Research Design Flashcards
Preclinical Research
Basic research
- in laboritories on animals
- focused on theory and understanding mechanisms of disease/therapies
Clinical Research
applied research
- human subjects
- focused on testing theories that find new and better was to detect, diagnose, treat, and prevent disease or develop theories
Model of clinical research process
Step 1
Identify the research questions
Model of clinical research process
Step 2
Design the study
- who will be studied
- how subjects will be chosen
- what to measure
- what statistical methods for data analysis
Model of clinical research process
Step 3
Implement the study
-collect data: most time consuming part of research process
Model of clinical research process
Step 4
Analyze the data
-apply statistical procedures to summarize/explore quantitative info in a meaningful way
Model of clinical research process
Step 5
Disseminate Findings
Descriptive research
- qualitative and quantitative
- case report
- describe a group of individuals on a set of variables
- uses questionnaires, interviews, direct observation, or database
Exploratory research
- observational without intervention
- find relationships between factors
- cohort studies
- case control studies
Explanatory research
- Experimental with intervention
- establish cause and effect
Cohort study
select a cohort who don’t have outcome of interest and follow them to see if they develop disorder
Case-Control study
select cases and controls and look back in time to determine if the groups differ with respect to their exposure histories
Longitudinal study
follow a cohort of subjects over multiple points in time performing repeated measurements