Respiratory Flashcards
Is the tubular and cavernous organs that allow atmospheric air to reach the membranes across which gases are exchanged with the blood which includes the air passages and the lungs.
The Respiratory System
Is the act of breathing or act of respiring.
Is the taking in of air or breathing in.
Is the breathing out or the expelling air from the lungs.
Is a hollow tube about 4.5 inches in length extending from the Larynx to the Bronchi below.
It commences opposite the sixth cervical vertebra (C6) and extends down to the fourth dorsal body (T4).
Is the panty-like structure on the bifurcation of the two bronchi.
Are the final minute tubes and are continuous with the air spaces of the lungs.
Are the organs of respiration that occupy the (R) and (L) chest
Are spongy, crepitant, float on water and have elastic tissue in their walls, frequently blue-gray in color because of inhaled dusts.
The partition between the two halves of the chest. It extends from the base of the neck to the diaphragm.
Mediastinum (Middle Septum)
Natural division that separate the Lobes of the lungs.
Fissure or Grooves
Are small units of each Bronchopulmonary segment containing many minute air sacs.
Lobules (Little Lobes)
Is the active tissue of the lungs.
Is a depression on the medial surface of each lung where vessel and bronchi enters into the lungs.
Is its attachment to the mediastinum and is composed of all the structures entering or leaving the lung which includes the pulmonary artery and veins, bronchial arteries and veins, main bronchus, lymph vessels and nodes and nerves.
Lung Root
Is the lining membrane of the chest cavity and the covering membrane of each lung which includes:
Parietal & Visceral
Is the space between the lungs and the chest wall between the visceral and parietal pleura.
Pleural Cavity
Is the triangular space in the lower chest between the chest wall and the adjacent rounded margin of the diaphragm.
Costophrenic Sinus or Sulcus