research methods Flashcards
what is an independent and dependent variable?
independent variable is the variable directly manipulated by rhe researcher in ordee to examine its effects
while the dependent variable is the variable being measured by the researcher
what is operationalisation?
making the variavle in an investigation detailed and specfic
What is an extraneous variable and give a few types of extraneous variables
it is a variable not controlled, which could affect the results of the study
1)confouding variable
an extraneous variable that affects the result of the study so that the effect of the IV is not truly seen
2) situational variable
an extraneous variable present in the environment of the study
3) participant variable
an extraneous variable specific to trye participants of the investigation, such as their mood abilities or personality
Way in which the study conducted can introduce situational variables
1) order effects when a participant improve or worsen in the second condition because they have practised or become fatigued
2) demand characteristics when the participants alter their behaviour in response to the perceived aims of the investigation
3) investigator effects is when a researcher unintentionally gives clues to a participant altering their behaviour
Ways in which to control situational variables
using standardised procedures, where the procedure of a stufy is the same across all conditions.
How to prevent order effectd
- counterbalancing which involves half of the participants experiencing the first condition and then the second condition, while the otjer half experience the second condition then the first condition. this way order effects are equally distributed in both conditions to cancel eachother out
2) randomisation, where each participant is assigned to the first or second condition as amatter of chance,
ways in which to control demand chsracteristics
1) single blind technique where information of the sstudy is withheld or nto told to the participants
2) double blind technique is where the aim of the study is withheld from both participant and researcher,,
ways in which to control participant variable
through random allocation, where participants are randomly assigned to a conditioj of the study, designed to precent only a certain type of person being in one condition of the study
what is a null hypothesis
a prediction fhat the result will fail to show any difference that is consistent or systematic such as
there will be no differencd in the numver or digits recalled whether participants listened to classical music or jazz, any difference is die to chance
what is an alternative/experimental hypothesis
a prediction of the outcome of a study baded on what is expected to happen, can either be directional or non directional
directional hypothesis is a hypothesis thst predicts the direction the resultd will go on
non directional hypothesis is a hypothesis that predicts that a difference/relationship will be found bit does not specify what the difference/relationship will be
what is an experimental hypothesis
the name given to a hypothesis when used in a field and labratory experiments
what is an experimental hypothesis
the name given to a hypothesis when used in a field and labratory experiments
What is a target population
the group of ppl beinng investigated in a study
what is generalisability
the extent to which the result of a study represent the whole population
what is a sample
a selection of the target population that is directly studied in an investigation
what is a sampling method and give several rypes of sampling method
a technique used to gather a representative group if people as a sample from the target population
1) random sampling technique
2) startified sampling technique
3) volunteer sampling technique
4) opportunity sampling technique
in depth what is random sampling technique, strength snd weaknesses
a technique used to gather a random sample of participants from the target population
- each member of the target population has an equal chance of being selected
- however some may refuse to participant as they havd the rights to do so, which can lead to a less representstive sample
stratified sampling technique in detail
s tec a technique that ensures sub groups of the target population are proportionally represented in a sample
wnsires that the sample is completely representstive as a cross section of a target population
time consuming and suffers from
the same weakness as random sampling. that ppl can refuse to tale part leading to sample error
what is a sampling error
when a sample differs in qualities from the target population it intends to represent
volunteer sampling technique in detail
a technique that asks for participants by placing an advert for volunteers
involvss minimal effort on hte part of resesrchers in identifying and selecting a sample.
most ethical sampling method because participants do not need to be ssked directly this avoiding placing pressure on tp participate
not everyone coild see the advert leading go biased sample as volunteers tend to ve a particular type of presonality or have the inclination to participate leading to unreliable findings
opporunity sampling twchnique in detail
recruits participants who are readily available at the time
, makes use of people who happe to be around the time of the research
rhis can be done with or withoutt their agreement
quickest and somplest sampling
can lead to bissed sample becUse not every memebee of the target population may be around at the time of the study
so not really feneralisable to the target population
findings can ve unreliable as if done in different times in a week they may differ
what is a research design and experimental design?
research design
how participants are allocated to the conditoons of the study
experimental design
the name fiven to the research design when used in an experiment
types of research and experimental designs
independent measures design
involves splitting participants into groips with each tested in only one condition of the study
repeated measures design
the same participants are used in all conditions of a study
matched pairs design
different participants are usee in each conditoon of the study but are matched for likeness on important characteristics
what are strengths and weaknesses of independent measures design
there are no order effects as participants take part in one condition of the
more participants required
maybe be individual differeneces between teh groups
controlling problems
participants can be randomly allocated to each condition