this take?
• the kidneys will increase H+ secretion (in the form of
ammonium) and will also release more HCO3- into the plasma which will increase pH as a result of the use of the ammonium buffer
• the increase in pH will take days
what is respiratory alkalosis?
too much CO2 lost, resulting in an increased pH as CO2 is lost
what are causes of respiratory alkalosis?
- CO2 depletion due to hyperventilation
- hypoxia
- type 1 respiratory failure e.g. pulmonary embolism - decrease in O2 and a decrease/no change in CO2
what is the compensation of respiratory alkalosis?
- the kidneys will decrease H+ secretion thereby retaining H+, and helping return pH to normal
- the decreased H+ secretion will also result in a decrease in HCO3- reabsorption resulting in more HCO3- excretion and thus a fall in plasma HCO3- further helping to increase pH and return it back to normal
what is metabolic acidosis?
excess acid production (intercalated cells release acid) resulting in a decrease in pH
what are causes of metabolic acidosis?
- renal failure
- GI HCO3- loss
- dilution of blood - more H2O in blood the more acidic it gets
- failure of H+ excretion i.e. hypoaldosternonism whereby insufficient aldosterone is released so less Na+ reabsorbed meaning less H+ secreted using Na+/H+ countertransporter
- excess H+ e.g. ketoacidosis
what is the compensation for metabolic acidosis?
the decrease in pH will stimulate chemoreceptors of the lung resulting in enhanced respiration resulting in a fall in CO2 resulting in an increase in pH
what is metabolic alkalosis?
metabolic condition in which the pH of tissue is elevated beyond the normal range
what are causes of metabolic alkalosis?
- increase in pH
- vomiting (due to the loss of gastric secretions which are rich in HCL)
- volume depletion
- alkali ingestion
- hyperaldosteronism
- hyperkalaemia - resulting in increased aldosterone release
what is the compensation of metabolic alkalosis?
the increase in pH inhibits the chemoreceptors of the lung thereby reducing respiration thereby increasing CO2, resulting in a decrease in pH
what are values for respiratory acidosis?
- decreased pH
- increased HCO3-
- increased pCO2
what are values for metabolic acidosis?
- decreased pH
- decreased HCO3-
- decreased pCO2
what are values for respiratory alkalosis?
- increased pH
- decreased HCO3-
- decreased pCO2
what are values for metabolic alkalosis?
- increased pH
- increased HCO3
- increased pCO2