Resource Management Flashcards
Plan Human Resource Management
2.6.1 Planning Process Area Human Resource Mgmt KA
The process of identifying and documenting project roles, responsibilities, required skills, reporting relationships, and creating a staffing management plan
Inputs: Project Charter, Project Management Plan, Project Documents, EEF, OPA
Tools & Techniques: Expert Judgement, Data Representation, Organization Theory, Meetings
Outputs: Resource Management Plan, Team Charter, Project Documents Update
Organization Charts & Position Descriptions
2.6.1 Plan Human Resource Management TT
Hierarchical-Type charts
Matrix-based charts
text-oriented formats
2.6.1 Plan Human Resource Management TT
The formal and informal interaction with other in an organization, industry, or professional environment
Organizational Theory
2.6.1 Plan Human Resource Management TT
Provides information regarding the way in which people, teams, and organizational units behave
Resource Management Plan
2.6.1 Plan Human Resource Management Output
Provides guidance on how project human resources should be defined, staffed, managed, and eventually released
- Roles and Responsibilities
- Project Organization Charts
- Staffing Management Plan
RACI Matrix
2.6.1 Plan Human Resource Management Output
Table that lists the role or people on the top, the specific activities, work or responsibilities down the side, and the level of responsibility that each person or role has for each of the activities
Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, Informed
Staffing Management Plan
2.6.1 Plan Human Resource Management Output
Component of the HR management plan that describes when and how project team members will be acquired and how long they will be needed. Describes how HR needs will be met.
- 6.1 Plan Human Resource Management Output
- Staff acquisition
- Resource calendars
- Staff release plan
- Training needs
- Recognition and reward
Estimate Activity Resources
2.6.2 Planning Process Phase, Human Resource Mgmt KA
Process of estimating the type and quantities of human resources required to perform each activity.
Inputs: Project Management Plan, Project Documents, EEF, OPA
Tools & Techniques: Expert Judgement, Bottom-up Estimating, Analogous Estimating, Parametric Estimating, Data Analysis, Project Management Information System, Meetings
Outputs: Resource Requirements, Basics of Estimates, Resource Breakdown Structure (RBS), Project Documents Update
Resource Calendar
2.6.2 Estimate Activity Resources Input
Calendar that identifies the working days and shifts of which each specific resource is available.
Activity Resource Requirements
2.6.2 Estimate Activity Resources Output
Identify the types and quantities of resources requires for each activity in a work package
Resource Breakdown Structure
2.6.2 Estimate Activity Resources Output
Hierarchical representation of resources by category and type.
Acquire Resources
3.6.3 Executing Process Area, Human Resource Mgmt KA
Process of confirming human resource availability and obtaining the team necessary to complete project activities
Halo Effect
3.6.3 Acquire Resources Term
Putting someone in a position they can’t handle, just because they’re good at another job
3.6.3 Acquire Resources TT
When project team members are selected in advance.
Built into staffing management plan– sometimes you have resources that are guaranteed when you start the project, so you don’t need to negotiate for them
3.6.3 Acquire Resources TT
Ability to influence others
3.6.3 Acquire Resources TT
When performing organization is unable to provide the staff needed to complete the project, the required services may be acquired from outside sources. This can involve hiring individual consultants or subcontracting the work to another organization.
Virtual Teams
3.6.3 Acquire Resources TT
When your team members don’t all work in the same location. Useful when you’re relying on consultants and contractors for outside work.
Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis
3.6.3 Acquire Resources TT
Selection criteria are often used as a part of acquiring the project team. By use of a multi-resource analysis tool, criteria are developed and used to rate or score potential team members.
