Respiratory Flashcards
What is the first step in diagnosing asthma in adults with suspected Asthma (age > 16 years).
List 2 tests – either one positive then diagnose.
- Measure blood eosinophil count or FeNO
Raised eosinophil count → Diagnose asthma - FeNO ≥ 50 ppb → Diagnose asthma
What is the first step in diagnosing asthma in children and young adults aged 5-16 years?
Measure FeNO.
What should be done if asthma is not confirmed by FeNO level or FeNO cannot be measured?
Measure bronchodilator reversibility with spirometry. Or peak flow if unavailable.
What FEV1 increase indicates a diagnosis of asthma?
FEV1 increase ≥ 12% and ≥200 ml compared to measurement pre-bronchodilator.
What should be performed if asthma is not confirmed by any of the tests (FeNO, spirometry, peak flow)? List 2.
- Perform skin prick testing for house dust mite allergy.
- FBC - serum eosinophil count.
Negative then exclude. If still uncertain > paed specialist.
What is a major change in asthma management guidelines in 2024?
SABA-Free Pathways and regular ICS use.
What the first step in medical management of asthma (2024) in patients aged > 12?
What is it now called?
PRN - Low-dose ICS + formoterol (LABA) combination inhaler used as-needed.
This is referred to as anti-inflammatory reliever (AIR) therapy.
What does MART stand for in asthma management?
Maintenance and reliever therapy (MART).
List 3 medications used as ICS for asthma.
Beclomethasone, budesonide, fluticasone
What is Step 2 in the asthma management guideline (2024)?
E.g. Name the specific drugs.
MART: ICS + Formoterol used for daily maintenance and as needed.
Change: AIR therapy now PRN and maintenance.
What is Step 3 in the asthma management guideline (2024)?
E.g. patient not controlled despite low-dose MART.
Moderate-dose MART.
Increase MART dose.
What is Step 4 and 5 in the asthma management guideline (2024)?
E.g. patient not controlled despite moderate-dose MART.
Step 4: Check adherence to medications and then FeNO and eosinophil count. If FeNO or eosinophil count is raised, refer to secondary care. If not raised, proceed to the following step.
Step 5: Add LRTA or LAMA on top of MART.
Oral leukotriene receptor antagonist trial (LRTA) or a long-acting muscarinic receptor antagonist (LAMA) + moderate-dose MART. After 8-12 weeks:
- Asthma controlled → Continue this treatment.
- Asthma partially controlled but not adequately → Continue this treatment but try the other medication not used.
- Asthma control not improved → Stop LTRA or LAMA and try the other medication not used.
If not controlled: specialist advice.
For how long should the 5th step of asthma management be tried before adjusting/ referring to a specialist?
i.e. LRTA + moderate dose MART
8-12 weeks
Why is someone with asthma prone to exacerbations?
Chronic inflammation of the airways leads to bronchial hyperresponsiveness.
which causes bronchial constriction and mucus hypersecretion.
Causes of acute asthma exacerbation. (List 3)
- Cold air, exercise
- Respiratory infection
- Irritants and allergens: pollution, smoke, dust, strong odour
SOB, wheeze, chest tightness, cough.
List 2 medications that can precipitate asthma
NSAIDs, beta-blockers
How do you determine treatment of an acute asthma attack?
Grade it by severity.
Three severities of an asthma attack that don’t respond to initial AIR therapy.
- Moderate
- Severe
- Life-threatening
What are your bedside investigations for suspected asthma exacerbation?
Start from examination.
- Resp exam: inspection of breathing effort, auscultation for wheeze and breathing.
- Vital signs: O2, heart rate, respiratory rate
- ** Peak expiratory flow** test (measure against predicted value)
- **ABG **if life-threatening.
Important investigation for patients with suspected life-threatening asthma..
SpO2 might be > 92% which is dangerous
Look at CO2 and pH as well.
Describe the features of moderate, severe, and life-threatening exacerbations.
