what is an aerosol
dispersion of solid particles of liquid droplets in a gas
need energy to form an aerosol
what are the 3 types of inhalers
- nebulisers
- pMDI - stored in pressure off solid (most common)
- DPI - no pressure. energy source is the the force of inhalation
- aq drug solution/suspension aerosolised into droplets
- energy provided by compressed air or ultrasound
- not portable
- can deliver a large dose but it’s not a unit dose
- drug formulated in a liquefied gas under pressure
- aerosol formed by evaporation of gas at atm
- produces a unit dose on each actuation
- drug with solid excipients in a dry powder state
- aerosolisation by patient’s inhalation
- produces a unit dose on each actuation
Jet nebuliser (or atomizer)
- air from compressor forced through a narrow hole to give a high velocity air stream
- air stream breaks drug solution/suspension into droplets for inhalation
- baffles removes larger particles
- mask/mouthpiece used
- energy source = compressed air
- involves a pump and power source
Ultrasonic nebuliser
- piezoelectric crystal emits a high frequency ultrasound that breaks a drug solution/suspension into droplets for inhalation (electric charge which creates sound waves - vaporises liquid)
- particles in suspension may be degraded by ultrasound as lots of energy put in
- suspension: inhale undissolved particles (≤5 microns)
- solution: droplets (≤5 microns)
- lighter and quieter than jet nebuliser
- no pump
how to use nebulisers
- patient breathes normally into facemask/mouthpiece
- good for children and elderly
advantages of nebulisers
- aq drug solutions used (easy or soluble drugs)
- no hand-lung co-ordination needed
- no controlled inhalation manoeuvre
- large doses can be given
- low cost
- visible mist - patient reassured
disadvantages of nebulisers
- not fully portable
- equipment not yet fully regulated
- lengthy nebulisation time (1 hour)
- low efficacy: 10% drug reaches lungs
- solution concentrates as water evaporates
- insoluble drugs require surfactants or use suspension
- suspension can be difficult to nebulise
- microbiological contamination: chance of infection
pMDI canister
- withstand high pressure
- robust (resistant to damage)
- light in weight (steel/aluminium)
- inert and non-stick (internal surface coated to prevent drug adhesion/degradation)
- aluminium/stainless steel
pMDI metering valve
- ensures accurate and reproducible volume of drug
- 25-100 microlitres
- if want more drug: DPI
pMDI propellant
- liquid under pressure (3-5 atmospheres)
- gas at atmospheric pressure and ambient temperature - low bpt (liquid boils to form gas)
- vapour pressure must stay constant (dose uniformity)
- non-flammable and non-toxic
- chemically inert and compatible with drug formulation
- chlorofluorocarbons were used
ozone depleting gases
responsible for cold-freon effect - hydrofluoroalkanes
drugs needed to be reformulated due to different properties of HFA vs CFC
new valve materials
reduce carbon footprint of MDI by 90% to a level similar to a DPI
pMDI drug aspects
- dose per actuation = 5micrograms - 5mg
- particle (droplet) size of drug: <5microns needed
- drug substances usually large solid particles when manufactured (100microns - allow good flow) and poly disperse so size reduction required:
can change physical form of drug - can lead to polymorph change (different solubility and stability and hence bioavailability), degradation due to heat and formation of amorphous material
pMDI drug formulation
- soluble in propellent
- insoluble in propellent:
micronised drug particles suspended in propellent
surfactants added to increase suspension stability
(most common)
pMDI suspension formulation
- each volume of suspension must be homogenous
- surfactants aded to improve stability/homogeneity of suspension and aid in formation of a flocculated suspension (easily redispersible)
oleic acid, lecithin
if insoluble in HFA - ethanol as co-solvent to solubilise them
problems with suspensions
- sedimentation
- non-homogeneity - flocculation
- reversible aggregation (good if controlled) - caking
- clumping in layer
- hard to redisperse - particle size growth by Ostwald ripening
- large particles grow at expense of smaller ones
- small crystals dissolve, and redeposit onto larger crystals
how to minimise caking
controlled flocculation:
- slow flocculation (patient shakes, doesn’t immediately sediment out, time to use device)
- slow sedimentation
- easy redispersion
always shake before use to redisperse settled flocculates
excipients that can be included in a pMDI
- flavours: mask bitter drugs
- sweeteners: mask bitter drugs
- lubricants: improves valve operation (surfactants?)
- density modifiers: decrease sedimentation rate
- anti-oxidants: prevent chemical degradation (esp liquids)
why is co-ordinating activation with inhalation so difficult for patients
- due to the speed of drug release (0.1 seconds)
- particles leave at high velocity
- therefore get high deposition in oro-phayrnx and low deposition in lung
how does a spacer help with improving inhalation with pMDI
- doesn’t suspend med for an extended period
- so still need to co-ordinate to an extent their breath to begin slightly before actuating pMDI
how does a valve holding chamber device help with improving inhalation with pMDI
- added-one way valve which prevents medication loss if patients exhales into device
- traps and suspends particles long enough to be inhaled over a few seconds
advantages of spacer and VHC devices
increased lung deposition
- delay actuation and inhalation
- decrease velocity of spray (less back of throat)
- more time for propellant to evaporate (get rid of taste)
disadvantages of spacer and VHC devices
- cumbersome
- decreases dose inhaled due to deposition in device