Where is the thorax in the body?
Between the abdomen and the neck
What is the inlet of the thorax?
The top of it
What landmarks identify the inlet?
Posteriorly where the T1
Anteriorly where the costal cartilage of the first rib and superior boarder of the manubrium is
Laterally where the first rib is
What is the outlet of the thorax?
The bottom of it
What landmarks identify the outlet?
Posteriorly where the 12th thoracic vertebrate is
Anteriorly where the costal cartilage of the 7-10th ribs and xiphisternal joint are.
Laterally where the 11th and 12th ribs are.
What are the parts of the sternum?
Xiphoid process
What are the features of the sternum?
Jugular notch
Clavicle notch
Sternal angle
At which level is the sternal angle found
T4 and T5
At which level is the clavicle notch found?
How many pairs of ribs are there?
What is the direction of movement in the ribs during inspiration?
Up and out
Like a bucket handle
What are the true ribs?
Rib 1-7
Directly connected to the sternum
What are the false ribs?
Rib 8-10
Indirectly connected to the sternum
What are the floating ribs?
Ribs 11 and 12
Not connected to the sternum
What are the typical ribs?
Ribs 3-9
Head which has two articular facets
What is the shape of the first rib?
Broad and flat
one articular facet
Anterior grove where the subclavian vein runs
Scalene tubercle attachment site for the scalene muscles
Posterior grove where the subclavian artery runs and the lower branch of the brachial plexus
What muscles are used in inspiration?
external intercostal
What muscles are used in expiration?
If forced the internal intercostals
Describe the intercostal muscles
Run in different directions, external towards the belly button, internal away from the belly button. The innermost are vertical.
Sit in between the ribs.
VAN bundle in the costal grove of the superior rib in-between the innermost and internal intercostals.
Collateral group inferior.
How are the intercostal muscles innervated ?
Intercostal nerve which is somatic and carried sensory and motor nerves.
What is the movement of the diagram during inspiration?
Descends and flattens
Describe the shape of the diaphragm
Large muscle with a central tendon
Two domes the right of which is slightly higher than the left
Two crus which are tendon like structures attached to the vertebrate.
Has three hiatuses
Describe the left crus
Describe the right crus
Fibres wrap around the oesophageal opening and prevent reflux of gastric content
What are the three hiatuses
T8 there is a caval opening which cuts through the central tendon allowing the inferior vena cava and right phrenic nerve through.
T10 the oesophageal hiatus cuts through a muscular sling of the right curs allowing the oesophagus and vagus nerve to pass.
T12 the aortic hiatus cuts between the left and right curs allowing the aorta, azygos vein, hemiazygos vein and thoracic duct to pass.
How is the diaphragm innervated?
Phrenic nerve both motor and sensory comes from C3,4,5
Inferior = Motor
Central = Sensory
Peripheral = Intercostal