Respiratory Flashcards
What are the stages of sarcoid on CXR?
1) BHL
2) BHL + infiltrates
3) infiltrates
4) Fibrosis
What is the treatment of Chlamydia psittaci?
What treatment can be used to prevent acute mountain sickness
acetazolomide (carbonic anhydrase inhibitor)
what is the treatment for high altitude pulmonary oedema
nifedipine/dexamethasone/acetazolamide/ phosphodiesterase type V inhibitors
What is the treatment for EAA
oral glucocorticoids
what % of recent CXRs are reported as normal in lung ca patients?
What is the most dangerous form of asbestos?
Crocidolite (blue) asbestos
What are the indications for steroids in sarcoidosis
Parenchymal lung disease, uveitis, hypercalcaemia, neuro/cardiac involvement
What is first line treatment for suspected VTE
When should a chest drain be inserted as first treatment for a pneumothorax
Secondary PTX in >50yrs with rim >2cm and/or SOB
What is management of secondary PTX less than 1cm
Oxygen and admit for 24hrs
When can discharge be considered in PTX
primary PTX <2cm
How long after PTX can you fly
2 weeks after successful drainage or 1 week post check X-ray
What protein level do exudate pleural effusions have
> 30
What are lights criteria for an exudate
Pleural fluid protein divided by serum protein >0.5
What is the LDH of an exudate according to lights criteria
Pleural fluid LDH >2/3 upper limit of normal serum LDH
What are the characteristics of life-threatening asthma
PEFR <33% O2 sats <92% Normal pCO2 Silent chest, cyanosis Bradycardia, dysrhythmia, hypotension Exhaustion, confusion, coma
What is the PEFR of moderate asthma attack
Which type of hypersensitivity reaction predominates in EAA
Type III
Which organism causes redcurrant jelly sputum
What is seen on brochoscopy in lung carcinoid
Cherry red ball lesion
What is the most common bacterial organism in IECOPD
H. Influenzae
What % A1AT function is PiSS
What condition is caused by a deficiency in a protease inhibitor which normally protects cells from
neutrophil elastase
Alpha-1 antitripsin deficiency
What FEV1 is a contraindication for lung cancer surgery
FEV1 < 1.5L
What is the mechanism of hypercalcaemia in sarcoidosis
Increased activity of 1-alpha hydroxylase causes increased calcitriol
What is the most common organism that causes chest infections in teenagers with CF
What x-ray findings are in keeping with coal pneumoconiosis
Multiple small round opacities in the upper lobes
Which dust inhalation is associated with egg-shell calcification of hilar nodes
What condition is at increased risk after silica exposure
What condition is associated with 40% of yellow nail syndrome cases
Which lung cancer is associated with clubbing and bone pain
Squamous cell lung cancer
Which cells are involved in small cell lung cancer
APUD cells (amine, precursor uptake, decarboxylase)
Which cancer involves endocrine K cells and has a fluffy/spiked appearance
Bronchial carcinoma
What condition produces multiple petechiae in the axilla 1-3 days after a fracture
Fat embolus
What condition is associated with crazy paving on HRCT of chest
Pulmonary alveolar proteinosis
What is the treatment of pulmonary alveolar proetinosis
Wash alveoli out with salt
What FEV1 represents stage 1 COPD
FEV1 > 80%
What FEV1 represents stage 3 COPD
What is a catamenial pneumothorax
Spontaneous PTX in menstruating women
What organism causes respiratory symptoms shortly after bird contact
Chlamydia psittaci
What are the causes of lower zone pulmonary fibrosis
IPF, asbestos, SLE, Drugs
What are the causes of upper lobe pulmonary fibrosis
AS, Sarcoidosis, pneumoconiosis, TB, EAA, Silicosis, radiation, Histiocytosis
What condition is diagnosed by pentalaminar X bodies on bronchoalveolar lavage
Histiocytosis X
What resting PA pressure is diagnostic of PAH
> 25 mmHg
What FeNo value is positive in diagnosis of asthma
> 40
What type of EAA is caused by thermophilic actinomycetes
Mushroom workers lungs
What organism is responsible for malt workers lung
Aspergillus Clavatus
What does Saccharopolyspora Rectivirgula exposure cause
EAA - Farmer’s lung
What factor does smoking increase lung cancer by
What factor does coal dust increase lung cancer by
0 - it doesn’t
Which elements increase risk of lung cancer
Arsenic, radon, nickel, chromate, aromatic hydrocarbon
What are the predisposing factors for OSA
Obesity, macroglossia (acromegaly, hypothyroidism, amyloidosis), large tonsils, marfan’s syndrome
What FEV1 improvement is considered ‘reversible’
> 12%
What surgical treatment can be used for A1AT deficiency
