INTERVIEW Flashcards
What are the two types of interview
Structured interview
unstructured interview
Define Stuctured interview
Interviewer follows a set list of predetermined questions often fixed response options
e.g .close ended interview
Define unstructured interview
these are more flexible and open ended interviews where the interviewer has a general topic in mind but allows the conversation to flow naturally.
Advantages of structured interview
Simple to analyse- close ended questions using statistical methods
Easily replicable
Quick and efficient data collection
Clear informed consent
High reliability ; the ues of standard questions increases the relaibility because it ensures that participants are asked the same thing in the same way
Disadvantages of structured interview
time consuming in preparation
potential for stress
Lack of annoymity
low validity
predetermined categories
lack verstehen
lack flexibility
Advantages of using unstructured interview
there is no practical advanatages
Raport building; unstructured interview helps buid trust with participant making it easier for themm to share personal or sensitive information
Flexibility; the researcher can adapt the questions based on the participant responses
rich qualitative data
Disadavantages of unstructred interview
It is time consuming
training method; interviewer needs specialised skills to effectively probe responses and manage the conversation without bias
not fully Informed consent; the open ended nature of the questions can make it difficult for participant to know exactly what will be asked.
Emotional impact
Small sample size
lack reliability
difficult to quatify
What is group interview
This is when a group of people takae part in an interview
Advantages of group interview
it is cost effective ; conducting group interview can reduced the cost of both interviewing and transcription
Shared experience paricioant might feel more comfortable discussing sensitive issues when others with similar experiences are present
interaction effects
validity through intercation
interpretivist approach; group interviewers fit well an interptetivist methodology as they allow for exploration
Disadvantages of group interview
logistical difficulties ;it can be difficult to organise a suitable time and location for all participant to meet
confidentiality risk
peer pressure
less depth
reliability issues
reseacher bias