Research Methods - Ethics and Professional Conduct Flashcards
Define: ethics
Standards that guide individuals to identify good, desirable or acceptable behaviour
What document contains ethical guidelines for research in psychology?
“National Statement On Ethical Conduct In Human Research” aka “National Statement”
Under no circumstances is the experimenter allowed to conduct research which causes the participant _________ _________ .
Severe distress
Research must balance _________ ___ _________ from the research findings and any __________ ___ _______ to the participants.
Benefits to society
Discomfort or risks
What are the six roles and responsibilities of the experimenter?
Confidentiality, voluntary participation, withdrawal rights, informed consent procedures, deception, debriefing
Describe confidentiality.
Participants have a right to privacy and any details about involve,eng in a study can’t be revealed without written consent.
If possible, procedures for establishing privacy must be explained to participants before study is conducted, including how research data can be accessed by others and the storage and disposal of research data
Describe voluntary participation
Experimenter ensures that participants are willing to be involved in a study.
The participants must not be pressured into the study and there is no consequences for choosing not to be involved.
Define: withdrawal rights
Participants informed that they can decline of withdraw their participation at any time, and there are no negative consequences for withdrawing from the study,
Describe informed consent procedures
Participants must be informed of the nature of the study, the procedures used and the purpose of the study.
They must agree to take part and give written consent.
Describe deception
If for scientific reasons the full details of an experiment are not disclosed, participants must be debriefed and experimenter must ensure no distress is caused.
Describe debriefing
Participants are informed of the purpose of the research at the end of the study.
Any issues or distress to the participants must be dealt with or must be directed to professionals
Informed of when and where results will be published
What type of ethics committee does the National Statement require all human research proposals to be reviewed and approved by?
Human Research and Ethics Committee (HREC)
What are the 8 requirements of the people on the HREC?
Minimum of 8 people
Preferably an equal number of men and women
Atleast one third not belong to organisation in which research is conducted
2 people with relevant experience to proposal
1 lawyer
1 person who performs pastoral care in the community
1 person who is professionally qualified in caring for/counselling people
2 people who aren’t scientific/law/academic professionals
What are the 6 roles of the HREC
To assess and approve research proposals
Ensuring research and ethics are in line with the National Statement guidelines
Ensuring researchers are experienced and qualified, or supervised
Monitoring approved research
Handling complaints
Ensuring accountability of the research
What organisations usually establish HRECs?
Hospitals and universities
Do all human research organisations have to have their own HREC?Can they use HREC resources from other organisations?
No, yes
What is the name of the ethics committee that is required by the NHMRC for animal research?
What does NHMRC stand for?
National health and medical research council
Define: no-harm principle
the researcher can’t conduct research which causes any physical, psychological or emotional harm
Define: beneficence
the advantages of the research must outweigh the risks or disadvantages