Lung volume reduction surgery, lung transplantation
What pH is NIV indicated in COPD
Which lung cancer secretes PTH-rp
Squamous cell lung cancer
What is the MOA of varenicline in smoking cessation
Nicotinic receptor partial agonist
What is the MOA of bupropion in smoking cessation
Norepinephrine and dopamine reuptake inhibitor and nicotinic antagonist
What is a contraindication to taking bupropion for smoking cessation
Epilepsy (+pregnancy and breastfeeding)
Which smoking cessation should be used with caution in depression
Which HLA is associated with bronchiectasis
What syndrome presents with recurrent sinusitis, bronchiectasis, sub-fertility and dextrocardia
Kartagener’s syndrome (primary ciliary dyskinesia)
What is the vital capacity
Maximum volume of air that can be expired after maximal inspiration
4.5L in men, 3.5L in women
VC = inspiratory capacity + ERV
How is total lung capacity calculated
What is the tidal volume
Volume inspired or expired with each breath at rest
500ml in males, 350ml in females
What is the functional residual capacity
When should LTOT be offered in COPD
pO2 <7.3, or pO2 7.3-8 and: polycythaemia, nocturnal hypoxaemia, peripheral oedema, pulmonary hypertension
Which organism causes red-currant jelly sputum
What is the treatment for COPD with no asthmatic features that is unresponsive to SABA
What is the management of pleural plaques
No follow-up (benign)
Which cancers cause calcification in lung metastases
Chondrosarcoma, osteosarcoma
Which cause of pneumonia is commonly associated with cold sores
Streptococcus pneumoniae
Which cause of pneumonia is common after influenza infection
Staph aureus
What FVC indicates respiratory support in GBS
When should ABPA be excluded
Asthma with raised eosinophil count
When is Mg indicated in acute asthma
Severe asthma not responding to inhaled bronchodilator OR life threatening asthma
What condition causes hypoxia worse when upright due to vascular dilation of lung bases
Hepatopulmonary syndrome
What FEV value is the cut off for pnuemonectomy
> 2.0
What % of TB pleural effusions stain positive for AAFB
Which enzyme is activated by macrophages in sarcoidosis
1-alpha hydroxylase
Which TB treatment is contraindicated in chronic liver disease
Which investigation has the highest positive predictive value for sarcoidosis
Transbronchial biopsy
What’s the treatment of chronic pseudomonas infection in CF
6 months oral azithromycin
Which jobs increase risk of silicosis
Quarry workers, sand blasters, pottery workers and stonemasons
What is the best investigation to monitor prognosis in Guillian Barre Syndrome
What is the best investigation for assessing compression of the upper airway e.g. thyroid goitre
Flow volume loop
Which gram negative bacilli is associated with severe worsening of resp symptoms in CF
Burkholderia cepacia
What old treatment for TB involved removal of ribs into a collapsed area of lung
What is the best investigation for empyema
Pleural fluid pH (<7.2)
What is the recommended regime for PJP prophylaxis in patients who are not HIV positive
Co-trimoxazole 160mg/800mg PO three times weekly
What is the recommended regime for PJP prophylaxis in patients who are HIV positive with a CD4 count <200
Co-trimoxazole 80mg/400mg PO daily
What are absolute indications for intercostal drainage
Identification of organisms on gram staining/culture, frank pus on aspiration
Which organism causes pneumonia and is associated with cold sores
Strep pneumoniae (reactivates HSV)
What demonstrates an “owls eyes” pattern on histological staining of Transbronchial biopsy
CMV pneumonitis
What is responsible for over 50% of deaths after the first year of lung transplant
Bronchiolitis obliterans
Which organism can cause severe pneumonia in a pregnant patient
Listeria (immunocompromised) - treat with IV amoxicillin
What is the most common manifestation of SLE related lung disease
What is seen on histology of Sarcoid granuloma
Granuloma with prominent epithelioid cells with sparse lymphocytic infiltrate at the margins
What FEV1 is associated with peri-operative risk
FEV1 < 0.8
What does a click synchronous with the heart sounds on auscultation of the chest signify
Small left apical pneumothorax
What presents similarly to cystic fibrosis but with a low calculated globulin fraction
X-linked hypogammaglobulinaemia
What can be used to treat severe COPD where symptoms are not controlled on maximal inhaled therapy
Roflumilast (phosphodiesterase type 4 inhibitor)
What does a positive 1-3 beta-D-glucan test indicate
PJP infection