Respiratory Flashcards
What are symptoms of pulmonary fibrosis?
DRY cough
Weight loss
What are signs of pulmonary fibrosis?
End-inspiratory crackles (bibasal)
Reduced chest expansion
What is seen on CXR in pulmonary fibrosis?
Widespread infiltrates, interstital shadowing
What is seen on CT in pulmonary fibrosis?
Ground glass opacification, honeycombing, mosaicism
What drugs cause pulmonary fibrosis?
Methotrexate Amiodarone Dopamine agonists Nitrofurantoin Sulfasalazine
What are causes of ARDS?
Pulmonary causes of ARDS: Sepsis Aspiration Pulmonary contusion (bruise in or on lungs – caused by force to the chest) TRALI
Non-pulmonary causes: Non-chest sepsis Acute pancreatitis DIC Drug overdose
What is the stepwise management of asthma?
- Add daily low dose ICS
- Add montelukast
- Increase dose of ICS
What is the staging of COPD?
By FEV1 Stage 1 = >80% Stage 2 = 50-79% Stage 3 = 30-49% Stage 4 = <30%
What is seen on ECG in pulmonary HTN?
P mitrale
How do you determine the management of pneumonia?
CURB65 or CRB65 (in general practice)
Confusion Urea > 7 RR > 30 BP systolic <90 or diastolic <60 >65
If CURB65 of 0/1 and CRB65 of 0 = Oral Amoxicillin/Doxy/macrolide
If CURB65 of 2 or CRB65 of ½ = 2 Antibiotics
If CURB65 of 3-5 or CRB65 ¾ - Admit for IV Co-Amox + Another oral
How is aspiration pneumonia treated?
IV Cephalosporin + IV Metronidazole
What is seen on CXR in lung cancer?
Pleural effusion
Hilar lymphadenopathy
What is seen on ECG in PE?
Sinus tachycardia
Deep S in lead I
Pathological Q in lead III
Inverted T in lead III
Where do you aspirate a pneumothorax?
16-18G cannula placed in the 5th intercostal space mid-clavicular line.
Where do you place a chest drain?
5th intercostal space mid-axillary line
Where do you decompress a tension pneumothorax?
Wide bore cannula 2nd intercostal space mid clavicular line
How to analyse pleural effusion fluid analysis?
Protein (g/L) > 35 = Exudative, <25 = Transudative.
If between 25-35.. Light's criteria: Exudative if meets one of these criteria 1) Pleural protein:Serum protein >0.5 2) Pleural LDH:Serum LDH >0.6 3) Pleural LDH >2/3 upper limit for serum LDH
Which malignancies are most likely to cause pleural effusions?
What are side effects of pyrazinamide?
Hyperuricaemia leading to gout
Liver toxicity
What are features of Kartagener’s syndrome?
Complete situs invertus Bronchiectasis Recurrent sinusitis Subfertility Right testicle hangs lower
What is atelectasis? How does it present?
Basal alveolar collapse
Common post-operative complication
Dyspnoea + Hypoxia at around 72 hrs post -op
What is correct inhaler technique?
1) Remove cap and shake
2) Breathe out gently
3) Put mouthpiece in mouth, as you begin to breathe in , slow and deep, press canister down and continue to inhale steadily
4) Hold breath for 10 seconds
5) For a second dose wait for approx 30 seconds
When to use CPAP vs. BiPAP?
BiPAP is used in T2RF - eg in a COPD exacerbation
Helpful in COPD patients who retain CO2
CPAP is used in cardiogenic pulmonary oedema eg Heart failure which has not responded to Furosemide
Also used in hypoxia, pneumonia and obstructive sleep apnoea
How is a NSCLC managed?
How is a SCLC managed?
Palliative chemo
What can raised amylase on pleural aspirate suggest?
Oesophageal perforation
What can heavy blood staining on pleural aspirate suggest?
What is the management of obstructive sleep apnoea?
How can sleepiness be assessed in obstructive sleep apnoea?
Epworth sleepiness scale
How and when can you step down asthma management?
If a patient has not had to use their salbutamol can trial stepping down steroids by 50%