research methods Flashcards
is a group that is a subset or part of a larger group chosen to be studied for research purposes
the larger group from which a sample is selected and to which the researcher will seek to apply the results
research hypothesis
a testable prediction about the relationship between two or more variables. it should state the variables between them & a possible result of the research
independent variable
the variable that’s manipulated in some way by the researcher to measure its effect on the DV
dependant variable
the variable that’s used to observe & measure the effects of the IV
experimental group
exposed to the experimental condition in which the iV under investigation is present
control group
exposed to the control condition in which the IV is absent
extraneous variable
any variable that can cause a change in the DV & thus affect the results in an unwanted way
confounding variable
any variable other than the IV that has had an unwanted effect on the DV
EV - individual participant differences
biological, psychological or social - age, gender, athletic ability, intelligence, education, culture
EV - use of non standardised procedures & instructions
need to make sure all participants receive exactly same instructions, tested at same time of day, same materials
EV - order effects
in some experiments participants are exposed to more than one condition and they may be asked to perform the same task a number of times under slightly different conditions, may change performance in terms of practice effects or carry over effects
EV - experimenter effects
unwanted influence on the results due to the experiemnter, can include experimentar expectancy - cues the experimenter provides about responses they desire from individual
EV - placebo effects
occurs when there’s a change in the responses of participants due to their belief they are receiving some kind of experimental treatment & respond in accordance to that believe rather than the IV
Random sampling
means that every member of the pop has an equal chance of being selected to be part of the sample
stratified sampling
involves dividing pop into distinct subgroups then selecting a separate sample from each group reflecting their proportions in the population
convenience sampling
involves selecting participants that are readily available not trying to make the sample representative
random allocation
every participant has an equal chance of being in experimental & control conditions
used to manage order effects
systematically changing the order of treatments or tasks for participants in a ‘balanced’ way to ‘counter’ the unwanted effects on performance of any one order
single blind procedures
where the participant don’t know whether they’re in the control or experimental group
double blind procedure
where neither the experiemntar or particpants know whether the particpants are in the control or experimental group
the controlgroup can be given a placebo to mimic the expectations/beliefs of the experimental group
standardised instructions
all directions & explanations given to all particpants in all conditions are uniform, pre deetermined, identical
research design - independant groups
particpants allocated to either control or experimental
research design - repeated measures
each particpant is in both experimental & control groups, groups are identical so individual particpant differences are controlled
research design - matched particpants
each particpant in one conditon is ‘matched’ with someone in the other condition on one or more variables.- gender
experimental research designs advantages
- greater control over variables
- easily replicated & tested
experimental research designs disadvantages
lab setting
not eveything can be measures
research design - cross sectional study
selects & compares different groups of participants in one or more variables of interest at a single point in time
case studies
an intesnive in depth investigation of some behaviour or event of interest in an individual, small group or organisation
research design - observational studies
collecting date by carefully watching & recording behaviour as it occurs
research design - self report
the particpants written or spoken responses to questions, statements or instrcutions presented by the researcher
a decision about what the results obtained from research mean, state whether hypothesis was supported
a decision or judgement about how widely the findings of a study can be applied
the extent to which the results obtained from a research study are consistent, dependable 7 stable
the extent to which the procedures used for research study measure what the research intended to measure
- voluntary participation
-withdrawal rights - informed consent
- use of deception
- debriefing