Research method Flashcards
What is research method
Research method provide scientise with a framework for extracting information from individuals, families. small groups or entire culture
What are the four types of data
Primary data
Secondary data
Quantitative data
Qualitative data
What is primary data
these data are collected by the researcher themselves either by experiment , survey or observations
what is secondary data
these data are those data which have been collected by other people or organisation using historical documents
what is Quantitative data
these type of data which produces numeric information in the form of charts, statistics and answers questions like’ how many times’
what is Qualitative data
these type of data which produces descriptive information conveying words feeling. it is difficult to analyse
What are the things to consider when evaluating sociological data
Define Reliability
if the research is conducted again by a different research the result will be the same
Define Validity
this is how far the researcher projects gives the true picture of the subject that is being researched.
Define Representativeness
this is how far the research repressents the society as a whole
Define Objectivity
The result of the researcher should always be objectuve not based on personal believes and interests
What are the two approches to social reseach?
Maco sociologist
Micro sociologist
Define Macro sociologist
Macro sociologist looks at society as a whole through binoculars concentrating om overall patterns, system and organisation and they follow a zoomed out approach
Define Micro sociologist
Micro sociologist is a subset of sociology that studies small scale social interactions and small group
what are the two methodological perspectives
positivist and interpretivist