What are the two types of quesstionniares
close ended questions
open ended questions
What are some advantages of using close ended questions
it saves time and money
can result into quantitative data
What are some example of questionnaires
census- every ten years
Crime survey of England and Wales
What are some practical issues with questionnaires
response rate might be too low to give representative sample
leading questions or ambiguous questions
closed ended question have imposition problem
open questions can be too time consuming to analyse
There might be problems related to literacy as some people might have difficulty reading
What are ethical issues with questionnaires
Potentially sensitive topics can cause distress
Recording of information must be left in accordance with GDPR guidelines
Respondent may only give info if anonymity is maintained
May disclose responses that are immoral or require property to other bodies
What are theoretical issues with questionnaires
Closed questions lack validity due to fixed responses
Open questions lack reliability