Start from presentation e.g. Speech, exam, vital signs, PEFR etc.
Moderate: can speak, but PEFR 50-75%, slightly raised RR and HR
Severe: Can’t complete full sentences, PEFR 35-50%, RR > 25 and HR>110
Life-threatening: Can’t speak, may have altered mental status, silent chest, cyanosis PEFR <35%, PaO2 <92%
Red flags for life-threatening exacerbation of asthma. (List 4)
- Unable to speak/ depressed conscious state
- Cyanosis, silent chest, feeble respiratory effort
- O2 sats <92%
- PEFR < 35%
Any one present requires hospital admission. E.g. patient may have good O2 sats but is completely unable to speak and looks really unwell.
A patient with a history of asthma presents acutely SOB despite inhaler.
What warrants immediate referral and admission to hospital for treatment?
Severe and life-threatening asthma. Esp with pregnant women.
Often patients can’t speak properly and has deranged vital signs. PEFR < 50%.
Mild-moderate may be managed in community.
List 2 management options of moderate acute asthma exacerbation in the community.
Salbutamol (spacer or nebulised)
Prednisolone 40-50mg if needed.
Management options of acute, severe asthma in hospital.
- Oxygen - aim for target saturations of 94-98%
- Nebulised (oxygen driven) salbutamol 5mg
- 40-50mg prednisolone oral (IV if not responding) for 5 days
Main addition is oxygen therapy.
Management options of life-threatening asthma in hospital. (List 3 essential therapeutics)
Consider A-E, meds, non-meds
- O2 supplementation targeting 94-98%
- Salbutamol (SABA) and Ipratropium (SAMA) - combined, nebulised.
- Hydrocortisone IV (100mg) or prednisolone PO (40-50mg)
If not responding:
5. Magnesium IV infusion
6. ICU/ expert help
What should be checked, to complete the management of an asthma exacerbation once patient is stable?
Inhaler technique
Review management plan e.g. if step-up needed. (By GP)
Definition of chronic bronchitis
Cough with sputum production for at least 3 months a year for 2 consecutive years.
What causes the pathophysiological changes found in COPD?
Chronic inflammation (caused by inhlaed particles i.e. smoking)
Inflammatory cells (neutrophil, macrophages and lymphocytes) release inflammatory mediators. This leads to airway remodelling, mucus hypersecretion and tissue destruction.
What are the 3 pathophysiological changes found in COPD that causes obstructive airflow?
- Airway remodelling: thickened airways due to increased smooth muscle and fibrosis
- mucus hypersecretion: stimulated by chronic inflammation
- tissue destruction: parenchymal destruction —emphysema. Alveoli are progressively destroyed.
How does COPD affect the capillary pressure in the lungs and the heart?
Chronic hypoxia leads to thickening of vessel walls and narrowing of pulmonary arteries.
This can increase pulmonary arterial pressure and lead to pulmonary hypertension. > R-sided ventricular hypertrophy/failure, peripheral oedema etc.
Apart from smoking, list 4 other risk factors for COPD?
- Occupation exposure of dust, fumes, chemicals (mining, construction and manufacturing.)
- Air pollution
- Alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency
- Asthma
When should you suspect COPD in a patient?
NICE says to suspect COPD in people >35 with a risk factor and one or more of the symptoms e.g. progressive, breathlessness, worse on exertion, chronic productive cough, wheeze, frequent lower respiratory tract infections e.g. during winter.
List some signs of COPD upon examination (from observation etc.)
- Cyanosis
- Accessory muscle use, pursed lip breathing
- Raised JVP
- Peripheral oedema
- Hyperinflation of chest
- On percussion: hyperresonance
- On auscultation: wheeze, crackles
How do you describe breathlessness that is worse on exertion?
Exertional breathlessness
How is COPD diagnosed?
Spirometry. FEV1/FVC < 0.7 post-bronchodilator