What are the steps in performing a RESEARCH PROCESS?
- Identifying the Research Problem
- Formulating the Research Design/Method
- Data Gathering
- Coding and Analyzing
- Interpreting The Results
What are the criteria for a GOOD RESEARCH TOPIC?
- Interesting
- Relevant to the need of the people
- Innovative
- Cost Effective
What are the 4 M’s you should consider in having a COST EFFECTIVE RESEARCH?
M - Man
M - Money
M - Materials
M - Machinery
What are the 5 parts of a RESEARCH TITLE?
- Independent Variable
- Dependent Variable
- Locals/Setting
- Research Goal/Result
- Methodology
NOTE: The independent, dependent and research goal/result are the MOST IMPORTANT
What are the parts of Chapter 1 (IN ORDER) ?
1). Introduction
2). Background of the Study
3). Statement of the Problem
4). Research Hypothesis
5). Scopes and Limitations
6). Significance of the Study
It is the type of HYPOTHESIS that denies and shows NEGATIVE effects of the RESEARCH STUDY.
Null Hypothesis
It is the type of HYPOTHESIS that agrees and shows the POSITIVE effects of the RESEARCH STUDY.
Alternative Hypothesis
This is the OVERVIEW of the research study.
This discusses more BROAD about the RESEARCH TOPIC.
Background of the Study
These are the current issues and problems in your research study. (mostly the gaps)
Statement of the Problem
These are the logical guess, assumptions and predictions.
Research Hypothesis
The objectives that you aim for the mostly answers that how, when, where, and who.
These are the obstacles you face in your research study.
The people that benefit to your research study.
Significance of the Study
Research topic attracts the attention of the investigator to study it further.
Researchers must keep in mind that they work not for themselves but for the people.
Relevant to the needs of the people
Research might be a restatement and restricting of an old problem to make it new.
The 4M’s- Man, Money, Materials and Machinery are needed in conducting research. It should be economical and effective in solving the problems of society.
Cost effective
Is the procedure used in collecting and analyzing data.
Research Method
Two types of Research Method?
Quantitative and Qualitative
Used to quantify perceptions, behaviors, observations, and other defined variables in the form of numbers and figures.
Quantitative Research
It comprises various forms of survey questionnaires, structured interviews and coded developmental observation.
Qualitative Research