research methods: lab/field/natural experiment Flashcards
laboratory experiments
- takes place in lab or controlled setting
- seen as more scientific and objective method
- one variable (iv) is manipulated and other variables kept constant and controlled so effects can be seen on what is being measured (dv)
- have experimental and control conditions - experimental group does something and control group does not. control group provides a baseline measure e.g. what the dv would be without any manipulation. results from experimental group are compared to baseline measure
- to be true experiment ppts should be randomly assigned to experimental or controlled conditions
- participant and situational variables are controlled e.g. using same room at same time of day (situational variables** and making sure as far as possible that ppts were not hungry in one of conditions and not the other and so on (participant variable)
- aim of lab experiment is to find cause and effect conclusion so that scientific knowledge can be built
field experiments
- carried out in field - natural setting e.g. school for teachers or pupils, hospital for doctors, nurses or patients or prison for prisoners and guards
- apart from natural setting, field experiments have same features as lab experiments including manipulated iv and measured dv, controls (e.g. standardised procedure/instructions) and aiming for cause and effect conclusions
strengths: laboratory
- easier to replicate a lab experiment. this is because a standardised procedure is used
- allow for precise control of extraneous and independent variables. this allows a cause and effect relationship to be established
weaknesses: laboratory
- artificiality of setting may produce unnatural behaviour that does not reflect real life e.g. ecological validity. this means it would not be possible to generalise the findings to a real-life setting
- demand characteristics or experimenter effects may bias the results and become confounding variables
strengths: field
- behaviour in a field experiment is more likely to reflect real life because of its natural setting e.g. higher ecological validity than lab experiment
- less likelihood of demand characteristics affecting results, as ppts may not know they are being studied. this occurs when the study is covert
weaknesses: field
- less control over extraneous variables that might bias results. this makes it difficult for another researcher to replicate the study in the same way