Criteria can include availability, cost, experience, ability, knowledge, skills, attitude, international factors
Develop Team
3.6.4 Executing Process Area, Human Resource Mgmt KA
Process of improving competencies, team member interaction, and overall team environment to enhance project performance
Inputs: Project Management Plan, Project Documents, EEF, OPA
Tools & Techniques: Colocation, Virtual Teams, Communication Technology, Interpersonal and Team Skills, Recognition and Rewards, Training, Individual and Team Assessments, Meetings
Outputs: Team Performance Assessments, Change Requests, Project Management Plan Updates, Project Documents Updates, EEF Updates, OPA Updates
Tuckman Ladder
3.6.4 Develop Team TT
Forming - team meets and learns about the project/roles/responsibilities
Storming - Addresses project work, technical decisions, and mgmt approach. If team is not collaborative and open, can lead to counterproductive environment
Norming - Team begins to work together and adjust their work habits and behaviors to support team
Performing - Function as a well-organized unit. Interdependent and work through issues smoothly and effectively
Adjourning - Team completes work and moves on from the project
Ground Rules
3.6.4 Develop Team TT
Establish clear expectations regarding acceptable behavior by project team members
3.6.4 Develop Team TT
Also known as “tight matrix” or “war room”, involves placing many or all of the most active team members in the same physical location to enhance their ability to perform as a team
Personnel Assessment Tools
3.6.4 Develop Team TT
Give the project manager and team insight into areas of strength and weakness. Used to figure out how the team approaches the work and how they like to work together.
Includes focus groups and surveys
Interpersonal Skills
3.6.4 Develop Team TT
Leadership Team Building Motivation Communication Influencing Political & Cultural Awareness Decision Making Negotiation Trust Building Coaching Conflict Management
Legitimate Power
3.6.4 Develop Team TT
Power used when you assign work to someone who reports to you
Reward Power
3.6.4 Develop Team TT
What you have when you can reward a bonus or other kind of reward in order to motivate team members
Expert Power
3.6.4 Develop Team TT
The team respects you for your expertise in a specific area, and gives you credibility for that
Referent Power
3.6.4 Develop Team TT
Means that people admire you, are loyal to you, and want to do what you do because you’re part of a cool crowd
Punishment Power
3.6.4 Develop Team TT
Ability to correct a team member for poor behavior
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
3.6.4 Develop Team TT
People have needs, and until the lower ones are satisfied they won’t even begin to think about the other ones.
McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y
3.6.4 Develop Team TT
Two kinds of managers:
X: one who assumes everyone on the team is selfish and unmotivated
Y: one who trusts their team to do a good job
Herzberg’s Motivation-Hygiene Theory
3.6.4 Develop Team TT
You need things like good working conditions, a satisfying personal life, and good relations with your boss and coworkers– hygiene factors. They don’t motivate you, but you need them before you can be motivated. Until you have them, you don’t really care about motivation factors like recognition, achievement, personal growth, or career advancement
Expectancy Theory
3.6.4 Develop Team TT
You need to give people an expectation of a reward in order to motivate them– but this only works if that aware is achievable.
If everyone knows the award is either worthless or impossible to achieve, it will actually demotivate them.
McClelland’s Achievement Theory
3.6.4 Develop Team TT
People need to be motivated. Achievement is when someone performs well and is recognized for it. Power means he or she has a lot of control or influence in the company. And someone feels a strong affinity from being part of a working team and having good relationships with coworkers.
Team Performance Assessments
3.6.4 Develop Team Outputs
As project team development efforts such as training, team building, and colocation are implemented, the project management team makes formal or informal assessments of the project team’s effectiveness.
You’ll keep track of how well the team is performing so that when the team has problems, you have a good baseline to compare against
Manage Team
3.6.5 Executing Process Area, Human Resource Mgmt KA
Process of tracking team member performance, providing feedback, resolving issues, and managing team changes to optimize project performance.
Inputs: Project Management Plan, Project Documents, Work Performance Reports, Team Performance Assessments, EEF, OPA
Tools & Techniques: Interpersonal and Team Skills, Project Management Information System
Outputs: Change Requests, Project Management Plan Updates, Project Documents Updates, EEF Updates
Collaborate/Problem Solve
3.6.5 Manage Team TT
Problem Solving Technique
Incorporating multiple viewpoints and insights from differing perspectives
Most effective way to resolve a conflict
3.6.5 Manage Team TT
Problem Solving Technique
Searching for solutions that bring some degree of satisfaction to all parties in order to temporarily or partially resolve the conflict
3.6.5 Manage Team TT
Problem Solving Technique
Emphasizing areas of agreement rather than areas of difference; conceding one’s position to the needs of others to maintain harmony and relationships
3.6.5 Manage Team TT
Problem Solving Technique
Pushing one’s viewpoint at the expense of others; offering only win-lose solutions, usually enforced through a power position to resolve an emergency
3.6.5 Manage Team TT
Problem Solving Technique
Retreating from an actual or potential conflict situation; postponing the issues to be better prepared or to be resolved by others