what is personal data
what is special data
ethnic origin
health data
what is patient-identifiable info
where is anonymised info used
in research
what type of duty is the duty of confidentiality
professional and legal
has evolved out of common law
does confidentiality continue after a patient dies
what is the data protection act 2018
governs the processing of personal data
incorporates GDPR as part of the act
doesn’t apply after death of patient
what is the human rights act 1998
right to respect for private and family life
what is administrative law
governs actions of public bodies
NHS bodies have limitations and powers
government can provide additional statutory powers
what is the GPhC standard
pharmacy professionals must respect and maintain a person’s confidentiality and privacy
what is the access to health records act 1990
- living individuals have rights to access their data under GDPR
- personal representative of a deceased person
- anyone with a claim arising out of a patient’s death can claim access
when can patient identifiable information be accessed
by healthcare
individuals explicit valid consent
legal requirements
robust public interest
is anonymous information confidential
what is the freedom of information act 2000
gives right to seek information held by public authorities but personal data is exempt
when can information be disclosed
- with valid consent (from patient or representative)
- ‘need to know’ basis - ie providing direct care (issue with blood test so discuss with HCP)
- statutory requirement - births, deaths, illnesses, to GPhC
- in public interest
what is disclosure in public interest
- to prevent and support detection or investigation of a serious crime (domestic violence/sexual abuse)
- prevent abuse or seriously harm to patient/third party/public
- to protect children
- to protect vulnerable adults
what is the Caldecott guardian guidance 2021
- recommends appointment of a Caldecott guardian in all organisations providing services as part of NHS
- includes community pharmacists