research Flashcards
A systematic and
investigation of
numerical data
and their
Quantitative research
Demands only real
or factual and not
emotional or
cognitive data
Quantitative research
to which
objective answers are
Research questions
to which
objective answers are
Research questions
This design is an excellent
way to finalize result; proving
or rejecting hypothesis
It filters out external factors
Results are real and unbiased
Strengths of quantitative research
There is usually some ambiguity, that requires
retesting and refinement of the design
Experiments can be difficult and
With there are few rooms for grey and
uncertainty—for instance, human nature
is a lot more complex than just a simple
yes/no response
Weaknesses of quantitative research
Attempts to describe the
current status of a selected
Provides information to the
subject of research
Descriptive research
Answers the extent of
relationship of 2 or more
variables using statistical data
Only the data, its relationships,
and distributions of variables
are studied.
Correlational Research
Attempts to establish cause-
effect relationship
its independent variable is not
manipulated and uses naturally
formed groups
“True Experiment”
Identifies and imposes control over
all other variables
Independent variable is manipulated;
subjects are randomly assigned
Experimental research
To understand particular communication
phenomena might be generalized to larger
It provides observational research through and based
on surveys or correlational studies
To determine how human behavior relates with other
people; individual differences that may affect human
Behavoiral science
To create educational principles based on understanding
human behavior
Education and Pyschology
properties or
characteristics of some
event, object, or person
that can take on different
value or amount
Causes change on the
dependent variable
Can be manipulated by
the researcher
Independent variable
Changes to this are caused
by the independent
Not manipulated by the
dependent variable
This links or intervenes
between dependent and
independent variable
Intervening variable
Variable that may
increase/ decrease the
relationship between
independent and
dependent variables
Antecedent variable
It is a systematic and refined technique of thinking, employing
specialized tools, instruments, and procedures in order to obtain a
more adequate solution to a problem.
is a systematic process of gathering
information, interpreting information, and analyzing
information to resolve a specific problem.
Lack of global/ international outlook
Weak and hesitant statements
Poor literature review
Unclear novelty and contribution
Emphasis on narrative (story) rather than the contribution (lesson)
Common flaws in Filipinos researches
It is a form of research that uses statistical data as
the main source of knowledge.
Quantitative research
It relies, not on numerical analysis, but on narratives and stories
coming from its respondents.
It aims to construct a story and a “thick” description of the object of
the study.
This form of research uses documents, anecdotes, and observations
as source of data.
Qualitative research
consistency of a measure of a concept
“there is very little variation over time in the results obtained if it
is administered to a group and readministered again.”
“consistency of a scale or index, whether respondents’
scores on any one indicator tend to be related to their scores on the other
Internal reliability
“being cautious of the
possibility of the inconsistency of observers when a great
deal of subjective judgment is involved”
Inter-observer consistency
refers to the issue of whether an indicator that
is developed to measure a concept really gauges that
“the measure reflects the content of the
concept in question”
evaluates the appearance of in the instrument
Face validity
“employs a criterion on w/c cases
are known to differ and that is relevant to the concept in
Concurrent validity
“uses a future criterion measure
rather than a contemporary one”
Predictive validity
“deduces hypotheses from a theory
that is relevant to the concept”
Construct validity
“the validity of a measure ought to
be gauged by comparing it to measures of the same
concept developed through other measures”
Convergent validity
It focuses mostly on how the dependent
and independent variables in the study correlate with
one another.
This refers to pursuing findings that
can be generalized beyond the margins of a certain
context in w/c the research was undertaken.
It is the ability to repeat an important
component of an activity.
Purposes of research
Discover new facts of known phenomena
Find solutions to problems that are only partially solved
Improve or develop new products
Discover unrecognized substances or elements
Validate generalizations into a systematic order
Provide basis for decision-making
Research is based on direct experiences or
observations of the researcher.
Research is based on valid procedures and