Research Methods in Psychology Flashcards
What are the three Quantitative Research methods
-Correlational studies
What are the four Qualitative Research methods
-Focus group
-Case study
Sampling methods for Quantitative research
-Stratified (proportion of subgroups matches population)
Sampling methods for Qualitative research
-Quota (no. and characteristics decided before sampling)
-Purposive (Characteristics predefined)
-Theoretical (Until data saturation)
Generalizability in Quantitative research
Experimental studies
-Ecological Validity
-Population Validity
-Construct Validity
Correlation studies
-Population Validity
-Construct Validity
Generalizability in Qualitative research
-Sample-to-population generalization
-Case-to-case generalization
-Theoretical generalization
Credibility in Quantitative research
Experimental studies
-Internal validity (controlling variables)
Correlational studies
-Credibility (Method of obtaining data)
Credibility in Qualitative research
-Establishing a rapport
-Iterative questioning
-Credibility checks
-Thick descriptions
Bias in Experimental studies / threats to internal validity
-Testing effect
-Regression to the mean
-Experimental mortality
-Experimenter bias
-Demand characteristics
Bias in correlational studies
-Curvilinear relationships
-Third variable problem
-Spurious correlation
Bias in Qualitative research
Researcher bias
-confirmation bias
-leading question bias
-question order bias
-sampling bias
-biased reporting
Participant bias
-social desirability bias
-acquiescence bias
-dominant respondent
Experimental designs
-Independent measures (one group one condition)
-Matched pairs design
-Repeated measures (one group many conditions)
What are the five types of Experiments?
-True (Random allocation of participants to conditions)
-Quasi experiment (groups set by difference in characteristics no cause and effect [more so correlation])
-Laboratory experiment (Artificial)
-Field experiment (real life setting, lots of cofounding variables)
-Natural experiments (In participants natural environment, IV manipulated by nature)
Effect size values and definition
The absolute value of the correlation co efficient (0-1)
-Less than 0.10 is negligible
-0.10 - 0.29 is small
-0.30 - 0.49 is medium
-0.50 and greater is large
Probability due to random chance values
More than 5% Result is not significant
Less than 5% Result is significant
Less than 1% Result is very significant
-Less than 0.1% Result is highly significant
4 Triangulations
-method triangulation
-data triangulation
-research triangulation
-theory triangulation
How to overcome order effect?
Question 1 on Paper 3 HL
-Identify the method used and outline two characteristics of the method
-Describe the sampling method used in the study
-Suggest an alternative or additional research method giving one reason for your choice
Question 2 on Paper 3
Describe the ethical considerations that were applied in the study and explain if further ethical considerations could be applied
Describe the ethical considerations in reporting the results and explain additional ethical considerations that could be taken into account when applying the findings of the study
Question 3 on Paper 3 HL
-Discuss the possibility of generalizing/transferring the findings of the study
-Discuss how the researcher may ensure the results of a study are credible
-Discuss how the research in this could avoid bias
What is a Quasi-Experiment?
Quasi-experiment is an experiment where participants cannot be randomly assigned to the independent variable
What are the types of observation?
-Naturalistic or Laboratory
-Participant or Non-Participant
-Overt or Covert
What are the types of Interviews?
What is a Focus Group?
-A group of 6-10 people
-The researcher plays the role of a facilitator
-Participants are encouraged to interact with each other.
-Holistic data is collected
Strengths and Limitations of Surveys
-Large amounts of data can be collected quickly
-Patterns of behavior can be observed
-No cause and effect
-Data is not in depth
What is transferability?
The extent to which research can be transferred to another setting or group in qualitative research
Double Blind
Peer review